Chapter 12

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Man - How was your beauty sleep babygirl ? ( smirks ).

Avni was on the verge of crying.

Avni - Where am I ? ( tear filled eyes ).

Man - Awww. Don't cry baby girl. I am  with you.

Avni - ( wiped her tears ) Akhil stop your nonsense and tell me where am I ? ( sternly ).

Akhil laughs evily.

Akhil - Baby, why are you getting angry ? I freed you from that Neil.

Avni - How you know about him ? ( shocked ).

Akhil - I know each and everything baby. ( winks at her ).

Avni looks around, she was trapped in a small room.

Avni - Where am I ? Tell me you bastard. ( yelled ).

Akhil held her shoulders tightly and pressed her soft skin, Avni winced in pain.

Akhil - Don't dare to yell at me. Did you get that ? ( sternly ).

Avni - Leave me.. ( broken voice ).

Akhil left her with a jolt and she fell on the floor.

Akhil - Why are making me angry sweetheart ?

He caressed her cheeks while she shoved his hand away rudely.

Avni - Don't come near me. ( sternly ).

Akhil - Oh really !! ( smirks ).

He started proceeding towards her while she was sliding back on the floor.

Avni - Listen move away. ( tried to act strong ).

Akhil - Aww, babygirl as if I will listen to you. ( he tucks her hair strand behind her ear ).

Avni - Don't touch me. ( yelled ).

Akhil - Let me have a little fun with you sweetheart. ( smirks ).

He buries his face in her chest while she pulled his head away harshly. Akhil's eyes were shooting daggers on her. Avni got up and tried to run but Akhil held her ankle and pulled her backwards, Avni fell down on the ground and was screaming in pain, Akhil came on top of him and put his entire weight on Avni, Avni's breath chocked due to his heavy weight.

Avni - Leave me you bullshit. ( Struggling ).

Akhil bit her neck, Avni pushed him away and slapped him across his face. He fell down and Avni got up.

Akhil was very angry, he held Avni's neck and pinned her against the wall while pressing her neck harshly.

Akhil - How dare you Avni ? How dare you slap me ? ( anger ).

He left her neck while she was trying to inhale some air. He held her waist and pressed it, she screamed.

Akhil - Dare you do this again and you will face my wrath. ( sternly ).

Avni - You are a bloody monster. Why the fuck I trusted you ? You are just a coward who is trying to take advantage of my helplessness.

Akhil - Avni... ( yelled ).

He slapped her across  her face and she fell down. Her eyes were filled with tears and she was thinking only about one person i.e Neil.

Akhil - Now die here, you won't be provided food today. ( sternly ).

He left from here while Avni started sobbing remembering what mistake she made.


Goon - Sir, we have checked some of their properties and there is no trace of Avni mam.

Neil - ( sighs ) Have you got the list of their houses and other assets ?

Goon - Yes sir. ( he hand over the list to Neil ).

Goon - Sir, shall we attack their main house ? Maybe, we will get some clue regarding Avni mam.

Neil - No, Avni is with them and they can harm her if we will try to fight with them. My weakness is captivated in their clutches, if we will take impulsive decisions then it will increase Avni's sufferings.

Goon - Sir, what will we do now ?

Neil - When I told you to find details regarding Avni, did you find any specific detail that can link with this case.

Goon - No sir.

Neil - Her father died when she was merely a baby of few days. Right ?

Goon - Yes sir.

Neil - How he died ?

Goon - In a car accident.

Neil - Car accident or a murder. ( thinking ).

Goon - We don't know anything about this.

Neil - After her father's death, her mother have protected her. I mean she didn't allow her to hangout frequently. She have made her quite reserve.

Goon - Sir, her mother have arranged a proper security for her safety, only we know how we were able to kidnap her.

Neil - There is some missing link and only one person can answer this question.

Goon - Who sir ?

Neil - Mrs. Neela Mehta.

Goon - But why will she help us sir ?

Neil - For her daughter she can do anything. Within 2 minutes she will reach her home.

A car stopped infront of Mehta mansion and Neela came out of the car. She went inside her home.

Neil - As Avni haven't called her in all these days, Mrs. Mehta will be very much concerned about her daughter and will call her continuously.

Neela - Avni... Avni ... where are you bacha ?... Avni

Neil - When she won't find her, she will become worried and will go towards the security guards that are arranged for her safety.

Neela went towards the security guards.

Neela - Where is Avni ? ( sternly ).

Guard - Mam she haven't returned home since 3 - 4 days.

Neela - What ? And you didn't informed me about this. ( yelled at them ). Whenever I used to ask you about her, you told me that she is fine. You lied to me. ( sternly ).

Guard - We thought that she would have gone at her friend's house.

Neela - You thought and took this thing very lightly. Make sure, if anything will happen to my daughter then I won't spare you all. ( sternly ).

Neela went out and sat in the car.

Neil - Now, she will go to Avni's college, friend's house, all those places that are linked with Avni.

Neela went to Avni's friend's house.

Avni was having only two friends and Neela didn't found any clue about her from any of them infact Avni haven't contacted them since many days.

After that Neela went to Avni's college and got to know that Avni used to come to college in all these days but today she wasn't seen after 5th period.

Neela called the orphanage's owner where Avni used to spend her weekends with orphange's kids. The owner told her that Avni haven't come there from several days.

Neela went to their favourite cafe where Avni used to spend her time whenever she felt low. She went to the favourite place of her husband as Avni loved to go to that place. Neela searched almost all places linked with Avni but wasn't able to locate her.

Neil - 2 hours have gone, now she won't waste a second and will go to police station.

Neela - I should go to police station.

Neil pulled out his mobile from his pocket and called DD.

DD - Yes bro.

Neil - Mrs. Neela Mehta is coming at police station for filing Avni's missing report. Try to find something about her life history. Something that will help me in rescuing Avni.

DD - Okay bro.

Call ends.

Neil - Now, I have to wait for 30 minutes. After that I will think about my next step.

Neela went inside DD's cabin.

Neela - Sir, my daughter is missing. I want to file FIR.

DD - Please have a seat mam and tell me what happened ?

Neela - She haven't come home since 4 days, I was in Pune and I tried to call her several times but she never received my calls, I contacted her friends and searched every place where she can go but she isn't there. I went to her college and got to know that she attended college in all these days but today she disappeared from college. No one saw her after 1:00 pm.
( tears were flowing from her eyes ).

DD - Do you have any enemy ? I mean who can try to harm Avni.

Neela became numb.

Neela - No. ( she lied ).

DD - Any specific thing that can help us in this case ?

Neela - No. ( she was shivering in fear ).

DD messaged Neil about her answers and behaviour.

Neil smirked.

Neil - As expected, Mrs. Neela Mehta  won't open her mouth that easily.

Neil message DD to let her go.

DD - You can go mam. We will start our investigation and will tell you if we get any clue regarding Avni.

Neela nodded and left.

Neil - Time to meet Mrs. Neela Mehta.

Neela arrived her home and was crying bitterly.

Neela - What if, Avni is kidnapped by them. They won't spare my daughter. I can't involve police in this or else my daughter.

She entered the living room and found few men were standing there and a man was sitting on the couch.

The man sitting on the couch got up and stood infront of Neela.

Neela - Who are you ? ( confused ).

Man - Neil Khanna.

》》》》 》》》》

Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks ♥️

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