Chapter 7: A Sunset with Sunset

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Saturday Morning

The sun rose on another day as the sunshine beamed through your bedside window. This didn't wake you up however as you were in the middle of a nightmare. In it, you were running in a dark void away from creatures that looked like your friends except they were more like gremlins almost. They were trying to get to you but you wouldn't let them. As you were running, a huge flame wall burst in front of you and behind you. You looked up to see what looked to be Sunset Shimmer, but was more.......demonic looking. Her hair was standing straight up, her skin was a hellish red, and her eyes were soulless black with cyan irises. The demon looked down upon you and laughed sinisterly.

"Do you honestly think that you're "friends" actually want you around?! You are sadly mistaken! They are only with you out of PITY! They don't care about you and they never will!!" The demon bellowed. You fell to the ground slowly backing away from this creature with tears in your eyes.

"No......NO!! I refuse to believe you!! They are my friends!! They would never hurt me!!" You screamed at the demon. But this only angered her.

"They don't care!! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!!  Have you seriously forgotten the last time this happened?!" She roared at you. This only confused you.

"What are you talking about?!" You asked. The demon gets a smirk on her face.

"You don't remember do you?" She asked. You say there trying to figure out what she meant by that. Before you can think about it more the demon starts laughing again.

"This is so sad!! I can't believe that you can't remember!! I'll tell you what, I'll leave you to remember on your own!! Until then, YOU'R MINE!!!" She screams while reaching out for you while passing through the flames like they were nothing. You tried to get back up but the darkness was holding you down.

"No.....Nooo.......NOOOOOOO!!!!!" You yelled as you woke up screaming. You sat up panting heavily as you held your face in your hands. Your face was stained with tears as you got a grip on reality again.

"Man, what a horrible dream." You said to yourself. That demon had to have been wrong. Your friends did care about you, Sunset Shimmer cares about you, right? As you were thinking about what happened, your mom and dad came briskly walking in to see if you were okay.

"Anon, are you alright? We heard you screaming and we came to check on you." Your mom said with a worried expression. Your dad had the same look as you tried to calm yourself.

"Yeah......yeah I'm okay. Just a nightmare is all." You said while trying not to worry them.

"A nightmare?" Your father asked. You nodded in response. "Do you wanna talk about?"

"Honey, he doesn't have to if doesn't want to." Your mom said back to him.  You were all right with talking about it.

"No, no it's alright mom. I'd like to talk about it." You said reassuringly. She looks back at you.

"Are you sure sweetheart?" She asked. You nodded before telling them what happened in the dream. You left out the part where the demon said that you had forgotten something because you wanted to deal with it on your own. They were surprised upon hearing all of it but they kept quiet until you were finished.

"Man, that sounds like one nasty nightmare." Your father commented. You nodded before turning to the both of them.

"I'm fine you guys. It's just a bad dream." You say while putting on a smile, but you were really only doing this to not make them worry. They both understood and stood back up from sitting on your bed.

"Alright sweetie,  we just want to make sure you're okay. Anyways, breakfast is about to start so come on down when you're ready." Your mom said before kissing your forehead and walking out and your dad lightly ruffled your hair and followed her out. You got dressed in your casual clothes before going to the bathroom to freshen up. You washed your face with water before looking at yourself in the mirror.

"What did she mean by what happened last time?" You asked yourself. You decided to think about it later and walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs where your mom and dad were preparing breakfast. You sat down at the table and waited before your mom came and placed your plate in front of you: Scrambled eggs with bacon, sausage, and French toast. You thanked them as you dug into your food. As you were eating, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You checked to see that you got a text from Sunset Shimmer.

Hey Anon! How are you this morning?

You smiled at seeing her text. You decided to text her back.

I'm doing good. Just having breakfast with my mom and dad. How about you?

You waited before getting a response.

I'm good. Hey, wanna hang out later today with me and the others?

You thought for a moment before replying.

Sure! Just let me finish with breakfast and then I'll get ready.

Great! I"ll meet you halfway to your house. Where was it again?

You texted her the address.

Okay thanks! I'll see you later! 😊

See ya!!

