Chapter 11

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Varun's POV

"What the fuck is going over there.....Karan I'll just come.."I got ready to rescue her out of the crowd.When Karan said "Wait!" and pointed towards the TV,She already went inside her house.I let out a sigh of relief.

"Now would you Mr.Dhawan tell what the fuck is going on in your mind?He yelled.

"Karan,she is just a friend nothing else,we were just hanging ou.."I was cut off by him."From when did you started hanging out with commoners Varun?"He said with a smile..Ok so now I'm in a big trouble, whenever Karan gives that smile (A tip) Be Aware!!

"Look Karan,I met her in her clg annual day and she was my fan"I said.Karan mouthed an 'o' and had sass in his eyes.Ignoring it I continued.Then I started loving her..."

"What you started loving her??"Karan's eyes widen with shock and surprise at the same time.
"What! Karan first let me finish my sentences,don't just come up with anything"I said making faces.

"Ok continue..."he said now in a low tone."I started loving her company,her friendly attitude and love and care for people,there is just something about this girl which keep on attracting me towards her (I stood up thinking about her)..I don't know What?Why?Or How? But now we are friends and very comfortable with each other.."I came out of dreamworld as I was describing her I saw Karan staring at me with a smirk on his face,I raised my eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Look Varun,the girl you are talking about what's her name?"he asked."Nida"a smile curved on my face.Karan saw it and smirked again.
"Even if she is so much you're saying and your friend too but it doesn't approve from media's..They'll come up with some spices with them and you don't wanna get in these burrows right".He said.

"Of course not"I said frowning.
"Well then I'm afraid you would have to leave the girl and never meet her again."He said in a lower and calm voice.

"What the fuck!! I'm not leaving her in the middle.She is my friend,She has become a part of my life.I can't and I won't..."I yelled.
"Varun,listen..."I cut him off in the middle.
"No! I'm sorry Karan for letting you down this time but I just can't"I said now in a soft voice controlling my frown.

"Ok fine! You don't want to leave her but what about her Varun..Did you just thought for a second..How would she walk out of her house? All papzz will be chasing her to fire questions on her.She'll get her name linked with you and do you think her parents would allow her to meet you after all of this?"He said in a stern voice.

Karan is right,I was just being selfish..I didn't thought about her.
"Karan we need to come up with some idea,I don't know what but I'm not letting her go and neither I would like her being chased."I asked in a requesting and a pleading tone.

Karan and I sat together thinking of a way out."Idea!!" I exclaimed smiling widely."What?" he asked.

"Let's make her an actress..This way I can meet her too our friendhip wouldn't be ruined."I said still smiling."What!! Are you out of your bloody mind,No we can't"he said frowning."Aree just listen to me na,this girl has all the qualities of becoming an actress.Her dance moves,her expressions,some of her acting skills are perfect"I chuckled at the last line.Karan was just observing me."And?"he asked me to continue in a sarcasm manner.

"Karan just meet her once na,You will surely say,Yes!"I said pleading him nearly folding my hands and making up a puppy face.

"Oh god! Varun these filmy things of yours..Ok fine! I'll meet her."
I jumped in the air and gave a bone crushing hug to Karan."Ouch! Varun"he said by hitting slowly on my back.Parting from him "Sorry"I said giggling like a small child and pulling his cheeks,I left his office.


I've never seen Varun so happy before.I can see something in his eyes for that girl but just can't point it. Let's meet the girl and see if she is really what Varun told.


Nida's POV

I was crumbled with the media's all round me and was getting afraid and scared bcoz all of it.I've never experienced such a thing before..Some way or another I made my way out of them and went in my house.There were sitting my dad
Mom and brother.Ok so now I'm into the snake's pit.

Seeing me in the house my mother stood up and was coming near me..Oh no! I think I'm gonna get something."Wait!" I said and she stopped in her tracks her eyes burning."I can explain everything!"
"So explain everything"she yelled on top of her voice.

I told her a new story."I met Varun on our Clg annual day and we became good friends.He asked me to show up the place near our clg as he wanted to see it and that is when media people saw us"I said in one breath.

"But why you? There are so many people on this bloody planet why did he chose you only?? This doesn't explanation is not satisfying" she said in a questioning manner still yelling.

"I told you everything what else do you want?"I said in an irritated manner.

"You will not meet him again."
She said."What!!" I yelled with surprise and anger at the same time.
"Yes,you heard it right.You are not going to meet him again and that's my final decision."saying this she went in the kitchen.

