Chapter 5: Hangout with the Rainbooms

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The Next Day

You eagerly arrived at Canterlot High with the biggest grin on your face. Yesterday was such a good day for you that you honestly couldn't wait for today. It really seemed like you had finally gotten the break from what was essentially a lifetime of pain and sadness. After saying your goodbyes to your mom you walk briskly towards the front doors of the school. You open them and are greeted with the usual sight of teens hanging out and talking with each other. You look around and see a familiar fiery haired girl rummaging through her locker. You smile and walked towards her.

"Hey Sunset!" You called before she turns and looks in your direction and smiles.

"Hey Anon!" She says as you make your way over to her. "How are you doing today?" She asks.

"Great. How about you?" You ask.

"Good. I was just about to go and find the others, wanna come with?" She asks.

"Sure!" You reply as you follow her through the hallway. As the two of you walk she starts up a conversation.

"So Anon, how's your time at CHS so far?" She asks.

"It's amazing Sunset! Everyone here is so nice and it just feels like I really belong here." You say with a ton of enthusiasm. "Also, I really wanna thank you for letting me be a part of your group of friends. Before I came here I honestly thought I wouldn't have a bunch of friends so really thank you for this." You said with sincerity.

"Aww you're welcome. No one like you deserves to not have friends to hang around with." She said. You then look over to her with a sudden hint of curiosity.

"Hey Sunset, yesterday I learned a lot about your friends but I don't think you've said a word about yourself. Is it okay if I ask you what your all about so I can get to know you better?" You ask.

"Sure, well I.......I." She stops and suddenly gets a conflicted look on her face. You stare at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Sunset? Are you okay?" You ask.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine, it's" She looks away from you for a bit before looking back up at you. "Look, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but can we talk about this at another time?" She asked. Your surprised at first but you give her an understanding nod.

"Alright, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm sorry if I upset you in any way." You said feeling a little bit guilty. She gives you a reassuring smile.

"No no it's okay, it's just kinda hard to talk about. Anyways, Let's check the music room and see if they're there." She says as the two of you continued walking. You couldn't help but feel a little bit curious about Sunsets past. Did she have a troubled life before coming here as well? That would certainly be something big that the both of you have in common. You didn't know for sure and you were hoping to find out one day. After a few minutes of walking, you make your way to the music room. You open the double doors and sure enough they were there. They see you both and they each greet you in their own respective ways before Pinkie runs straight up to you with huge toothy grin.

"Hi Nonny! Have a cupcake!" She says before pulling a cupcake out of seemingly nowhere and hands it out to you. You stand there for a bit before thinking to yourself. 'Okay first of all, Nonny? That's the first time someones called me that; not that I'm complaining or anything. Second of all, where did she get that cupcake?' You thought before shrugging internally and accepting the cupcake.

"Thanks Pinkie. But what's the occasion?" You ask. She giggled at your question.

"Think of it as a welcome to CHS cupcake silly! Also the writer wanted me to do it." She said while smiling and letting out a squee.

"Who?" You ask.

"Never mind!" She says before zooming back to her drum set. You stand there with a bit of a baffled look before shaking your head and coming back down to earth. Sunset leans over and whispers into your ear.

"Don't mind her. She says the weirdest things sometimes." She says before giving a playful eye roll.

"Oooookay." You said while walking over to the others. "So, you guys are practicing?" You ask.

"In a moment, we were just waiting for Sunset to get here. Wanna watch us play Anon?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Sure, I've got nothing else better to do anyways so let me see what you got." You say before pulling up a foldable chair and sitting down. Rainbow gets a cocky grin on her face before grabbing her guitar along with everyone else getting their respective instruments with the exception of Pinkie who was already at her drum set.

"Alright Anon Y Mous, prepare to have your socks knocked off!" Rainbow exclaimed before she and the rest of the girls started playing a song called Awesome as I wanna be. After the song was finished, you sat there in astonishment. The girls eagerly waited for your response, mostly Rainbow Dash.

"So what do you think?" Rainbow asked.

"That......was.......AMAZING!!! You guys should totally play in concerts, crowds would go nuts for you!!" You exclaimed.

"Aww shucks Sugarcube, you're gonna make us blush." Applejack says while doing just that.

"Tell us darling, have you ever played an instrument before?" Rarity asks. You look down with a bit of a frown.

" I was kind of dealing with everything else to ever have the time or the interest to play any instruments. Plus, I don't think I'd be good at it." You say disappointingly.

"Well if you want we can teach you." Rainbow offered. You perk up upon hearing this.

"Really?" You ask.

"Absolutely, I'm sure we can squeeze in one more member for the Rainbooms, right girls?" Rainbow asks which the other girls agreed to.

"Well, since you're offering I'll give it a shot." You say which gets the girls hyped up. Before you could actually begin however, the bell for the first class rings.

"Aww shoot, sorry Anon but we'll have to teach ya another time." Applejack says with disappointment.

"It's alright you guys at least we have something to do later." You say reassuringly. After putting away their instruments, you and the Rainbooms head to your first classes.


After school ended, you waited outside for your mom. While you waited you hear someone calling your name. You turned around and saw Sunset jogging towards you.

"Sunset? What's up?" You ask.

"I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come over to my house this weekend to hang out?" She asked. You were initially taken aback by this. No one has ever invited you to their house before so this was something rather new for you. You smiled before giving her your answer.

"Sure Sunset, I'd love to come over." You said which made Sunset smile.

"Great! I'll see you then, oh but before I go how about I give you my number?" She asked.

"Alright." You said before giving each other your phone numbers.

"Ok. If you ever wanna talk don't be afraid to call or text me." She said with a smile.

"I will. See you later Sunset." You said before waving her goodbye.

"See you Anon!" She says while jogging away to her home. You stand there looking at her phone number on your phone and you couldn't help but smile as your mom finally pulled up and you got in the car and proceeded to tell her about your day.

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