You finished eating breakfast before getting ready to head out today. You walked back downstairs and headed to the door but not before letting your parents know.

"Mom, Dad, I'm gonna hang out with Sunset Shimmer and the others today." You said to the both of them.

"Alright sweetie, do you want me to give you a lift?" Your mom asked.

"It's okay mom, we're gonna meet each other halfway and then meet up with the others." You said. She nods at the confirmation.

"Okay, be safe Anon. Let us know when you're coming home. Love you sweetheart!" She said.

"Love you champ!" Your dad says.

"Love you too guys!" You said as you walked out the door. Your mother gets a concerned expression on her face and your dad notices.

"What's wrong honey?" He asked her. She turns to look at him and sighed.

"I'm just worried about our son. I know I should have faith in him but I can't help but worry." She says honestly. He puts a hand on her back and gently rubs it.

"He's gonna be okay, I know he is." Your father said which only helped your mom slightly.

"Do you think he still remembers..........the incident?" She asked him. He looks off to the side before looking back at her.

"Hopefully not, he seems really happy. I don't want him to go through anymore pain than he already has." He said before giving her a hug.


You're walking along the sidewalk just trying to get to the rendezvous point for you and Sunset. After walking for a few minutes, you see her in the distance and smiled and made your way towards her. As you were walking however, you stop when you suddenly get that same feeling you had from yesterday. This time though the gut feeling felt like it was almost begging for you to not do this. Why did this feeling keep popping up out of nowhere? You shook off the feeling and continued walking. You eventually made it to her and she gave you a hug.

"Hi Anon." She cooed softly. You hugged her back.

"Hi Sunset." You also cooed softly. The both of you separate and smile at each other. "So what are we doing today?" You asked.

"We're going down to the sweet shoppe to meet up with the others and then after that we're gonna go do a few other things. They're already at the sweet shoppe, they're just waiting on us. Let's get going." She said before taking your hand and leading you towards town. You blush at the fact that she's holding your hand but you try to hide the blush as best as possible before she sees it.

After about ten minutes of walking, you make it to the sweet shoppe. You enter as you see the others sitting at one the tables. They notice you both and wave as you walk over to them.

"Nice of you to join us Anon darling." Rarity said smiling all while the girls voiced their agreement.

"It's nice to see you girls too." You said in response.

"So Anon, what've you been up to lately?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nothing much. Yesterday me and Sunset hung out together at her place and talked." You said which made the girls look over to her and smirked. She blushed from all of the stares and looked away. "And get this guys. She's apparently from another dimension where she's a sentient pony." You said which garnered a collective set of giggles from the girls. You were confused by this. "What's so funny?"

"Anon, we already know that." Applejack said while giggling.

"You knew?" You asked.

"We've known for a quite a while Nonny! It's no secret to us!" Pinkie said.

"In fact, the whole school knows." Fluttershy said in her usual whisper tone of voice.

"That's the definite truth." Twilight said while adjusting her glasses.

"Well, I guess that saves me the trouble of having to explain to you all." You said jokingly which got a laugh out of everyone as you laughed along with them. After you stopped laughing, you decided to start up another conversation.

"So are there any future plans that you guys have going on?" You asked.

"Well we are planning to do a fundraiser for Camp Everfree next month, wanna help out?" Sunset asked.

"Sure thing, if it's to help a camp get back into shape then I'm in." You said enthusiastically. The girls cheered to this.

"Any and all help is much appreciated Anon." Applejack said with a smile. You the proceeded to spend the rest of the day with the girls as you did other activities like going to the arcade, seeing a movie, and a few other things.


Several hours later

The sun was almost beginning to set as you and Sunset said goodbye to the girls before walking away. As you and Sunset walked together she decided to say something.

"Hey, I wanna show you something. Do you mind coming with me?" She asked. This peeked your curiosity.

"Okay." You said while nodding. She takes your hand and leads you somewhere else. A few minutes pass before you make it to this hill that overlooks the city of Canterlot as it was basking in the rays of the sunset. You were amazed by this and you couldn't help but marvel at it.

"Wow, I've never seen something so beautiful." You said as you watched in awe.

"This is where I like to go whenever I want to clear my head and relax." Sunset says before taking a seat on the grass. She looks at you and pats the spot next to her.

