Chapter 6: Time with Sunset

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"And that's how my day went." You finished talking about your day to your mom and dad during dinner. They both had the biggest grins on their faces.

"Well it's such a relief that your having such a great time at school Anon, right dear?" Your mom asks your dad.

"It sure is honey. So Anon, did anything else happen with that Sunset girl you were talking about?" Your dad asked with a sly grin which also lead to your mom having the same facial expression. You started to blush while trying to avoid eye contact.

"Uhh.....well, as a matter of fact something did kind of happen." You said with a hint of nervousness. Your parents became curious upon hearing this.

"Well what is it son?" Your father asked.

"Before you picked me up from school mom, Sunset actually came up to me and gave me her number." You said which surprised both of your parents.

"Well well well, looks like my son has finally gotten a girls number." Your father said with a coy smile.

"Also, Sunset actually asked me if I wanted to hang out with her on Friday this week. I was wondering if it's okay if I can go?" You asked. Both of your parents seemed confused by your question.

"What kind of question is that sweetie? Of course you can go. Right dear?" Your mom asked your dad.

"Yeah absolutely! A girl asking our son to her place, I always knew this day would come!" Your dad exclaimed happily. You on the other hand were constantly looking away with your face being red with embarrassment.

"Well, alright then. I hope you guys can stay entertained without me." You said jokingly.

"Of course we can Anon! We hope you have a great time with Sunset." She says with an eager smile along with your father who was nodding.

"And if she tries to go in for a kiss, you let it happen." Your dad said jokingly. Your mom playfully punches his shoulder.

"Dear come on! Don't joke like that it's way too early!" Your mom says which gets a chuckle out of him.

"Aw, come on honey, didn't we kiss during our first hangout when we were his age?" He said jokingly. She scoffed at him.

"Yeah right." She says while shaking her head. Your dad winks at you which you chuckled at before resuming with dinner.


Friday Afternoon

After the school day was finished, you waited outside for Sunset Shimmer. A few minutes pass until you see Sunset and the others walking out the front doors. She sees you and smiles before saying goodbye to the others. They wave to you and you wave back before they take their leave and Sunset walks up to you and surprised you with a hug.

"Hey Anon." She says while still hugging you. You hugged her back.

"Hey Sunset, ready to go?" You ask before breaking the hug. She nods before leading you to her house. After about a five to ten minute walk, the two of you make it to her house. It was a simple two story orange building. You and Sunset walk towards the door but something makes you stop dead in your tracks. For some reason, something deep down inside you was telling you not to do this. You weren't sure why you were feeling like this. It was a simple hangout with a friend nothing more, right? You felt something crawl down your cheek and you wiped it to see a single tear. A tear? You were crying? Why were you crying? You were brought out of your thoughts by Sunset saying your name.

"Anon? Are you okay?" She asked whilst giving a concerned look. You look back at her before getting rid of the tear quickly before smiling at her.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Let's head inside." You said. She looks at you for a few more seconds before turning and unlocking her door and stepping inside while you followed her. You took a moment to look around at the interior of the house; gawking at how nice and clean it was.

"Wow Sunset, you have a really nice home." You complimented.

"Thanks, I usually try my best to keep the place clean." She says while hanging her coat up and taking her boots off. She looks over to you and sees you standing there looking at the place. You look back at her and notice her looking at you. You both stare at each other for a few seconds before she speaks up.

"Well don't just stand there, make yourself at home." She says while smiling that amazing smile. You do as she says and take a seat on the couch. She goes into the kitchen while you wait out in the living room for her. You look around some more before your eyes settle on the coffee table in front of you. You notice that there was a book on the table with a picture of a shimmering sun on the front but with no title. Curiosity comes in as you slowly reach your hand out for the book before hesitating. It was probably something private of hers. Seeing as how you didn't want to upset her by going through her personal stuff, you bring your hand back to your lap just before Sunset comes back with two sodas. She hands you one before opening hers.

"Thanks." You said before opening yours and taking a drink.

"No problem." She says before drinking hers and sitting down next to you. You look over to her as she quietly sips on her drink before you start up a conversation.

"So Sunset, if your comfortable now, why not tell me a little bit about yourself." You say hoping to get to know her better since you weren't really able to these past few days due to school work and generally forgetting to ask. She looks at you for a bit before she puts her can down and starts.

"Well, as you saw earlier this week I like playing the guitar. I also like reading, hanging out with my friends, singing, and playing video games." She says. You were surprised by the last one.

"You're a gamer girl?" You asked.

"Yeah, I am. At first I wasn't too into them, but as time went on I found them to be rather interesting and I eventually started playing. I'm actually thinking about starting my own game channel on Hooftube." She says.

"Well, if you do start a channel, I think you'll definitely be one of the best." You said. She blushes from the compliment and looks away from you cutely.

"Aww, that's really sweet of you to say. But I don't think I would have one of the best channels." She said while trying to remain humble.

