EPISODE 11 [Misery!]

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Jimin's POV

We presented our concerns about Jin hyung's health who got scathed by that terrace fire and one by one moved into our own rooms afterwards.

I had to go with Namjoon hyung, as we decided for that night Namjoon hyung needed someone. But Jungkook said he couldn't relinquish Jin hyung, and Tae said he will have to look after Yoongi hyung, which he basically does on a quotidian basis.

Between me and Hoseok hyung, I was the one who faced several issues in sleeping alone. So, it was decided if I stay with Namjoon hyung for that night, it would be better for us both. Hence, agreeing to our decision Hoseok hyung slept alone in the room we chose when we first arrived.

I and Namjoon hyung walked into his room. I left the door half closed making the outer view visible, as I thought if he needs anything at night, it would be easier to exit, because the knobs are really very unyielding and takes a lot of time to unlock. So, I left the door like that and dimmed the lights.

"Hyung, are you okay?" I asked as I realized he was not really okay, so much was going on through his head and his heart.

He let out a little sigh and nodded.

"Hyung, I know it's hard for you to bear two disasters in a single day, first your brother and now your boyfriend. But hyung they are okay, that's what matters, ri-" I couldn't complete my sentence.

"Jimin, I'm fine!" He interrupted.

"Okay! I hope you really are alright!" I said and crawled on the bed, sliding towards the corner most side, which felt as the most snuggly place for sleeping according to me.

"Good night Jimin!" He said.

"Good night hyung!" I wished him back without facing his structure.

It was almost 3.30 a.m., when I suddenly heard some noise, which was very feeble. I thought maybe something was happening outside the motel, but in a few seconds I realized that the sound was faint but not far, in fact the sound was originating from exactly the place beside me.

With a palpitating heart I turned around and figured Namjoon hyung holding the glass of water. His hands were wavering and he was huffing very badly. He seemed absolutely out of general physical coordination.

"Hyung are you thirsty?" I asked.

He didn't reply, the only thing he was doing was striving to breath so hard.

He held his turtleneck tightly and kept taking frequent but non synchronized deep breaths.

The signs of stress were evident on his face. His face was sweating copiously, he himself turned cherry red, and was trying to say something.

I immediately brightened the lights and took off his blanket.

"Hyung? Are you okay?" I asked again.

But he couldn't reply, he was battling with himself to breath at that time.

I withdrew the glass from his hand finding out it was already empty, and over that the empty strip of pills proved that he guzzled the water, maybe to swallow those pills.

Or did he face constraints in breathing that's why he drank that water? Why didn't he call me if he was not feeling well?

I placed the glass on the table and began rubbing hyung's hands frequently asking if he was feeling better.

However, he was not able to reply me.

For half an hour I kept rubbing his hands and comforting him, but that didn't help.

After half an hour he tried to do or show something, he slowly raised his right hand up and pointed his index finger towards the door.

"What is it hyung? Is there something? Is there someone?" I asked.

"J- ther- J, J-" He said and no more words.


He didn't breath a single word more.

"Hyung? Tell me what is it? Hyung, are you okay?" I asked panick-stricken.


"H-hyung?" I called out with a fast racing heart thudding inside me.

He did not reply.

I took his palm in my hands shuddering, and checked his pulse.

He was no more.

The intense pallor of his face, the set eyes, the stiffened limbs, spoke of the rigor mortis and the finality of tragedy.

I didn't know what to do, even tears didn't emerge out of my eyes. I was so staggeringly pothered. I let his hand go and sat idly on the bed for another half an hour embosoming my knees and burying my face in those.

I was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura held me in a tightening grip. Terror became the tangible, living force that crept over me like some hungry beast, immobilizing me and my brain, holding me captive. It sucked the very breath from my mouth. Pulses were beating in my ears, blocking all other sounds. I could feel my adrenaline flooding in. I sat there languidly, with my stomach churning and eyes closed. I wanted to be suddenly small and to crawl into someone's lap.

Bit by bit the tears emanated from my eyes, and sauntered down through the cheeks.

Several hours later, I wiped those and got off the bed deciding Jungkook should be the first one to know about this. Only he can tell how Namjoon hyung suddenly passed away, and why.

I tried my hardest to control the salty liquids but they made their roads out in every way possible.

I didn't care more about my tears and left them to do whatever they wanted to whilst I myself walked straight towards the room of Jungkook and Jin hyung.

I panted heavily but silently ten times before knocking, and already made a scenario in my mind about how their reactions were going to be.

Finally I knocked and hoped that Jin hyung wouldn't open the door.

