Chapter 8: Remembrance of the Past

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Two weeks later

We find you hanging out with Sunset Shimmer at the sweet shoppe on a Saturday afternoon after another fantastic week at CHS. It was another hangout with only you and her today since the others were busy. You had pretty much been accepted by your friends and the students of Canterlot High and you couldn't be any happier. You still did have that same nightmare once in a while but thanks to your parents and your friends they pretty much became nullified to you.

However, there was still something else that bugged you. That gut feeling that was telling you that you need to stay away from Sunset wouldn't go away. No matter what you tried it always managed to stick around like mosquitoes at a camp ground if you forgot to bring bug spray. You really tried to figure out why this kept happening, but no matter what you just couldn't grasp it.

"Hey." You were brought out of your thoughts by Sunset calling out to you. You look over to her as she sat on the other end of the table with a concerned look. "Are you okay?" She asked. You smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking." You responded before scooping some ice cream from your sundae and eating it.

"About what?" She asked.

"It's not important. Anyways, are we still up for Pinkies bake sale next week?" You asked. She at first was curious on why you avoided the question but she let it slide anyways.

"Yep, in fact, Pinkie has already started baking some treats for it." She said. "I kept telling her that we had plenty of time to prepare but she insisted on starting early." She says with a playful eye roll.

"Well why not? It's better to plan ahead and to prepare early then to do it last minute." You pointed out.

"I guess you have a point." She said with a chuckle. You look back at her as she digs into her own sundae and decided to say something rather important to her.

"Hey Sunset? I never got around to saying this last time and I'm sorry it took so long. But I just wanted to say thank you for that talk that we had when we watched that sunset two weeks ago. I honestly haven't felt that relieved to tell someone my past like that in my whole life. So thank you for listening." You said honestly. She blushes and looks away while smiling.

"Oh, you're welcome. Sometimes it just really helps to talk about those sorts of things with your friends, family, or someone else you know." She said before looking back over to you. "It must have been really hard to talk about all of it though. I mean, you were crying a few times which resulted in me having to calm you down, not that it bothered me of course. You needed comfort and I was happy to provide it." She said with a closed eye smile. This always warmed your heart to see her do that.

"Normally I wasn't comfortable with sharing my past before, but now that I've come to this town with these amazing people, I think it's safe to say that I can finally put my past behind me." You said with confidence. She nods at your enthusiasm.

"I agree." She said. "Hey, I want to give you something." She says before reaching into her bag that she had brought along for this hangout which at first you were curious about what was in it but she told you that it was a surprise. She pulled something out and it was revealed to be a small box and placed it in front of you. You picked it up and inspected it. It was rather small, small enough to hold jewelry. You looked back at her to see her with a big smile on her face. "Go on, open it." She requested. You looked back down and opened the box. It was revealed to be.......

You were stunned by this. No one besides your parents ever went out of their way to give you a gift like this. The only difference being that when your parents gave you gifts, it's not that you were ungrateful or anything, it's just that you were dealing with so much depression at the time for you to properly smile at such a gift. Now, you were practically beaming with happiness. You look back at her and give a very grateful smile.

"Sunset...........I-I.....I don't know what to say. This is really beautiful! Where did you get the money for this?" You asked.

"Oh, I may have done some overtime at my job as well as having some extra money that I wasn't spending. I saw that when I was walking home one day and thought that you and me could wear them. As you can see, I take one half and you take the other." She takes the heart half and puts it on as you put on the key half and admired it. You got up from your side of the table and went over to her and gave her a hug. She gladly reciprocated it.

"Thank you Sunset! This was really thoughtful!" You said while still maintaining the hug. She giggles.

"You're very welcome. I really wanted to show you how much you mean to me.'re someone that I really need in my life." She said truthfully. You're eyes widened upon hearing this, but this was different. They didn't widen because of how sweet her words were, they widened because those words awoke something in you. Suddenly, out of nowhere a memory reawakens in the back corners of your mind as if it had finally found an opportunity to set itself free. Then you remembered what it was; all of it. It turns out, there WAS another time where you were happy, but it didn't last long though.