"Well I beg to differ Sunset. If you're able to get this going and if you keep up on making the videos interesting, you should be able to make a really great channel." You said. She smiles at you before giving you a hug.

"Thank you. You really don't know how much it means to me to hear words of encouragement like that." She says before separating the hug. You smile and stare at each other for about a minute before you speak up.

"Hey, can I ask you something? And it's okay if you don't wanna answer it." You ask her.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Why did you seem so hesitant to tell me about yourself when I asked you the first time?" You asked. She went wide eyed before getting the same conflicted look that she had that day. She sits there for a few seconds before looking back at you.

"Alright, I tell you. I guess you were bound to find out about this sooner or later so I may as well get it out of the way immediately. If I do though, you have to promise me that you'll believe what I'm saying no matter how weird or insane it sounds, okay?" She asked. You nodded in response. She takes a deep breath. "Ok, here we go." She silently says to herself before explaining.

Apparently, she wasn't a normal person, she was from an alternate dimension called Equestria where the inhabitants were a race of sentient ponies and that magic was a common thing there. How there were three main races and one special race of ponies: Earth pony, Unicorn, Pegasus, and Alicorn and that she was a unicorn. She explained how she was a student of Equestrias Princess Celestia. How she had learned about this portal that was a gateway to another world; your world. She explained that she had tried gaining ultimate power by becoming an alicorn but Princess Celestia wouldn't let her. She grew angry with her teacher and went behind her back by trying to figure out how to become an alicorn. Celestia found out and had banished her from her castle, but Sunset got away and stumbled into this world via the portal and how all this happened years ago. This was all VERY surprising to you but she continued anyway.

She also said how during some time here at CHS she was the bully queen for a while. She would belittle, torture, humiliate, and insult anyone if they even so much as looked at her funny. She basically ruled the school with an iron fist before the events the fall formal. She goes on to the events involving a look alike of Twilight who was princess in Equestria how, after gaining ahold of Princess Twilights crown, she turned into a raging she-demon as she put it. She was defeated by Princess Twilight and her friends which lead to her learning from her mistakes and trying to turn over a new leaf after that. She then explained the events of the musical show case, the friendship games, and the camp everfree trip.

"And that's all you have to know about me." She finally came to a conclusion. You just stood there trying to take in everything she said. She seems to have gone through a lot of horrible things in the past; just like you. You found it rather shocking that she used to be a really mean person. This sweet girl in front of you used to be a bully? It really was a lot to absorb. She watched you for a some time before speaking up. "Aren't you going to say something?" She asked.

"Well..........I will say that you've definitely been through a lot Sunset. So you're from another world and that you're actually a pony?" You asked to which she nodded. "That definitely explains why that horse statue is no longer there. I had a feeling there was something special about that mirror in the courtyard." You said.

"I understand that it's a lot to take in but it's all true, every bit of it. So now that you know, what do you think of me?" She asked in a serious tone of voice. You thought for a moment before looking back at her.

"What do I think? I think that the fact that you used to be mean and that you managed to turn yourself around makes you even more likable in my eyes. Because it shows that you were willing to change yourself from the person......or pony.......or whichever one into a very sweet, kind, and gentle girl that I've come to know. I don't care that you used to be a bully Sunset because that's who you used to be not who you are now." You said honestly. She looks at you for a moment before her eyes are filled with tears and she gives you a bone breaking hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This means so much to me to hear you say that!" She exclaims while still embracing you. you return the hug as best as you could due to the lack of breathing from the huge hug.

"It's no problem Sunset." You stay like that for a while, just enjoying the others embrace. You separate and she smiles at you. You smiled back at her before noticing that the sun was about to set. 

"Oh shoot, I didn't realize that were talking for so long. I better get going or else my moms gonna kill me." You say before standing up. Sunset seemed disappointed at first but throws on a smile and walks with you to the door.

"Alright. It was really nice to hang out with you Anon. I hope we can do it again soon." She says.

"It was nice hanging out with you too Sunset. And yeah, we should totally hang out again sometime." You said enthusiastically. You step outside her door before turning back to her.

"I'll see you later Sunset." You said.

"I'll you later too Anon. Wait! Before you go, I wanna give you something." She says.

"What is it?" You asked. She walks up to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek. You blush from the contact and the suddenness of it. She pulls away before smiling at you.

"That's for giving me a good day today." She says before walking back into her house and closing the door. You stood there for what seemed like hours but was really only a few minutes trying to process what just happened. She just kissed you on the cheek. No girl has ever done that for you. Suddenly out of nowhere that feeling that you had hours ago came back again telling you that this was somehow wrong even though you couldn't really see how it was in any way wrong.

You thought for a bit before your phone buzzed signaling that you had a message. You looked and saw it was from your mom asking if you were ready to come home. You texted her back telling her that you were ready and telling her the address before waiting for her to come pick you up. After a few minutes your mom finally came by and the both of you drove back home.

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