Chapter 20

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Neil - Avni don't cry you are my strong girl. Right ? ( caressing her head )

Avni hugged him more tightly.

Avni - You know Neil,I...I... tried to defend myself. I tried to escape from that hell but ... but I....I failed miserably. ( crying )

Neil - You want to share something Avi ? ( while burying his lips in her scalp for soothing her )

Avni - Akhil... Akhil ( stammering ) ...

Neil cupped her face and joined his forehead with hers. He held her hand and rubbed the back of her hands with his thumb. She calmed down a bit. They were sitting in the same position and Avni continued speaking.

Avni - Akhil tried to ... r....r... rape .. rape me. ( closing her eyes as tears were flowing freely ). When I tried to stop him he slapped me, no..... no one ever treated me like this Neil. ( crying ). This was my first time and I don't want to face this again, I don't want to go in that hell again ....

Neil's muscles tensed up while his jaw clenched in rage but he kept himself under control as he wanted to calm a panic stricken Avni.

Avni hugged him and clinged on him as if she was a baby while he patted her back, she held his shirt in a tight grip which resulted in whitening of her knuckles. Neil held her hands in order to assure her that he is there for her but she gripped him more tightly burying her face in his chest. Neil wrapped his arms around her and caressed her hairs. There was a peaceful silence in the room until Avni decided to break it.

Avni - I didn't want to go back, I will listen to you, I will follow your words but please save me Neil. I don't want to face those animals. I don't want that life where my own sister tried to harm me with an acid bottle.

She was shivering in his arms as she was getting flashes of those hellish times. Neil was shocked to the core after listening all this, he was burning in rage, his eyes were displaying intense anger but the petite figure wrapped in his arms was enough to calm down his aggression. He was trying to drink back his anger for his Avi but at the same time the beast inside him was provoking him to torture the hell out of those animals who tried to harm his life.

Avni - I don't want to go back. ( shivering ).... I don't... please save me ... I don't.

Neil - Avi. ( concerned )

He broke the hug and cupped her face.

Neil - I won't let you go back in that hell.

Avni - They .... they will .. they... will find me ( crying )

Neil - They won't. ( glassy eyes )

Avni - Please save me. ( crying )

Neil - I am there for you. I will protect you. You are safe. ( whispers  )

Avni - They will again take me away from you and Neela ma. ( her lips were quivering )

Neil again took her in his arms and kissed her temples lovingly.

Neil - I am always with you Avi. This time they have to face my wrath if they will try to harm you. I won't let them come near you. No one will take you away now.

Avni's calmed down a bit, Neil patted her head tenderly in order to make her sleep and after sometime she slept. He made her lay down on the bed but he realised that she have clutched his shirt even in her sleep, he tried to free himself but failed as Avni's grip tightened on him as if she don't want to let him go away from her.

He sighed and positioned himself beside her on the bed, he took her in his arms, her head was on his chest,  her one arm was wrapped around his waist while her other hand was still clutching his shirt. Neil covered them with  duvet and kept on caressing her head.


Neil's POV

I am feeling helpless after seeing her state. I never felt this much weak but her vulnerable self have made me hate myself for not able to save her soon, for not being there with her when she needed me the most. I so want to take all her pain away but she is very broken from inside. She needs time and care and I am ready to give her all the love, I am ready for  healing her with my love and care  but her wounds are piercing my heart, her pain is making me feel miserable. I will heal her with my affection but I won't be able to heal myself, I won't be able to forget the painful emotions I went through when I almost  lost my Avi. I won't be at peace until and unless I punish those animals. I love you Avi and I always want you to be happy, the person who will try to harm you or will try to snatch your happiness he or she will face that beast whom everyone claim as mafia king.

POV ends

Avni was sleeping peacefully in his arms while he received a call from one of his guard.

Neil - Yes Shawn.

Shawn - Sir, a girl wants to meet you.

Neil - Girl ? ( confused )

Shawn - Yes sir, she wants to fix a deal with your company.

Neil - Check her background and I want to know if she belong to some rival mafia gang.

Shawn - As if now, her record seems to be clear. Still, we will try to find more information regarding her.

Neil - Great.

Call ends

Neil - Who is this girl ? I have to be careful, Raghav will try to play his cards against me.

He admires Avni who was clinging onto  him, she was looking peaceful and this was enough for bringing a smile on his face.

Neil - This time no one will harm you my love. ( kisses her forehead )


Morning time

Avni stirred in sleep and opened her eyes slightly, she found herself wrapped in Neil's embrace. The warmth was so comfortable that she wasn't willing to get up. She lifted her head and found him already staring at her with pure affection.

She kept on looking in his eyes as she was completely lost in his orbs. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead, she closed her eyes as if feeling his love. He tucks her hairs behind her ears.

Neil - Everything will be fine. Don't worry.

Avni - You are with me then everything will be good.

Neil - ( in mind ) Please Avi, don't fall for me.

Avni - ( in mind ) Why am I feeling these weird emotions ? Why his embrace is making me feel safe and secured ?


Precap :

Avni - ( crying ) I hate you... you... you don't love me.

Neil - Avi listen.


Sorry for short update, next update will be long.

Do drop your views. I will try to update next part soon.

Much love
Thanks ❤

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