Five years ago

You were attending Fillydelphia middle school. You were going through your depression as you did through most of your life. It seemed as though you weren't getting a break from life hating you every step of the way.

You were sitting at a lunchroom table all by yourself silently eating your lunch while students just passed by you or they would intentionally bump into your back making you fumble while eating your food. You just sighed since it was nothing new to you. While you were eating though someone did approach you but not with ill intent.

"Excuse me? Do you mind if I sit here?" A female voice spoke up. You turned your head solemnly and looked up. It was a girl with cyan skin and emerald green short hair. She had pure green eyes and wore a black hoodie with a symbol of a rain cloud with blue jeans and black converse. She looks down upon you with a smile as she stood there waiting for you to give an answer. You nodded not giving her any verbal response. She sits down next to and decided to introduce herself.

"I'm Drizzle Drop. What's your name?" She asked. You look over to her while contemplating with whether or not you wanted to say something. You decided to be polite and talked to her.

"Anon." You said silently and simply. She smiles at this.

"Anon? That's a nice name. Where are you from?" She asked. You looked away from her not wanting to answer that question. She sits there for a few seconds before reassuring you.

"Hey if you don't wanna talk about it, that's okay." She says while trying to be as friendly as possible. You just sat there silently eating your lunch before you spoke up.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" You asked in a down ridden tone of voice. She was confused by this question.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

"Because everyone else is a horrible jerk. So why are you the only nice person that I've met so far?" You asked while getting a little angry. She thinks for a moment before speaking.

"Because it's who I am and because you looked lonely. Because no one like you deserves to be lonely." She said honestly. You went wide eyed for a moment before your face softens. You felt bad for being mean to this girl who was just being nice. You looked back at her.

"I'm sorry, it's just.....I've kind of had a rough life. Most of the people that I've met were pretty much soulless monsters. So when you're someone like me, it's hard to trust people nowadays." You confessed. She nods at your apology.

"I understand. Most people are jerks, the only people that I've come to trust were my parents and some of my friends. Hey, if you want I can introduce you to them. Does that sound cool?" You stared at her for a moment before giving her a slight smile. The first real smile you ever had.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. They will like me won't they?" You asked.

"Of course they will! Heck, I like you already. So how about after school I'll introduce you to them?" You nodded to her question before the both of you resume eating. From that point on, you spent any spare time you could with your new friend. Drizzle Drop introduced you to her friends which included two guys and one girl: One boy named Stargazer who was a few inches taller than you with navy blue skin and hair and red eyes who wore a red scarf, the other boy being the same height as Stargazer with dark green skin and lighter blue hair and eyes named Thunder Volt, and the girl was taller than both boys who had red skin and short purple hair named Blaze Burst. Everything seemed to be going well with your new set of friends. Until something happened that would scar you for life.


Three weeks later

Everything that you've currently done with Sunset, you pretty much did the same things with Drizzle Drop. Those included hanging out with her friends, watching a sunset together, going to an arcade, watching a movie at a theatre, everything. They would always defend you from bullies or other students who were mean to you at school which you had always appreciated. It really did seem like a dream come true to have friends that actually cared. Your parents were very happy for you to have finally found friends after so long.

One day you were walking home from school with Drizzle Drop as you were talking about the latest action movie that was coming out.

"I definitely wanna go see it. How about you Anon?" Drizzle asked with excitement. You nodded before responding.

"Yeah I do. The last one was so good, I can't wait for this one!" She nods in agreement before the both of you make it to her house. She turns to you before heading inside.

"Hey Anon. I just wanna say that I'm really glad to have met you." She said which made you blush a little bit.

"I'm glad to have met you too Drizzle. I honestly didn't think I would get any friends at any point in my life before coming here. I'm glad that you and the others came along and changed all of that." You said which made her grin widely before walking over and giving you a hug.

