Chapter 2

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"What do you want?" Kako said, facing the three foxes. "Where is your leader?" Asked the male. Kako's vixens growled in anger. She knew what they were thinking. 'How dare this lowly dog disrespect our leader like that!' This was the kind of thing Kako hated. Disrespect.

"I am the leader here." She said. The dog frowned. "That couldn't be right. Only dogs can lead Skulks." Kako smiled. "Well, this isn't a Skulk. This is the League of Vixens and I am the leader here." The dog frowned again.

"Well, I am Pine, the leader of the Forest Skulk. You have been hunting on our land, taking our prey, and threatening our foxes." Kako laughed. "Oh we have been hunting on YOUR land have we? Oh, but we haven't. Your hunting land is past your Skulk, in the east side of the forest. We have been hunting in the west side, the side that faces the moor, and as for threatening your foxes," Kako smiled and leaned closer.

"Well, we aren't very fond of strange foxes on our land. Especially dogs." "Who are you?" Asked Pine. "Oh! You don't know? Well, isn't that surprising, I thought you would recognize me! After all, we were so called 'Best Friends'." Pine's face still stayed confused.

Kako rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe you'll remember an old crush." She beckoned for her sister, Fotia. Pine gasped as he saw the graceful orange vixen. "Flame?" Fotia growled. "That's not my name anymore Pine. My name is Fotia." Pine blinked. 

"Fotia? What's a Fotia?" Fotia rolled her eyes. "Of course, I forgot, you Skulk foxes don't speak the ancient language. Well, I'll clear it up for you. Fotia means Fire." Kako beckoned for Fotia to step back and let her handle this. 

"Well, now that you've aquatinted yourself, I suppose you should introduce me to your companions." Pine nodded. "This" he said, gesturing towards the dark brown vixen with mahogany brown eyes "Is Maple and this" he pointed his tail towards the other vixen, snow white with green eyes "Is my mate, Frost."

When he said the words 'mate' Frost seemed to wince. Kako narrowed her eyes, studying the females in front of her. They seemed like good vixens. Kako turned her attention back to Pine. "Okay, I'll tell you what. If you let me rule your Skulk and take these fine young vixens in and all the others who want to join, then we will not wipe you out. We will also allow you to keep hunting on your current land, as long as we can hunt there to."

Pine growled, but Maple and Frost seemed intrigued. "W..what would we have to do to join?" Asked Maple. Kako now realized that she was barely full grown. "Nothing. Just accept that I am now your leader and leave your Skulk. You'd live above dogs and free from their oppression."

Maple's face brightened. Pine growled. "Maple, my daughter, I forbid you to join this group of rouge foxes." Maple glared at her father. "What's stopping me? You never pay any attention to me! And you aren't nice at all to mother!" 

Raschett growled, deep in her throat. "What did you say?" Raschett, who was still on guard duty, advanced. Maple looked a little scared. "Pine never pays attention to me, and he's really mean to mother." Itia started growling as well. 

Both Raschett and Itia had been abused by dogs. Itia by her mate, Raschett by her father. That's why they hated them so much. Maple ran up to Kako. "Can I please join you? I don't want to live in the Skulk anymore. It's awful. Pine lets my big brothers bully me, one even tried to bite off one of my legs!"

Kako peered closer and saw a scar on Maple's left back leg. Kako felt furry building up inside of her. She growled. "Of course. That's no way for a vixen to live. Stand behind me." Maple did as she was told and hid behind her new leader.

Raschett, Itia, and Fotia started to surround Pine and Frost. Kako stepped forward. "If you still don't know who I am, I am Kako. I rule this part of the forest. Accept my rule or perish at our claws." Pine tried to push through the foxes surrounding him, but just ended getting bitten. 

Frost was looking between her mate and her daughter, clearly torn. Pine glared at Kako. "Oh, I remember you now, your that trouble making vixen that ran off with the traitor. You were once known as Malicious, weren't you? I can see now that you certainly have gone to the darkside."

Kako narrowed her eyes at Pine. "Well, I will give you one month to make up your mind." She turned towards Frost. "Would you like to join us?" Frost hesitated. "Frost! Don't do it!" Yelled Pine. Frost looked up at Kako. "C..could we talk about this? In private?" 

"Take him to a den and keep him there." Kako commanded her foxes. They took Pine to the tree hollow. Kako sat down. "So, why did you want to talk about this away from other ears?" She asked.

"Well, because..." Frost took a deep breath. "I was thinking. There are some vixens in the Skulk who would do well here." She stared around the forest. "Some who are sick, others who just... don't fit in. Some like Red." She stared down at her paws. "I would like to be a spy for you. To pretend to stay with the Skulk, but then to give you information and new recruits."

Kako smiled. "Yes, that will do nicely. I will tell my foxes about the arrangement. Do you have any requests or advise for or about your daughter?" Frost seemed startled. "W..why are you asking me?" "Any young vixen, or any vixen, who has been abused by a dog has a special place here." 

Frost shifted her paws. "Well, she's best at hunting and she doesn't do well around dogs her age. Her brothers were very mean to her. That story about the leg was true." Kako growled again. Frost continued "And... I would like you to tell her... that when I join her here, she'll be a big sister." Kako nodded. 

She called for the vixens to bring Pine back. He was shaking and had many new wounds. She quietly explained Frost's plan to them as Pine and Frost walked back to the Skulk. "Are you sure this will work?" Asked Itia. "What if she's lying?" "I can tell when a fox is lying, and with how powerful I am, and with how much her daughter hates her father, I think that if she was lying to us she wouldn't have been so nervous"

She beckoned to Itia, Fotia, and Maple to follow her inside the camp. She explained what Frost had said to the League. "Maple," she said. "Come here." Maple walked up to the base of the tree. "As you have now joined us, you need a new name. As you are currently called Maple we can translate."

Maple's eyes glimmered with excitement. "Your new name shall be Tami. You will be a hunter, as requested by your mother." Kako jumped out of the tree. "Your mother wanted to give you a message." She whispered the words into Tami's ear. Her eyes widened. "This meeting is over!" Yelled Kako, and she went to her den.

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