"Come on. Sit." She said. You obliged her by sitting down next to her and admiring the beauty that nature was displaying right now.

"It really is a sight to behold." You said to which she nodded in agreement. You sat there just admiring this spectacle that was put in front of you for what seemed like hours before Sunset decided to ask you a question.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" She asked. This got your attention.

"What's up?" You asked her back.

"What was your life like before coming here to Canterlot? I know from what you've told us that it wasn't a happy life, but if your comfortable with sharing it I'd like to hear it." She said hoping to know more about your past. You soon became conflicted. Your life was not something that was easy for you to talk about so when she asked you weren't sure what to do at first. You eventually came to a conclusion that since Sunset was open to sharing her painful past with you that it's only fair that you tell her about your past as well. You looked back at her as she stared at you hoping to get a response from you.

"Well.....alright. This isn't easy to talk about, but for you I'll make an exception." You said which gave Sunset a bit of a hopeful smile. You then got comfy and explained everything. Every place you could remember going to, every angry or mean person that you met, and every bit of any and all painful memories that you could think of you shared with her. She nodded a few times to confirm that she was listening. There was even a few times where you broke down in tears because of how painful a certain memory was. Sunset would hug you at the times of when you cried as well as rubbed your back. This continued on until you made it to the last thing that you could remember.

"There was one point in my life when I just couldn't see a way out or anything else that could make me happy. Eventually it got so bad that I.........I." You hesitated on the last part. Sunset grew concerned for you.

"That you what?" She asked. You looked at her for a moment before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. You then looked back at her.

"That I at one point........attempted suicide." Sunset gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Tears soon flowed into her eyes but still tried to be polite by letting you finish.

"I tried to hang myself in my room, but the rope wasn't strong enough. It snapped and I hit my head on a nearby dresser. My parents came home from work and saw my condition and immediately rushed me to the hospital. I woke up to see my mom crying on my dads shoulder while he was crying too. They saw that I was awake and rushed over and hugged me. They begged me to never do something like that ever again. I promised them that I wouldn't and after that I stayed at the hospital for a few days before finally going home. And that, as far as I can remember, is my life story. So Sunse-woah!" You were cut off by Sunset tackling you into a hug while crying on your shoulder. You hugged her back as you tried your best to calm her down. After a while, she finally calms herself and breaks the hug. She looks at you before throwing on a determined face.

"Anon, I want you to promise me something." She demands.

"Anything." You said before she grips the collar of your shirt with both hands and brings your face closer to hers while displaying an angry face.

"You had better promise me that if you ever, EVER, get anymore thoughts of suicide into your head that you will talk to somebody about it!! Whether it be your parents, a therapist, our friends, or me you better promise me Anon Y Mous that you will talk to someone! AND, you will never attempt suicide ever again! GOT IT?!!!" She yelled into your face. You were kind of scared by the intensity of her voice but you still managed to speak anyway.

"I-I will! I promise!" You said. She narrows her eyes at you.

"Pinkie Promise?!" She yelled. Your eyes widened, you remembered her talking about Pinkies special type of promise and that it was to be taken VERY seriously. You nodded profusely before speaking.

"Y-Yes! Yes! I Pinkie Promise!!" You vowed before doing the gesture. Her face softens and she lets you go. She hugs you again and speaks up once more.

"You have just as much a reason to be here as anyone else Anon. Please, don't ever throw your life away like that, okay?" She asked.

"Okay." You reassured her. The both of you stayed that way until the both of you noticed that it was already dark so the both of you headed back the midpoint. You both make it and stand on the sidewalk as you both said your goodbyes.

"Good night Sunset." You say to her.

"Good night Anon." She says back. The both of you take your leave and head back to your homes. You texted your mom that you were on your way back which was met with an okay and a smiley emoji. You slowly walk back to your home with a new found motivation. You made a promise to yourself that you would always find time for Sunset and that you would upheld your other promise to her.

As you made your way back home that gut feeling came back again. This was now getting annoying, why did this keep happening? It only seemed to happen around Sunset but none of the others. Why? This was definitely something that was hard for you to figure out.

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