Part Forty-Three

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Arjun and Draupadi had been going strong for the past couple of days, they were romancing at every opportunity however the two wanted to keep it on the low and not tell their parents just yet. As for the siblings and Krishna they were all so supportive but teasing was the one thing that the two constantly had to deal with but they found there own little way to deal with it the minute they were teased they just ended up kissing as that grossed them all out. 

Draupadi walked into the dance hall as she smiled Arjun had shown her the true feeling and meaning of love something that she would be indebted for, she slowly started to open up to him and the two were an outstanding couple, they complemented each other so well, fire and ice, opposites attract but these opposites were made for one another in this life and lives to come. 

Draupadi asked for a beat as she took her position in the centre of the hall and commenced her dance, her elbows sticking out as her fingers were also in a certain position, the beat started as she instantly dance spinning around in the room and elegantly dancing away, she washed away as images of Arjun ran through her head, she closed her eyes and let the movement of her body take over along with the beat as she was twirling around she collided with a chest as someones muscular arms held her flush against him, she opened her eyes and smiled as she realised that she had collided with Arjun. He smiled down at her and started playing with her hair she then said "Arjun tum?What you doing here." He smirked "Why what's wrong can't i come o see the one i love." She smiled and shoved his chest as he instantly said "Oi i was enjoying that." She laughed merrily but then said "Look i'm trying to dance here and your distracting me." "Ohh so i'm a distraction am i." He wiggled his eyes and Draupadi punched him, he faked being hurt and said "Mahdav was right you are violent." Earning and extra slap. "Okay, okay fine i'll let you dance but you have to let me dance with you." "Deal."

The performance had Passion and love building up right the way through there hands trailing and intertwining. She had goosebumps form his touch it left her feeling ecstatic and craving more, she also had a similar affect on him as Arjun felt his heart beating out of his chest. Hearing the beat the entire family was drawn to the dance hall were the two love birds were, The siblings were tiring to get them to stop as all the elders had entered the performance finished and all the elders broke into applause, the two instantly blushed a dark shade of red as Arjun tried to hide behind Draupadi digging his face into her back. The elders were told about everything and they were a bit upset that the two had kept it a secret but instantly blessed the couple as they went together and took blessings. 

Gandhari was told of the sight and she said "Vahh you kids." She shook her head as Kunti pulled Arjun's ear and hugged Draupadi as Arjun said "Hey you hug her but pull my ear." Kunti laughed as She slapped Arjun in the back of his head. Drona and Bhisma were extremely happy as was Draupad, Drona and Bhisma Pitama said "If you hurt her we are gonna have problems understood." Draupadi smiled and pushed Arjun as he fell to the floor and Draupadi embraced her father and her father figures Drona and Bhisma whilst everyone was killing themselves laughing about Arjun's face while he sulked and looked up at Draupadi pouting he instantly got up as Draupadi released the three elder men and was trapped in Arjun's arms as he picked her up and ran around with her screaming and kicking begging him to put her down as the rest were tripling with laughter. "ARJUN YOU IDIOT YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS SECOND." He put her down as he gulped, she huffed and turned sideways. As Bheem said "What have you done Brother you upset the princess of Panchal not done go apologise." Draupadi muffled a laugh and all of them picked up on that. He pushed her flush against him and kissed the living daylight out of her, her petit and fragile frame firm against his well toned body. As air became necessary the two broke the kiss and the rest of their mouths hanging wide open gobsmacked. Nakul then said "Well that's a different way of apologising." As the rest nodded in agreement. 

Hey guys i hope you liked this chapter. i have something to say the ratings have been really low lately and unless i can get them up i might stop this story nothing is finalised yet but i'm just warning you in advance. Do comment vote and read and do get back to me if you like this chapter and if there is anything i can do to improve this story to make you wanna read it more then do let me know i'm open to any suggestions or criticisms. Thanks and i love you all. And do let me know what you think of this collage.

love ya all.

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