"It's not a problem Anon. You really mean a lot to me and...........You're someone that I really need in my life." She said which made your heart leap with joy. You two break the hug before she speaks up once more. "Hey, I almost forgot. Later today me and the others are gonna go hang out at Stargazers place. Wanna come?" She asked. You were about to say yes before you remembered that you had quite a lot of homework that you needed to get done.

"Ugh, sorry Drizzle, but I've got a lot of homework to do. Maybe another time, okay?"  You said hoping that she'll understand. She gets a disappointed look on her face before throwing on an understanding one.

"Okay, I guess I'll be seeing you later then?" You nod to her question.

"I'll see you later Drizzle!" You waved her goodbye as you walked back to your house. After about a ten minute walk, you made it back to your house. You went to your room and began working on your homework. After three hours of working, you were finally finished and could now rest and do whatever. You decided to watch some tv as you waited for your mom and dad to get home from work. Ten minutes passed before you heard a knock at the door. You got up and looked through the peephole and saw that it was a police officer. You answered the door for him.

"How can I help you officer?" He had a solemn look on his face before answering.

"Is this the Mous residence?" He asked.

"It is." You answered truthfully. He took a deep breath before starting.

"I'm afraid that there's no easy way to say this son, but here it is. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that your friends.............are dead." He said. Your heart felt like someone had taken a giant sledgehammer and smashed it into a million pieces. You began to shake and your eyes filled with tears. Your voice cracked as you tried to talk to him.

"W-Wha........wha.........what h-h-happened-d?" You asked trying to hold back the torrent of tears.

"From what we were able to gather, a group of robbers had broken into your friend Drizzle Drops home while her parents were at work. She had walked inside not knowing about the danger. She was shot by the robbers who had silenced pistols. About ten minutes later from what eyewitnesses had spoken of, her friends went by to see if she was okay but the robbers were still there. They had tried to fight them off as best as they could but it was not enough. An eyewitness called the police but we were too late. They were each shot and killed before the robbers managed to get away. We arrived on the scene and............oh god, the sight..........Ms. Drops and your other friends parents arrived and we told them everything. It was one of the hardest things we ever had to do. We went through her contacts and saw that you were one of her friends so I came by to tell you. I'm sorry son." He finished. You stood there in the doorway with a devastated look.

You honestly couldn't believe that your friends were gone. Not just Drizzle Drop, all of them: Stargazer, Thunder Volt, Blaze Burst, all of them were dead. The only friends you ever had in your life, friends who were actually there for you, who cared about you. Now they were gone..................all of them. You tried to calm down as best as you could before speaking to the officer.

"T-Thank y-you f-f-for telling me." You said with a shaky voice. He tips his hat to you before walking back to his car. You closed the door and slumped against it before sliding down and you broke down and cried. You cried for at least an hour before getting back on your feet. This was it, this was the final straw for you. You couldn't take it anymore. Life was determined to make sure that you had a horrible existence even if it meant taking your friends away from you. If life wanted you gone, then so be it. You would at least give it the satisfaction of not being here anymore.

You went to your basement and got some spare rope that your father had stashed away for an emergency if it was needed. You went to your room and tied the rope to the ceiling fan and getting a chair from the kitchen. You wrote a note down on the table explaining to your parents the situation and that you were sorry and you couldn't take it anymore. You stood on the chair and put the rope around your neck before having one final thought.

'I'm coming guys.' With that, you jumped off the chair ready to embrace your fate. However, the rope snapped and you slammed your head on the dresser knocking you out instantly.


End of Flashback

You stood there while still hugging Sunset Shimmer except now you had tears flowing down your cheeks. She felt the tears on her shoulder before separating and looking at you concerningly.

"Anon, what's wrong?" She asked but you didn't say anything. She tried reaching out for you but you backed away from her slowly before bolting out the door. "Anon! WAIT!" She screamed but you didn't listen as you kept running. She ran after you but when she made it outside you were nowhere to be seen. She looked around but couldn't see you anywhere. She got really worried for you. Just a moment ago you were really happy, but now for some reason you cried and ran off. She had to know what was going on so she thought of going to the one place you would probably go to; your house.

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