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A fox walks among the snowy moor, sniffing out the sent of prey. He catches a whiff of another fox. He tenses, slowly turning around to face the Forest. A pair of eyes watches him from the darkness. "Who are you?" He barks.

"Oh, you should know." Replies the fox. It's a vixen. "It's a wonder you strayed from your Skulk, the Forest is a dangerous place." "Come out of the shadows." Commands the skulk fox. 

She steps out. Her coat is as black as night, her eyes a piercing yellow. She has a scar across her snout and she has a creepy and unsettling grin on her face. "You look cold. Why not come to my hollow with me?" She offers.

The skulk fox hesitates for a moment. He doesn't like this vixen, but he is very hungry. He follows the fox to a tree with a hole in the trunk. When he steps in he smells blood, but not the smell of prey. This was fox blood.

He whirled around, ready to escape, but the vixen was already blocking the exit. He shrunk back against her gleeful gaze. "Oh, you will do nicely. Very nicely indeed." She stepped towards him, her eyes never leaving his. 

"Do you know what happens to dogs like you when they trespass on my territory?" She asked. The male trembled in fear. This vixen, whoever she was, seemed very powerful. She could probably snap his neck with a single blow. 

"Well, sometimes I'll let one of the girls have him, for a cost of his freedom of course, but usually, we like to have our fun before he dies." The male saw four more vixens appear behind the first one. Their eyes gleamed with hunger. This was it. He knew this was the day he died.

"Now, I would like to know a few things before we kill you." Said the vixen. "What is your name, for one, and which skulk you come from?" The dog trembled. " name Umber a..and I c..come from t..the Forest Skulk." The vixen smiled.

"Ah, yes. That one. Oh, I'm going to make your death extra gruesome." And the vixens advanced on their prey.

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