Part Forty-Four

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The royal family had decided to do a pooja for the newly married couple to rid the buri Nazar as together they entered the life of husband and wife. Sadashiv and Aashairya were an amazing couple and took every opportunity to romance,  Arjun and Draupadi were acting similar but when pointed out that they weren't married things had become a bit edgy as society started judging them. The girls had gotten up early as well as the older ladies. They proceeded to get ready besides Draupadi who was busy cooking a smashing breakfast for her family once completing she ran to her room and got dressed.

She then moved to make up and hair and she settled for a natural look.

As she looked through her range of jewellery she saw the earrings that Arjun had given her she picked them up and gazed at them longingly as she sighed in defeat she missed him a lot but they were a princess and prince that wanted to set an example to the kingdom and its not like we are not together. She sighed and picked up two gold earnings.

As she finished putting the backing on her earring she stood in front of the mirror smoothing out her sari, not noticing someone had entered her chamber. Arjun stood gazing at her as he nearly fell at her beauty so simple yet absolutely stunning she was the only one able to make him feel like this and he loved it. She turned to her right, her back towards him as she went through her drawer. As she moved he quickly moved behind her and encircled her in his muscular arms as a dazzling smiled adorned her face, he inhaled her fragrance and closed his eyes as her smell set him on fire, his lips moved to her swan like neck as he placed passionate kisses along it, leaving her breathless, she pushed him back slightly but his grip held her captive. He held up some jasmine as the two looked at one another through the mirror he moved back slightly and started to wrap the jasmine around her bun, she closed her eyes as his touch warmed her. Once finished he placed his chin on her shoulder as the two looked at her through the mirror. "Now it's complete." She smiled and claimed his lips as the two closed their eyes after so many days apart do to society and their personal duties the two had made their way home. As they parted they looked fresh and re-born, exactly what they needed, they were each others remedy. They smiled at each other as he offered her his hand which she gladly accepted the two made there way through the crowd of people not caring what they thought, they were in love and there was nothing they could do and even if they didn't want to fate destiny call it what you want it would always bring the two together nothing could stop the reunion of Shiv and Shakti through the ages and nothing ever will, they find comfort, a best friend and many feelings through one another, they live for one another, they live through one another without Shiv there is no Shakti and without Shakti there is no Shiv.

Their families were proud of them that there love is still in tact and the amount of trust that the two had brought the two families together even more, their love was beneficial as Kunti got the daughter she never had along with Pitama and Drona, Draupad got an extra son that he loved dearly just like his own. For Arjun Maharaj Draupad had picked up the shoes of his father the late King Pandu and he respected the King of Panchal so much, Arjun also got a bunch of sisters, Dushala being the only girl the two shared a strong bond but he loved the princesses of Panchal like sisters also an extra bunch of brothers and mothers, together through the love of Arjun and Draupadi they had brought their families together as new bonds were formed.

The Pooja commenced as the Rishi recited some mantras as the families had their eyes closed and listened, he got the newly wedded couple to complete formalities and blessed them whole heartedly. Everything was done and they made there way back to the palace Maharaj Draupad summoned them all to the hall and announced "Shikandani has been offered a proposal of marriage and the family of that clan will be coming so get ready." The girls squealed in delight as they danced and hugged one another, the boys stood standing there smiling but really they were thinking of ways to threaten the hell out the guy. Draupadi noticed Shikandani's face and could see she was apprehensive. She smiled the first sister to get married this should be intresting.

Hey guys i hope you enjoyed the update please comment and vote and what not. i love you all, what do you guys think is going to happen? Will shikandani agree for marriage? Or is there some motive? Stay tuned love ya!!!

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