Part Forty-Five

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Arjun had once again started to avoid Draupadi for no reason and on top of that he was acting very wired and awkward around her so she decided to follow him when he was leaving.

Arjun excused himself and walked of with draupadi hot on his trail. He smiled as two hands covered his eyes, he turned to see subhdra, Krishna's sister he griped her and pushed her into the wall kissing her passionately failing to hear his soulmate's heart break.

Draupadi was shocked in that moment all the colour dropped from her face as she felt as if a dagger had been forced through her heart with each rapid heart beat. No. She shook her head in disbelief and looked the other way but her eyes were drawn back in an instant. He played with her. He had her believing that everything he said was the truth. A stray tear made it's way delicately down her face. She furiously rubbed her cheek dry as her eyes where drawn to her bangles.
Draupadi was in the middle of her daily work out when arjun had popped his head through and clasped her waist in a romantic gesture leaving kisses on her neck and down her arm she smiled and griped the back of his head as she felt him smirk against her. Staying behind her he lifted his hand which contained some bangles as she opened her eyes she squealed at the sight. He led her over to the bench at the side and sat next to her. He picked up her hand delicately and kissed it as she closed her eyes at his touch. He slowly started placing the bangles on as their eye contact remained " Does it hurt." She shook her head as he continued " you know there are many relations out in the world." "Is it hurting." She shook her head. He continued. "There are two relationships that are the ultimate of them all." "Is it hurting." She once again shook her head intrigued by what he was saying. "The first is friendship, something that is different, being friends with someone isn't hard you are instantly pulled by them, you trust then and care for them and you know that they will always be there no matter what. Is it hurting?" For the fourth time she replied no. "And the second relations is so pure that they can each feel each other's pain, where words aren't needed as everything is said through the beats of their heart. And those relations are the best. They are love relations. "Aahh" draupadi groaned as the pain of one bangle hit her. She looked up to Arjun who was analysing her "Did it hurt?" She nodded her head yes as he moved forward an whispered "me too" which caused her to blush. She moved to get up and as she did he quickly moved grabbing onto her arm with her back pressed against him. He nibbled at her ear causing her to moan in pleasure but before they could go any further draupadi shoved his chest and ran.
*End of Flashback*
More tears were running down her pain filled face. He lied. He promised not to break he heart. He promised. She continued to wipe furiously at her face. He broke her. He broke her beyond repair. She let out a muffled choke as Arjun and Subhdra broke their lip lock and turned to their distractment. Arjun was shocked when he saw draupadi he then noticed the pain written across her face as he looked at subhdra and then draupadi. Oh shit. Seeing a tear fall from her lotus like eyes killed him,he had done this, he had caused her pain which she didn't deserve. She stood their frozen as his eyes made contact with hers another sob escaped as she walked backwards only to have Arjun walk forward with each step she took back. He felt like she was stepping out of his life. "Drau-" began Arjun but she raised her hand to stop him. "No." She sobbed. "No" she muttered. She picked up her lengha and sprinted back to the palace of Panchal. He needed to explain but what was he supposed to say, without giving subhdra a second look he broke of into a sprint.

Draupadi ran into the palace with tears descending her eyes her family where wondering around and at the mere sight of her they understood the inner turmoil of her heart something was wrong as they we're going to head up after her they heard arjun screaming after her as he came running in. Getting stopped by them all they all demanded answers as Arjun lowered his head in shame and explained. All were in shock, Dhrist being the most over protective jumped to tackle him but was controlled by his other brothers and the pandavs as Krishna closed his eyes and felt his enteral sisters pain, his eyes clouded with anger as Arjun looked at him pleadingly while Krishna simply shook his head in disgust. Kunti with tears in her eyes walked up to him whilst arjun looked at his mother. Kunti raised her hand and slapped her beloved son in the face. Draupadi's pain was mirrored through his mother. He looked at three elder men Draupad , pitama and Drona who had a similar faces as Krishna. Of course they would he had hurt their daughter.

Just then a maid came running exclaiming that Draupadi had locked her self In her room. They all stormed of running In the direction of her chambers as they all banged helplessly on the door begging her to come out.

Magically the doors opened as they all ran in to see draupadi standing their paralysed. As her brothers and sisters were going to run in they were stopped as draupadi started breathing heavily. The hurt was replaced by anger as she smashed everything an chucked things on the floor. Her hands were shaking as she gripped her hair she collapsed to the floor and she let out a painful scream of pain. Krishna ran forth and scooped her In his arms while rocking her back and forth In attempt to calm her. After five minutes she calmed down and listened to the heart beat of her eternal brother as she fell asleep. all of them had gathered in her room and each had comforted her in their own way. But she was broken and hurt beyond repair. Arjun moved forward to place her in her bed but was stopped by Krishna who looked at him in anger he picked draupadi up and placed her on her bed before they all made their way out.

Halfway during the night draupadi woke up screaming her head off as prashati ran in to comfort her daughter, she muttered in her ear "no my daughter you are not weak get back up." That was a wake up call for draupadi as she closed her eyes and drifted into slumber, she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Hey guys I hoped you like this chapter high level of drama don't ya think! Sorry for such a late update I recently just went back to school and I have a lot to do so sorry once again and please comment on what you think and vote. Love ya all *

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