Chapter 1

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Kako stalked into the camp. When everyone saw her they immediately straightened up. A ginger colored vixen came up to her and bowed her head. "A successful mission my lady?" Asked the vixen. "Yes Itia. Gather everyone. I have an announcement to make." 

When all the foxes were gathered she started. "The Skulk foxes have gotten more adventurous. We must take care of them and teach them a lesson. We can recruit the vixens." She narrowed her eyes, pouring her hatred into her gaze. "And KILL every last dog there." Her subjects cheered.

"I will talk to the leader of the Moor Skulk. If he submits to our rule then we shall spare them. Yes, all of them. But... if he declines" She smiled "Well then, my plan will be put in place." 

"This meeting is dismissed. I will individually call you to my den to tell you your part in the invasion. Dogs, you will not be coming. You will stay here and protect the young." She jumped down from her place in the meeting tree.

"Itia!" She yelled. The ginger vixen came into her den. "Yes my lady?" "Itia, you have been my longest and most faithful vixen, have you not?" Itia nodded "Of course my lady, you saved me from a badger when I was expecting kits and you got rid of my abusive mate. I swore on my life to be loyal to you."

Kako nodded. "Good, you will lead the charge, if it is necessary for us to fight." Itia looked shocked. "B..but my lady!" "Do you have a problem with your role?" "! Not at all!" She stammered. "It's just, I..I've never led a battle!" "You will do good. I trained you myself. Now, go. Get Tsia and Leyka." 

Itia nodded and ran off. She spent the rest of the afternoon giving vixens their roles and recruiting new ones. She had just givin assignments to the new recruits, Ipleo, Fissi, and Fylla, when her daughters came rushing in. 

"Mother! Mother!" Yelled Koraki "There's some foxes here to see you!" Kako shot up. "Where do they come from?" "The Forest Skulk, as far as we know." Said Kakos, almost out of breath. "Two vixens and a dog. Raschett is keeping them from entering the camp." Said Kyro. 

"Get Itia and Fotia and tell them to meet me at the entrance to camp. Let's see what these intruders want."

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