EPISODE 12 [Hidden Truths!]

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Jimin's POV

Last night neither me, nor Hoseok hyung could sleep comfortably. The first reason was very obviously that sudden demise of Namjoon hyung, and the second was most possibly doubt. I doubted what if Hoseok hyung is the one behind all these? Hoseok hyung doubted the same in case of me, I bet.

Well, there were few things that stroke my mind but I wasn't confident enough to put them up.

I started questioning myself. Did that sugar pouch actually belong to Yoongi hyung? Why did he carry a fucking three years old sugar pouch from an entirely different motel for all these days? Was there actually melted sugar in it or something else? Who set the terrace on fire? Who was it who tried burning something? What did he try to burn? Whose phone was that? Who was the unknown caller? Why did he wait five minutes before speaking? Who was that female? Why did she call us to save her? And the shadow I spotted yesterday, looked so much like him, the structure corresponded so much with him, was it him? Is the killer really who I am thinking it is?

I decided to wake up early next morning, as I set my mind that I would inform my doubts to Jungkook before the others could arise. I knew Jungkook would wake up early, so I set the alarm a little earlier compared to other days.

Next Day

I opened my eyes before the alarm rang, well only 2 minutes were left to ring though. I snoozed it and got off the bed heading towards Jungkook's room.

As expected he was already awake. He was having his morning refreshment when I spotted him.

Luckily, everyone else were asleep.

"Jungkook!" I mumbled calling out his name keeping the volume of my voice as low as possible, so that none else could hear us.

Jungkook put down his refreshment holder, dabbed his lips with a tissue and responded me.

"Jimin hyung! Good morning!" He said.

"Jungkook, I- I need to tell you something," I stammered.

"Regarding?" He asked boldly.

"Namjoon hyung's death! I need to get this off of my chest," I replied.

He gestured me to take a seat on the swivel chair and I did.

"Tell me everything!" He said- no he ordered me getting a little aggressive.

"Jungkook you remember I told you hyung pointed towards the exit and said J?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Wh-when I looked there, I didn't find any human being of flesh and blood but I spotted a shadow, and that shadow resembles to one of us. I think I know whose shadow was that!" I told him with a panicking heart and suppressed voice.

"Whose was it?" Jungkook asked getting high key curious.

"It was- " I was about to tell the name but I couldn't as we both suddenly heard a noise, more like a creak.

"Was someone eavesdropping?" Jungkook asked getting furious.

We couldn't continue our conversation, Hoseok hyung walked out.

"Jimin, you are up already? Since when did you become an early riser?" He asked me grabbing his toothbrush.

I and Jungkook exchanged a glance and sighed.

We both got frustrated.

One by one all the others came out.

We had our coffee followed by breakfast.

None breathed a word, not even Jungkook, so I had to break the silence.

"Yoongi hyung, where is that sugar pouch?" I asked out of the blue.

"I threw it out, do you think I will keep it even after we all faced such maladroit series of events because of that?" Yoongi hyung replied seeming very unflappable, rolling his eyes.

"But why were you carrying it for three years in the first place though?" I asked again.

"I forgot that it was in my denim. I remembered that during that rescue of girl in the woods or whatever, it dropped from my denim. I remembered exactly that time that I have forgotten to take that out at my house, I apologize!" He replied back boldly again.

We all sighed.

None's POV

After the boys were done with their lunch, they moved back to their own rooms.

They gathered at the half burnt terrace again but the environment was not jolly anymore.

Even after enormous strained efforts, they failed to bring up a simple happy conversation. It became non-viable for them to simulate pleasure.

They ordered for iced chocolate and drank that assuming maybe chocolate could help them cheer up, but they were wrong. So terribly wrong!

Eventually, their bed time arrived and everyone walked back into their own rooms.

Few hours later

It was almost midnight when Jimin heard a knock on his door.

He was about to unbolt it, but he didn't.

"What if it's him?" He suspected in his mind, with his visage gradually turning ashen.

