Chapter 10

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Nida's POV

           I woke up in the morning to go to hell again.My house which is not even mine.I came back to my house only to be insulted like always..

           "Kuch kaam ki hai hi nahi ye ladki,pata nahi kya hoga iska?"My so called mother was yelling again.
Ignoring her I went to help myself get some breakfast.

          After sometime I got a call..
"Hello"I said
"Hey beautiful"a familiar voice said.
"I'm sorry who is it?"I asked.
"Tumhaari aashiqui ka aashiq!"he said.
"Excuse me!!"I got irritated.
"Arey chill,it's me Varun"...
"Varun"I yelled in my phone.
"Ow.!Yeah what's so shocking?"he asked with a giggle.
"Oh nothing!"While in my mind'How did he got my number,He called me.
On top of that 'HEY BEAUTIFUL'..I was thinking when...
"Wo actually mujhe tumse milna tha.."
I can sense he was scratching his neck.
"Mujhse!!"I was shocked.
"Haa,Matlab mujhe wo jagah dekhni hai Tumhaare college ke paas waali..
Aur mujhe kuch zyada pata nahi h..To
would you help me?"
"Mmm"I thought for a while and said.
"Yes! For sure."
"Thanks..Ok so meet you up in my room where I took you at 2:00"
"Why your room?"
"See I just can't move in the streets,I need to change my attire and walk,Otherwise I'll be crumbled in the crowd.."He started laughing.I laughed at him too.Yeah he is right.
"Ok! Done"
"Hmm.Bye beautiful"and he hunged up.
Why is he calling me beautiful again and again?
Am I really?
I shook my head to let out all the thoughts and started to get something for me to wear.

             Wait!I need to tell mummy something or the other.Where the hell am I going?

             "Kaha jaa rhi hai?"she asked.
"College"I said genuinely."Kyu?"she again asked.I hate answering her stupid questions.."Marne.."I said in an irritated voice.
             "Why are you back answering me..?"she yelled."Well that's how communication works,isn't it?"I smirked.

              Moving out of my house with a handbag,I couldn't possibly think what should I do?After thinking for a while I thought to take someone with me..But who?"Assho" No man! I can't otherwise she would again start with her questions...Then whom??
It struck me"Anu" I'll take her with me.Yes!

            I dialled her number and call her.
"Hello"I said.
"Hey Bitch,what's up?".
"Listen,would you plz come up with me?"I asked her.
"Where to?"she asked.
"You just come na,I'll explain it to you on the way"I said.
"Ok"she said and hung up the phone.
Yes,she is ready to come with me,but God help Varun to handle her..I mumbled and started laughing.

          'Anu' actually it's 'Anusha'.She is not really very close to me but yeah whenever she needs an advice or needs someone to talk to she approaches me And she is the bigggggeessstt fan of Varun.She nearly have every single pic of him in her computer files,mobile this n that.
And here I'm taking her to meet Varun😂.....

             About 5 mins later,she came.
"Hurry with your words,I didn't even do my makeup properly (She is a makeup eater you can say)Just curious to know where we are heading too?"she asked.

            "Come with me"saying this I dragged her.We took an autorickshaw  and moved towards his house.Climbing the stairs Anu kept on pestering and nagging me."Kaha jaa rhe hai hum?Bol na..Bolna yaar"she said.But I just kept silent.

            Moving towards his room,My heartbeats were raising...It was so much that I could hear my heartbeats very easily.

            I knocked on the door and within milliseconds it shot open like he was just waiting on the door for..
For me?

Varun's POV

             From the time she said yes to meet me...My eyes were on the door itself..I again and again checked my watch to see when it's going to be 2.
Ugh! Why isn't time running fast?
I was walking back n forth..When all at once I sensed something different my heartbeats were not normal.
I was feeling Yeah! She's here.
I shot open the door to see her standing..Like a beautiful angel..

Anusha's POV

               This girl!She just called me in urgent and I ran for her to see if something serious..and here she is standing fine and smiling.After asking her where are we going..she just dragged me.

                Now we were moving in a flat,Where is she taking me? I kept on asking her but those words were deaf to her.We came to a door and as she was going to knock the door shot up and a guy was standing...Varun.

              My eyes widened watching him stand in front of me.Wait,he was staring at Nida.

Nida's POV

               We stood there and he was staring at me,I felt a bit awkward.He then moved on the side of the door gesturing us to walk in.We walked in and he went inside his room,Just then I saw Anu's wide opened mouth..As fast as I can I shut her mouth with my hands..showed her finger on her lip.
She moved her hands in the air and acted like dumb."I'll tell you everything later."I whispered.

             Varun came out wearing a normal red tshirt with sand coloured jacket and blue jeans.He wore a monkey cap on his head and goggles.
Oh my,now no one will understand that this guy is Varun.

             He gestured us to move and we moved out,he locked the door behind us.We went downstairs to find an auto..Yes we need to take an auto,we can't take Varun's car otherwise all media people will crumble us.

             We took an auto..Varun was the first to sit,I saw Anu making puppy face.."I know..I know,You are next." I said."Thanks"she said smiling widely.

             She sat beside Varun and I beside her.All the way long,Varun looked outside the auto..I saw Anu staring at him continuously.I squeezed her hand softly and nodded in negative.

            We reached there and I showed Varun the place he wanted to see.Anu was just blaberring along and I felt Varun staring at me continuously,I was getting uncomfortable because it.

          While coming back I and Varun were now close then before.

          We then usually met about 3-4 times.I was loving his company as time passed we became good friends,Yes I was not only his fan but also a friend.We genuinely hangout in cafe's even sometimes people recognized him there and asked for autographs and selfies.I was so happy.

             As always we headed to a cafe,Varun got a call.

Varun's POV

            We were talking when I got a call,I saw the caller ID and it showed KJ.Smiling I picked up the phone.
"Varun,wherever you,I just don't care come right in my office."
He was literally yelling on the phone.
"Hey,I am somewhere out and it's already 8:30,your office closes at this time na?"I asked.
"NO!! I want you here Mr.Dhawan this minute understand."He yelled and hang up the call.

             I was shocked,he was getting very aggressive,something's not right.
I dropped Nida in my car near her house and went straight to Karan's.

            I went in his office to see him seated on his chair.As I was entering he banged his hands on the table...
"What the fuck were you doing with that girl?"He yelled on top of his voice.

            How does he come to know?
I didn't had the courage yet asked him in a low voice"How do you get to know?....."

           "Not me,the whole world knows your stupidity now."he yelled again.

            I was hell confused.He read my expressions and switch on the big LED TV in his office.

            What I saw was Nida
crumbled with the papzzz all round her...Forwarding a thousand mics near her face,clicking her pics all flashes were going round her and she was afraid and was trying to make her way out of it...

Heyy guyss❤
Really miss you guys.
I know I am too late but understand na,I have exams on my head..Sorry(holding ears)
It's a longg chappy too.
The next update would be in a few days....
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Till then..




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