Luckily, it was Jungkook who unbolted.

"Jimin hyung?" He shrieked.

"Jungkook, please help me!" I cried out.

"Why? Is everything alright?" He asked back.

I didn't have the courage to tell the truth to him. I lowered my vision and stared at the cold floor.

But he spotted the two droplets of my tears that rested on the marbles.

He pressed his fingers against my jawline and pulled my face up.

My chin went up but my vision didn't.

"Hyung tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

"Jungkook, Namjoon hyung-" I couldn't proceed anymore, I had an outburst of tears again.

He sighed and grabbed me by my shoulders making me face him this time.

"What about Namjoon hyung? Is he okay?" He inquired worried.

"He is no more!" I said and kneeled down on the floor with my head touching the cold surface allowing my disobedient tears to turn the marbles wet.

"You are joking right?" He asked.

"I would be the happiest if this just turns out to be a joke," I said still feeling impotent enough, incapable to control my emotions.

Jungkook left me there as I was and ran to Namjoon hyung's room.

Soon all the others came to know about his demise. Jin hyung even almost began ululating, however we all somehow managed to convince him in staying prudent.

We decided to wait for few more minutes before reporting Namjoon hyung's body to the morgue.

Jungkook left the lifeless body of Namjoon hyung where it was and came out of the room.

We all convened in my place.

The only sounds that were audible were all of our sighs and the trilling of skylarks.

"Namjoon was enamored of chirping skylarks," Jin hyung sussurated trying his hardest to control himself so that he won't start crying like an infant.

But even if he did, I don't think I would have blamed him.

"I miss him!" Taehyung said breaking down and burying his face in his palms to hide the tears.

Yoongi hyung didn't comment anything, he was as stoic as ever. He is like that, when he gets too grieved over something or gets a sudden shock, he just turns like an emotionless inert stone.

Hoseok hyung was trying to comfort Yoongi hyung but I knew he himself was hiding his tears behind, he was crying inside.

Jungkook was consoling Tae, I knew Jungkook wouldn't cry. He was most probably the toughest among us, but that's what scared me the most. The only comment he made about Namjoon hyung's demise, apart from the cause was

"We need to keep this whole thing personal. No conspiracy theorists should be involved. Also, do not let the websleuths make profit out of this, and do not let the media turn this tragedy into some advantageous content to be enjoyed by the viewers,"

Nothing else, no other remarks. Not even any heart-rending one, neither any contentious one.

I have heard that behaving tough outside and dying inside can lead to actual death. So, I was afraid and hoped Jungkook would let us see his real side if somehow he feels inundated with those jaundiced sentiments.

Once we all settled a bit, I pleaded Jungkook to tell if he found anything regarding hyung's death.

"Poison!" Jungkook muttered with a sigh.

"What?" We all exclaimed at the same time and then looked at each other.

"He died because of poison! I scrutinized the symptoms and it is evident that he died from methanol. It is a light volatile flammable poisonous liquid alcohol used especially as a solvent, antifreeze, or denaturant for ethanol and in the synthesis of other chemicals. It's found in many household chemicals like auto products, cleaning products and other such products, even in some edible products like vegetables and fruits as well," he said.

"Have you encountered death by methanol ever before?" Hoseok hyung asked.

Jungkook nodded "Yes! I have, three such cases where the death was caused by methanol. So, I remember each and every symptom very well, and Namjoon hyung owned all those!" Jungkook admitted.

2 hours later

It has been two hours since we have had breakfast.

"Will they really t-take away my Namjoon's body?" Jin hyung asked with his throat choked with tears.

We didn't say anything. We knew how much he was hurting inside, but he was trying his best to convince himself that Namjoon hyung was no more with us. He was trying his hardest to accept the reality.

But that's not so easy.

In a few minutes, a group of people came and took away Namjoon hyung's lifeless physique.

We all kept Jin hyung in his room and surrounded him so that he wouldn't have to sight the scene of Namjoon hyung being taken away by someone else other than himself.

Jungkook and Hoseok hyung were there to take out Namjoon hyung's corse and they handed him over to the people who came from the morgue to perform their duties.

The people who arrived from the morgue, took him away, far from Jin hyung, far from us.

We all sat surrounding the tea table and we knew now Jungkook will be interrogating us. I'll be mostly in the hot seat 'cuz I was the last one who slept with him.

"When did this happen?" He began his interrogation.

I described the whole incident to him, starting from me hearing that feeble noise to knocking on Jungkook's room to inform.

"Anything that you found fishy or unnatural?" He asked me.

