Chapter 19

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Neil came inside Avni's room gaining Avni's and Neela's attention.

Neil - 2 hours, within two hours you will be leaving for Delhi Neela aunty. You will live in one of my villa located in Delhi with strict security. Your one of the office is situated in Delhi and I have arranged strict security there as well. Please cooperate with me.

Neela looked at Avni who assured her through her eyes that everything will be fine.

Neela - I want to discuss something important with you Neil.

Neil - We both will talk later, firstly have your dinner and Avni you also have something as you have to take medicines as well.

He left from there and a maid bring dinner for Avni and Neela.

Neela fed Avni with her hands and Avni made her eat. After dinner Neela gave medicines to Avni.

Avni hugged her tightly while Neela caressed her back gently.

Neela - What happened bacha ?

Avni - Just hold me close for sometime ma, after sometime you will leave from here and I don't even know when we will meet again. ( broken voice ).

Neela patted her head and held her tightly in her arms.

Neela - We will meet very soon bacha. You.... you... Neil .. right ?

She didn't liked the way Avni defended Neil but at the same time she can't argue with her daughter as her point of view was true. Neil is trying to help them but Neela don't want him to develop feelings for Avni as she don't want any link with a criminal. She don't want to destroy her daughter's life. These thoughts were conquering her mind but one look at Avni's face, she forgot everything and just admired her innocent daughter who was safe and was having some unusual peace.

Avni kept her head in Neela's lap while she was caressing her hairs, if it was any other day then Avni would have fallen asleep but sleep was far away from her eyes as she was remembering all those horrific incidents that took place with her in that hell. There are several incidents that she have buried within herself. Neela don't know about those incidents as Avni didn't shared those details with Neela, she don't want to bother her more.

After sometime, there was a knock on the door and Neil entered inside with 2 of his men.

Neil - Neela aunty you wanted to talk about something.

Neela - Yes Neil.

Neil - Go ahead.

Neela - Alone. ( sternly )

Neil nodded his head positively.

Neil - Come with me then.

Neela got up from the bed and looked at confused Avni.

Neela - Don't worry I won't change my decision. ( smiles ) I know you are scared regarding my safety so I will obey Neil's suggestions.

Avni smiles 

Neela left the room along with Neil. They both went inside Neil's room.

Neela - I won't beat around the Bush, I will straight away come to the point. I don't want my daughter to become part of this mafia world. I don't want her to have any personal link with a mafia. ( sternly )

Neil smirked

Neela - I hope you understand, what I am trying to say.

Neil - You know what, even I am very straight forward person. Let me come to the point, so the reality is that I love your daughter, I love her like a maniac.

Neela was shocked.

Neil - And believe me, for the safety of my love, I can push her away from myself.

Neela became confused after listening this.

Neil - Let me finish off that Raghav, Avni will return back to you. I won't even show my face to her after this mission cos I don't want her to spoil her life in this destructive world.

Neela - I hope my daughter won't develop feelings for you.

Neil - She fears the mafia king and hates criminals. She won't fall for me.

Neela - We both can only hope regarding this.

Neil - Okay then, I hope your doubts are cleared now. Within 5 minutes you will leave for airport. You will go to Delhi via my private jet as your safety also matters alot.

Neela - Thanks for all your favours.

She was about to go but stopped after listening Neil's voice.

Neil - Atleast don't compare my love for my Avi with a cheap word known as favour. I am doing all this for my love. A love which is not written in my fate.

Neela wasn't able to argue with him so she left the room.


Neela, Avni and Neil were standing in the living room along with Neil's men.

Neela hugged Avni and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She wiped Avni's tears lovingly.

Neela - Take care bacha, I will be back very soon.

Avni - You too take care mom.

Neela nods and hugged her for one last time. Neil's eyes also welled up after seeing them but he drank back his tears, he never got parents love since his childhood and he really adore Neela's and Avni's bond.

Neela left and Neil arranged a very strict security for her. Avni was crying  and Neil was looking at her helplessly.

Neil - ( in mind ) Sorry Avi. I didn't wanted to separate you and Neela aunty but I was helpless. I know Neela aunty very well, if she would have stayed with us then she would have planned several plans for taking you away from me and at this time I can't leave you as there are several dangers roaming around you. Neela aunty is very stubborn, this is the only reason why I am sending her away. I will keep a strict check on her safety. I won't let anything happen to both of you. Please forgive me for separating you and Neela aunty.

Avni was crying continuously, Neil held her hand and she looked at him. He wiped her tears and took her inside her room. He made her sit on the bed and sat beside her.

Neil - Whatever I am doing is for your safety Avi. Don't fall weak, you will meet your mother very soon and you can contact her whenever you want. I won't stop you.

Avni - I....I...I am sorry Neil for whatever...

Neil puts finger on her lips preventing her to speak further.

Neil - Forget whatever happened Avi. Think about your present.

Though Neil wanted to listen to her but at the same time he don't want her to remember those horrific days.

Avni - Neil...I....I... ( chocked voice )

Neil held the glass of water that was lying on the side table and made her drink it. She calmed down a bit, he held her by shoulders while she winced in pain, it was enough to plant a seed of suspicion in Neil's mind.

Neil - What happened to you Avi ? Is there any injury there ? Come on show me what happened. ( concerned )

Avni - N...n...nothing.  ( she looked down )

Neil - Why are you even trying to lie when it is not your cup of tea. ( sighs )

Avni bows her head down.

Neil - Am I missing something ? What are you hiding ?

Avni - A....a....a...Akhil... ( tears formed in her eyes )

Neil - Akhil, did he harm you ?

Avni was silent.

Neil - Avi show me your injury, I don't want to hear any excuses.

Avni knew that Neil won't leave her until and unless she answers his questions.

Avni pulled up her top's sleeves and Neil's face became pale when he saw nail mark on her skin. His eyes welled up and he looked at Avni's face which was filled with tears.

Neil caressed the marks tenderly and held her hand in his.

Neil - Did he..... did he ( he wasn't able to speak further ) Did he tried ..... tried to... to... ...molest you ? ( he spoke with great difficulty )

Avni burst into tears and Neil immediately took her petite self in his arms. He patted her back in order to calm her but she cried her heart out and clutched his shirt tightly in her tiny fists. Neil closed his eyes in frustration, he felt like breaking Akhil's face for what he have done with his Avni.

Neil - Avni don't cry you are my strong girl. Right ? ( caressing her head )

Avni hugged him more tightly.

Avni - You know Neil,I...I... tried to defend myself..........


I hope update was good.

I was working on some other story but then thought of updating this story as update was ready in my brain. 😉🙈

Tomorrow I will update..... umm.... let's keep it as a suspense cos I myself don't know. 🤣

And yes after completing "Our story" I will write one more short story on avneil and the plot idea of that story  is given by  sunshine1830

Much love
Thanks ❤

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