•Rose Parade Valentine's Day•

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Boo grabbed the bouquet of white roses and floated out of his abode, ready to see the girl of his dreams. It was Valentine's Day, and he wanted it to be go just like he had planned it out in his mind.

Give Liz the roses, ask her out on a date, and end the day with a romantic dinner.

What could be more perfect?

The spirit floated to the forest, whistling a tune to himself until he realized he had forgotten to get her a card! Boo grumbled and vanished to Toad Town.

He appeared inside Hallmark store and began to look at the cards they offered. As he browsed he saw a familiar female...

"Well, if it ain't Ms. Mario." He smirked slightly.

Violet glanced at him for a moment, her blue eyes piercing as usual before looking back at the cards. "Mmhmm."

"What brings you here, out of all people?"

"Just trying to find some cards for the brothers..." Was all she mumbled.

"Really? Irresponsible."

"Says the one who forgot a card for their crush."

Boo's cheeks turned a crimson red. "W-well I didn't forget. I just uh..."

"You just uh... forgot."

"I didn't!"

"Whatever dude... aha!" Violet picked out a card. She opened it and quickly closed it, seeing it was a music card. "Never mind..."

"Ooh, let me see." Boo snatched it and opened it, listening to the words.

'But I can't help falling in love with you~'

"This is it!" Boo grinned. He looked at Violet, eyes sparkling. "Thanks Vio!"

The Boo vanished with the card, not bothering to pay.

"You're welcome?" Was All Violet managed to say before he did so.

Boo was back in the forest, but this time in front of the glass pipe. He jumped in and slid down, his circular body almost rolling like a beach ball.

"Aaaauugh- Oof!"

The spirit landed on the warm sand of the Beach Sprixie Kingdom. He dusted the purple sand off and floated toward the big purple castle nearby.

He hummed to himself before he knocked on the big wooden doors.

The doors opened to reveal Liz.

"Hey Liz-"

Liz pulled him in quickly, shutting the doors.

"Uh, is everything okay?"

"No!" Liz squeaked. She cleared her throat. "No. Nothing's okay!"

She fluttered back and forth, furrowing her brows. Boo glanced down at his roses before looking back at the Sprixie princess.

"What's the matter?"

"I forgot!"

"Forgot what?"

"That today was Valentine's Day!" She frowned. "I didn't make any cards, any gifts. And I do that every year but this year has been so so so busy I complete forgot!"

"Well it's not your fault-"

"Everyone's gonna hate me, Boo! Even you!"

Boo held out the bouquet to her, shaken his head as he chuckled. "I don't hate you. No one is gonna hate you, Liz."

Liz stared at the white roses. She carefully took the bouquet and sniffed the flowers, a smile forming. "Mm, these smell so good Boo... thank you."

The Sprixie pecked his cheek before waving her wand, making the roses fly into a vase.

She inhaled deeply and then exhaled. "Ah, those roses made me feel much better." She glanced up at the ceiling. "That's it!"


"I could do a parade!"

"Parade?!" Boo never planned a parade.

"A rose parade! Violet told me all about the ride parades they do in the Other World!"

Liz waved her wand, a screen appearing in front of them. It showed a rose parade from 2016 in New York.

"That is a rose parade~"

Boo watched for a moment before turning to her. "Well, I mean, I can't stop you from doing a parade but-"

"Okay! You'll help me, right?"

Boo paused, staring blankly at her. Liz blinked, waiting for his response.

"Um... sure..?" Boo managed to smile, but so far the plans he had were vanishing.

"Great!" Liz fluttered off. "Follow me~"

Boo slowly floated after her, mumbling to himself. He saw her open the double doors to a big room.

He gasped when he saw the inside. It was full of balloons and decorations of different colors.

"This is the party room," She explained. Liz went up to the red section and picked out certain balloons and declarations. She looked at him.

Boo was staring at the floor, a sad look on his face.

"What's the matter, Boo?"

Boo snapped out of his trance. "Nothing! Um, nothing."

Liz nodded slowly.

-time skip-

The parade was about to begin. Boo glanced up from the floor when he saw her.

She wore a beautiful red gown, roses all over it. Her normal purple crown was changed for a silver one with three rubies on it.

"What do ya think?" She twirled in it.

Boo now had a bright red blush. "B-beautiful!" He exclaimed as he watched her.

Liz giggled. "Thanks, c'mon!" She grabbed his hand and lead him to the float.

The parade began, music filling the air along with, you guessed it, rose petals. 

Boo was nervous because of the many people, but the more he watched Liz the less nervous he felt. That was when he noticed she was wearing the white roses he had given her.

Liz looked at him, a bright smile on her face. "Noticed finally?"

"Yeah.." He chuckled softly. Boo then floated toward her. "Happy Valentine's Day, Liz..."

The Boo gave her a kiss on the cheek, making her  blush herself.

"Aw, Booooo!" Liz squeezed him tight, not letting go. "You're the sweetest!" 

She kissed him before letting him go. Boo was now a red color.

"A-Ahuh..." Was what he managed to say before fainting.

Happy late Valentine's Day~

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