"No!" I replied back still then trying to hold back my tears.

"Did he say something to you last night?" Jungkook asked me again.

I thought a little and immediately an important information snapped in me.

"Before passing away he mumbled the letter 'J' several times, like he was trying to name someone, and he pointed towards the half locked door," I said.

"J?" Jungkook asked.

I nodded.

"Whose names starts with J among us?" He asked.

"Jhope" Taehyung screamed.

"What the-? That's my nickname and Namjoon never ever called me by that name. He didn't even know that Jhope was one of my nicknames, he usually called me by the name Hoseok, or sometimes as Hobi!" Hoseok hyung yelled at us.

"You think Namjoon hyung saw someone whose name starts with 'J' and that's why he..." Jungkook asked me again ignoring Hoseok hyung and Tae.

"I think so," I replied back shrugging indifferently.

"Not nicknames, tell me the names Namjoon hyung used to call us," Jungkook said again.

"Jin hyung!" Yoongi hyung commented.

"YOONGI! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVED HIM? FINE I AGREE THAT I NEVER SHOWED OFF MY LOVE FOR HIM ENOUGH INFRONT OF OTHERS BUT YOU...HOW CAN YOU-" Jin hyung began to yell but luckily Jungkook handled the condition well and calmed him down.

"Jungkook!" Said Hoseok hyung.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook asked looking at Hoseok hyung raising an eyebrow.

"I am only saying Namjoon used to call you 'Jungkook', your name starts with J. I am not saying you are the culprit!" Hoseok hyung replied composedly.

"Jimin!" Taehyung said.

Everyone looked at me with strange gazes.

"Why are you all looking at me like I'm a hideous behemoth or something?" A gasp landed on my gestures, enveloping me into the sense of getting hounded by my closest cullies.

"The most accurate I think!" Jin hyung said narrowing his eyelids.

"Wh-what?" I was appalled.

"Jimin hyung sing a high note!" Jungkook told me.

"Huh?" I exclaimed.

I was really utterly befuddled.

"Just do what I say! I'm coveting for your mellifluous voice, but I can't own it myself. So, sing a high note! You've attended music lessons, therefore you know what high notes mean, right? Sing it on the count of three!" Jungkook ordered me.

"Does it look like a concert hall? It's a mourning time and you want me to sing a song now?" I yelled at Jungkook.

"Just Do What I Say...3...2...1," he pronounced the whole thing providing stress to each and every element that sentence was made up of.

I sighed and sang whatever came to my mind.

"Why are you smirking?" I asked Jungkook as I spotted him smirk.

"Jimin hyung why does your voice during high notes sounds exactly the same as that unknown caller?" He asked.

I didn't have any answer, I didn't know what to say.

"You were the only one who stayed with Namjoon hyung last night, your name starts with J, your voice sounds the same, you were jealous of Namjoon hyung's intelligence, you love pranks, you love crime series, basically everything is indicating at you!" Jungkook pointed the finger at me.

"Jin hyung also is a master chef, he knows various tricks to mix different things with food, what if he mixed the poison? He is an ex actor too, what if he was just acting like a boyfriend and didn't love him really?

Yoongi hyung never reveals his secret what if he did it? Hoseok hyung has a crush on Yoongi hyung, maybe Namjoon hyung didn't let him get intimate with Yoongi hyung that's why he killed him? Hoseok hyung is a good science student, what if he mixed the poison?

And you, yes you Jungkook, you are a cop and have encountered many murder cases, so you have a fantastic idea about perfect crimes, what if you planned it all?" I yelled without a break, and in between I even stood up as well because I got really overexcited, but not in a good way.

None spoke any word for few minutes, everyone stared at me in surprise.

"Are you trying to prove your innocence?" Taehyung asked.

"No! Why would I 'prove' myself when I don't even know what I have done. I have NO hand in Namjoon hyung's expiry! Now, please stop picking on me! And bring down the shutter on your balderdash hunches!!" I yelled again.

We sat there for the rest of the morning, and even for the entire twilight.

I realized that the sudden demise of Namjoon hyung was just a simple yet a huge blow for all of us.

But amidst everything, still, one of us was the killer, one of us caused all the happenings, one of us was faking all the actions.

Eventually, the time passed, the clock kept ticking without any pity, any compassion, any mercy.

Our suppers arrived, we had it and then walked back to our own rooms carrying our bruised hearts within us.


Thank you so much everyone for reading, hope you are enjoying. Sorry for grammatical errors, typos or spelling mistakes. Stay happy and healthy 💜💜

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