He didn't open the door, neither did he reply to the knocker.

Jimin looked back and stared at the face of sleeping Hoseok for a few minutes.

"Should I tell him?" Jimin mumbled.

"Should Hoseok hyung know?" Jimin murmured to himself again.

There was another knock on the door.

But Jimin was too jittery to open it at that moment.

"What if he heard my conversation with Jungkook this morning?" He wondered with dread settling into his stomach.

"He will not spare me, he will kill me to save himself!" Jimin continued talking to himself.

Jimin heard one more knock on the door.

But he still then didn't gain enough spunk to unlock it.

No more knocks were heard. But few whiles later, Jimin spotted a piece of small white paper being slid in his room beneath the door instead.

He picked it up with trembling hands and unfolded.

"I am not him, open the door. I know who killed Namjoon hyung, and I have to say something very important about him to you!" The paper said.

Jimin folded the paper back and dropped that into the waste bin.

He whispered asking the knocker back "Why are you not talking?"

Another paper arrived into the room.

Jimin opened it.

"I don't want the murderer to be aware, he might be awake, so please open the door!" It said.

Jimin folded that paper as well and dropped into the waste bin.

He then grabbed the knob and almost twisted it.

But still he was not enough courageous.

"Well, it doesn't look like his handwriting, the murderer who I am thinking is doesn't own this handwriting. It's definitely not him then!" He convinced himself and unlocked the door with accelerated heartbeats forming within his thorax making his head throb and his muscles tightened.

As soon as Jimin opened the door, the boy standing behind the locked door put a tight grip over Jimin's face and stabbed him. Jimin couldn't even scream, he was so panic stricken and that grip of the cold hand didn't allow Jimin to scream.

The boy kept stabbing him ruthlessly, he stabbed Jimin multitudinous times and didn't stop until the floor of Jimin's room was completely painted with blood.

The culprit displayed a smug grin which with time turned into a wicked infernal laughter, but remaining very cautious about his laughter not being audible to others except him and the half alive Jimin who was lying helplessly in front of him.

"I- I knew it was you!" Jimin said those last words before exhaling his last breath.

And then

Jimin also left the group, leaving only five of his friends behind.

Jimin didn't scream, not a single noise was heard. Even Hoseok was so soundly asleep, hence he also didn't know anything until the next morning.

The murderer came out of the room and washed the bloody knife removing all the blood stains which ornamented his hand.

He dried the wet knife with a serviette and hid it in one of his hoodies. Once he was done with that, he silently walked back to his room and lied on his bed.

None knew a murder occurred during that night until the next morning.

Jungkook's POV

After dinner, we all walked back to our own rooms.

I and Jin hyung talked for several hours about how Namjoon hyung was very special to both of us. Well, most of the talk was done by Jin hyung though, and I was mostly the listener.

Till midnight we gossiped, I just hoped he will feel better if he could tell everything to me that were killing him inside. So, I listened.

I don't even know half of the things he said, I wasn't concentrating as I was indulged in some other thought, a very sensitive one. But I listened to him and nodded even without identifying any context. Most of the time he was babbling, I listened to those babblings too. Not because I loved his voice but because I wanted him to be happy.

"Good night Jungkook!" He suddenly said.

I understood his story was over and now he was going to doze off, in a long term sense.

I wished the same advising him not to overthink about anything that has happened and fell asleep myself beside him.


Thank you so much YoBts0 and harshita_103 for reading all of my episodes and commenting. Thank you so much for your support, that means really a lot to me. I purple you sweethearts 💜💜

Apologies: Very sorry for any kind of grammatical errors, typos or spelling mistakes. Please forgive me for my inconveniences

So sorry for killing Jimin, but it is an important part of the storyline. The killer will soon be revealed. A luring
darkness is coming to an end, so very
soon you will know about the mystery killer, the mystery caller and about the secret member. Stay tuned! And share your thoughts.

Stay happy, healthy and safe! Love you all, see you in the next episode 💜❤💜

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