I felt heartbroken.Me and Varun who are now such good friends will not meet again.Ofcourse I've not listened to my mother at first but this was a matter where I can't argue with her.Lowering my head and with a weakened body,I went inside the washroom.Tears filled my eyes and started flowing one by one from my eyes.

"I should've known this would happen.Now I should leave him alone and pretend it was just a dream as my dreams never have completed,this would add it's number in it.The best dream of my life which I will never forget."I muttered to myself.

After sometime I changed into some comfortable clothes and laid on the bed.I was not able to sleep.

Next day-------------------------------

Varun's POV

I called at her mobile like a hundred times but she didn't pick up.
After sometime she picked before I could say hello the person on the call said."Hello!..hello who is it?? Hello.."the person was literally yelling on the phone.I didn't answer and cut the call.It was a female's voice.
She sounded like a witch..well sorry for that but really it was.I don't know maybe it was her mother.

I moved in my car and made my way to her house,the papzz were not around thank god! Moving ahead to her door,I was hesitating to knock on the door but raised my hand up to knock with my raised heartbeats,when all of a sudden the door opened and she was standing in front of me..Yes,my angel.

She was standing on the door looking pale and weak,her eyes were red and swollen...with her red little nose and watery eyes.Does she cry??
I asked myself.

Nida's POV

I was holding back my tears as they didn't allow me to go to my clg.I was sitting on the couch and my heartbeats raised again it was like..Yeah he's here.

I ran towards the door and shot it open to see him standing right in front of him with his hands raised like he was just
going to knock.My tears were going to break their boundaries.

But my mother's words were ringing in my ears "You will not meet him again"....Lowering my eyes I was closing the door when he kept his hand on the door opening it.I was shocked at his behaviour and was just staring at him.He came inside the house...My mother came out of the kitchen and saw him coming inside.

She was too surprised and shocked at the same time.Why has he come here?

"I want to talk to you about something aunty"he said to my mother."About what?"she asked.
"I've come here for something"He said."For what?"my mother asked a bit annoyed."For Nida"he said looking towards me.My eyes widen with shock.My mother was now fuming.
"For her? What do you mean??"she asked.

"Actually aunty I've met Nida before and she has all the qualities of becoming an actress,so I'm here to offer her a film opposite me"he said with a wide smile.

I was just staring at him.I was happy as well as sad,I got confused to smile or cry?

"No,she won't do any films with anyone."she said with a stern voice.
Wha..whyy? "But why?"he asked with a sad face."Because I don't want her to"she said in a rude tone.Why is she so rude to him man....He's come up here for me.NO! I will not let my mother insult him like me.I jumped in between.

"Varun give us some time to think over it"I said making him understand.He stood up with a small smile on his face and went away.

"NO!!! You are not going to work in any films or such things,you understand"she yelled.

"Mummy you know I always wanted to be an actress,it was my only dream left.You have never made me fulfill my dreams.I have always sacrificed it for your son...Please mummy just this one..please...."I pleaded her nearly joining hands.

"Yes, you should always sacrifice everything for my son.If this dream is the only one left let's sacrifice it too."she evily smirked.

Anger and a bit of sadness was visible in my eyes.I lowered my head and went.

Evening time-------------------

I tried to ask dad,he is the only hope left. "Dad" I said nearly in a whisper."Yes!" he said.

"Dad,Varun came today in our house"I said still in a low voice.He stood up."What! Why?" he asked.
"Dad first listen to me,then I'll do whatever you want me to But first listen to me."I said in a low and a pleading voice.

He sat down and I told him everything (besides mine and mother's sacrifice topic) I looked up to him..."Dad this is my only dream,I want to accomplish it.Nobody gets such a chance and I'm getting it,please dad let me fulfil it..please"I looked up to him for a hope.

"Ok! If you want to then I'll not stop you"He said with a smile.

I was very happy now no one can interfere in this decision.Yay!!
I called Varun and told him everything.He too was happy with the decision.

"Ok so tomorrow morning be ready,I'll pick you up and we will head to Dharma Productions".
"Dharma Productions why?"I asked him.
"Wo actually Karan wanted to meet you"He said.
"Oh okay."I said.
"See you tomorrow beautiful"he said.
"See ya!"I said smiling widely.

Yes!Yes!Yes! I'm going to meet Karan and work in a movie opposite to Varun..Am I dreaming...Wow!!! I was nearly jumping with happiness.

I moved in my bed covering my self with the duvet,thinking about Varun.

Tomorrow Is Going To Be A Big Day.

Yo!! Guys💛
Chappy is here..
Wow she got a movie and to work opposite Varun..Oh my!
Karan is expecting.
Vote,Comment and share your views....
Till then..

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