Chapter 13

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Neela - What if, Avni is kidnapped by them. They won't spare my daughter. I can't involve police in this or else my daughter. ( crying bitterly )

She entered the living room and found few men were standing there and a man was sitting on the couch.

The man sitting on the couch got up and stood infront of Neela.

Neela - Who are you ? ( confused ).

Man - Neil Khanna.

Neela - What can I do for you ? I don't even know you. ( confused )

Neil - You can't know me either, my world is different from you guys.

Neela - What ? ( confused ).

Neil - I am a mafia king.

Neela - What ? ( shocked ) Get lost  from here. ( sternly ).

Neil - I knew that you will react this way but I won't go anywhere until and unless I get my answers.

Neela - Which answers ?

Neil - I don't know how to beat around bush, I will straight away come to the point. It's about Avni.

Neela - Avni ? ( shocked ).

Neil - Yes, Avni is kidnapped.

Neela - How can you be so sure ?

Neil - As I said, I am a mafia so I understand these situations better than you. I know very well that she is in danger and something associated with her family have made her life miserable.

Neela's face became pale after listening it.

Neil - Why are you numb Mrs. Mehta ? See, I know very well how you have protected Avni since her childhood and I know very well there is some mystery.

Neela - How you know about Avni ?

Neil - She saved my life when I was lying on a cold road covered with blood drenching in rain, hoping that someone will come and save me. At that time, Avni came into my life as a ray of hope. After few days, I came to know that our rival gang was trying to attack Avni. My gang tried our best to protect her and we were successful but when you left for Pune, another information came that my rivals wanted to kidnap Avni, before they can do that, I kidnapped her and kept her with me, for her safety. At first I used to think that they are after her cos she saved my life but when things were going beyond the limits, I concluded that there is some missing link and when we encounter some of our rival's men we got to know that their mafia king is after Avni from a long time and now only you can tell me about this mysterious situation, only if you want to see your daughter safe.

Neela's eyes became glassy, she burst into tears. She fell on the floor and buried her face in her palms feeling helpless. Neil felt bad after seeing her condition. He asked one of his man to bring water for her.

Neil made her sit on the couch and made her drink some water.

Neil - See Mrs. Mehta, I want to rescue   Avni from their clutches and I was protecting her till now but that stupid girl ran away from the college and now I am hundred percent sure that our rivals have captivated her. My weakness is with them so before attacking them I need to know about their life history and from your behaviour, I am sure that you know about that gang.

Neela - If I will tell you everything, you will save my daughter. ( broken voice )

Neil - Yes, I will.

Neela - You won't harm her ?

Neil - How can I even think of harming her when I love.....( he stops while Neela looks at him )

Neil - I won't harm her in anyway.

Neela - Actually ... ( Shh !! It's a secret.🤫🤫 )

Neil looks at her with shocked expressions and tear filled eyes.

Neela - Please save her Neil, she is very  innocent. I curse myself for making her like this. I wish, I had taught her to fight for herself but I didn't wanted to loose her and now only due to me she won't be able to fight for herself. Please save her. ( while crying ).

Neil composed himself.

Neil - I won't let anything happen to her. I should leave now. I will be in contact with you.

With that Neil and his gang left from there.


Avni was sitting in the dark room shattered. She was scared of dark but this darkness meant nothing to her as her guilt have made her numb. She was thinking about Neil, all the moments she spent with him.

She always cursed him for kidnapping  her but now she realised that even her kidnapping was beneficial for her. How can she think to runaway from him when all he had in his eyes was his unconditional love for her ? How can she trust Akhil over him ? Neil always behaved well with her, he was always protective for her but Akhil tried to molest her and Neil can't even think about doing this cheap act.

Sometimes self realisation occurs when we have to face different circumstances and have to leave our comfort zone. Her comfort zone is  with her Neela maa and Neil and now she got to know how weak she is ? She can't even protect herself.

A stream of tears was rolling down from her eyes.

Avni - I am sorry Neil. I am really sorry. ( crying ) I should have trusted you but please help me. You always protect your babydoll, right ? So, please forgive your Avi and help her. Please. ( crying ).

The door opened and Avni saw a girl in mid twenties standing there dressed up in mustard coloured pencil skirt and white shirt.

The girl walked towards Avni and sat beside her.

Girl - You are way much beautiful baby. ( smirks ).

Avni looked on confused.

Girl - How are you feeling here ?

Avni didn't say anything.

Girl - Well if you are feeling worse  then I am here to make your condition worst baby. ( smirking ).

Avni looked at her with confused eyes.

Girl - Dress up for the party of beasts. ( smirks evily ).

Avni was shivering in fear while the girl was smiling.

Avni - I won't..... ( scared ).

Girl - Oh really baby !! Your won't means you are not an obedient girl and you know I hate when someone says no to me. ( sternly ).

Avni - Please leave me alone here. ( crying ).

Girl - No, I won't. I want to see your sufferings. So, take this dress and get ready.

Avni - Please leave me. ( crying ).

Girl - You won't obey me. ( yelled ). Okay fine, let me use some other way.

She pulled out an acid bottle from her pocket.

Girl - How about ruining this pretty face of yours ? ( smirking )

Avni - No, please don't do it. ( shivering ).

Avni got up and tried to move away from her while the girl was proceeding towards Avni with aggressive gaze.

Avni - Please leave me..

As soon as she was about to throw the acid on Avni, a voice interrupted her.

Akhil - Juhi... ( yelled ).

Juhi looked back and found Akhil standing there with rage filled eyes.

Akhil - Keep that fucking acid bottle down. ( yelled ).

Juhi was having no other option, so she placed the acid bottle on the table.

Akhil came towards Juhi and slapped her across her face.

Akhil - Are you fucking insane ? How can you think of harming her ? Come into your senses dammit. ( roared at top of his voice )

Juhi - I hate her, I want to make her suffer. ( sternly ).

Akhil - There are more ways for showing your hate, why the hell you were doing this blunder ? Do you want to die ? You know very well that boss would have ripped you apart.

Juhi - But ...

Akhil - No if not buts.. come with me.

Akhil took her along with him and closed the door behind. Avni heaved a sigh of relief.

Avni - What have I done that these people are trying to harm me ? What should I do now ?


Goon - Sir, here are the places where we can search for Avni mam. Some men have went for searching her and we will leave for searching her in the remaining places.

Neil - Keep all the weapons and things required.

Goon - Yes sir.

Neil - ( in mind ) Please stay safe Avni. I know you can fight for yourself. Please try to escape from there, I know you can do it. I will rescue you soon.


Avni - Avni, sitting here and crying won't help you. You have to take some action then only you would be able to escape from this place. I should try once, maybe I get a way. I think today is a party here as Juhi was talking  about a party, I guess I can use this opportunity.

She got up and went towards the door and peeped through a small hole present on door's surface in order to see, if she can escape from here.


Akhil and Juhi were standing in a room and a man was sitting on a huge couch infront of them.

Man - This is the first and last warning to you Juhi, if you will try to harm Avni then I will punish you in the most terrible way possible. ( sternly ).

Juhi - Yes sir. ( fearful ).


Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks 💖

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