Chapter 4: Revelations

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This was probably the best day of your life. The students at Canterlot High School were really nice people. Especially the seven girls that you came to know as the rainbooms since you learned that they became a band sometime ago. These girls were the best people that you've ever met. But the one that stood out the most was Sunset. After saying goodbye to your new friends, you waited outside of school for your mom to pick you up. You still had no idea why Sunset stood out more than her friends in your eyes, but that's a conundrum that would have to be solved later. After a few minutes of waiting, her car pulls into the driveway. You walk up and open the passenger door.

"Hi sweetie, how was your first day here?" She asked.

"It was fantastic!!" You happily replied while climbing inside.

"Really? You had a wonderful time?" She asked. You nodded to her answer. "See? Didn't we tell you that this place was amazing before we moved here?" She playfully asked with a smile. "Well, I'm so glad that you had a wonderful time honey. I have a feeling that things are finally gonna turn around for us." She says as she drove towards home.

"I agree. With everything that has happened to us, it's great to finally catch a break." You said as you looked out the windows as you watched the buildings go by.

"So I assume that you made some new friends maybe?" She asked. You proceeded to tell her about Sunset Shimmer and the others and about how nice some of the teachers and other students were.

She looks back at you with a look of accomplishment. "That's great to hear." She said.

Suddenly, a thought came up in your head and you turn back to your mom. "Hey, mom? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" She replied.

"Umm, that girl that I talked about, the one named Sunset Shimmer, for some reason whenever I talked to her, looked at her, or even be in her presence I felt.........something. I suddenly felt so nervous when I first met her. I don't really know what, but I just felt weird. Why is that?" You asked hoping that she would have an answer to that. To your surprise, her eyes widen and a coy smile comes across her face.

"Oh, looks like my son is in love." She replies.

Love? Is that what you felt? You've never heard about this emotion before in your life. You were always dealing with depression that you never took the time to properly learn about it. You then turn your attention back to your mom. "Love? What's that?" You asked.

"It's when you have deep affection or care for someone. It's the same feeling that I have for your father as he does for me. Have you never felt it before?" She asked. You shook your head to her question. "Was it because know?"

You nodded to the second question. She has a surprised look on her face the whole time. "Well I'm sorry that you haven't experienced any of it until now. It's a wonderful feeling I tell you." She said as she focused on driving. You looked out the passenger window as you made a decision to find as much information about love as you're able to.


When you made it home, you went to your laptop to learn more about this so called "Love." After about a few hours of searching, you started to gain a clear understanding of what love is and how it works. The more you thought about what happened to today the more it started to make sense. The way of how you suddenly became extremely nervous when you were around her, the fact that you couldn't speak coherently sometimes, and how you couldn't stop thinking about her on the car ride back home. You then began to ponder how you would go about this situation. But as you were thinking about how to handle this your father walked into your room with his usual brown coat hanging over his shoulder.

"Hey son, your mom told me that you had an amazing day today." He said as he took a seat on the edge of your bed. You spun around in your seat in order to face him and gave him a huge grin.

"Yeah, I did dad. I made all sorts of new friends today." You said with a dash of glee in your voice.

"I know. It must feel amazing to finally be away from all the drama we faced over the years right?" He asked a grin of his own.

"Oh you don't know the half of it. This was probably the greatest day of my entire life!!" You exclaimed as you threw your arms in the air for dramatic effect. Your dad nodded at your enthusiasm.

"Well that's great to hear. Also your mom told me that apparently you met a girl today. Is that true?" Your dad asked with a sly grin. "One called Sunset Shimmer?" You blushed at the mention of her.

"Ye-yes. She's one of the new friends I made. Along with a few other girls." You say while trying to look away from his all knowing eyes.

"Well I'm glad to see that my son finally has his eyes on a girl. I'll tell you one thing, when I met your mom it was practically love at first sight. I know that sounds cheesy but it was essentially true." He says while staring off into space with a nostalgic smile. He walks over to you and places a hand on your shoulder and looks at you with a serious expression. "Anon, is it true that you've never experienced love before we moved here or learned about it? I ask this because your mom told me about it." You look down with a bit of a frown for a few seconds before looking back up at him.

"It's true dad. I couldn't learn about it because of..........well everything else." You say while trying not to remember every vivid detail or letting a tear slip out of your eyes. He looks at you with a sympathetic look.

"Oh, I'm sorry Anon. If I had known earlier then I would have gladly taught you. Well it's like the old saying goes, better late then than never. But anyways, I'm sorry it took so long." He says while giving you a reassuring look. You look back up at him with a smile.

"It's alright dad. It's like you said, better late than never. I'm just hoping that all this luck we've been having lately can last for a while." You say.

"I hope so too. Well I'm gonna help your mom with dinner I'll see you later Anon." He says while he makes his way to your door.

"Alright dad, thanks for the talk."

"No problem." After that he leaves. You lean back into your chair and stare at the ceiling. A smile slowly makes its way onto your face as you think about Sunset and the others.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait for what tomorrow might bring." You say to yourself as you go back to researching.

(Sorry if these chapters seem rather short, I didn't really have a lot to write when I first wrote the story)

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