Chapter 21

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I am really sorry guys, I wanted to update finding ways today but my draft got deleted 😔😔 and writing all those emotions yet again equals to severe headache but I will update that book soon.

Till then enjoy this update.


Khanna mansion

Neil - Why you want to give this contract to our company ?

Neil Khanna an influential businessman for outer world but a dangerous mafia king for underworld mafia. He was sitting infront of a young girl clad in one of those seductive looks that no one would dare to carry during a business meet.

Girl - Is that even a question to ask ? Your company is so famous and is among the topmost companies in Mumbai. ( smiles )

Neil - I am not interested in this deal.

Girl - Then allow me to make you change your decision. ( smirks )

Neil - How will you change my decision miss ? ( smirks )

The girl got up and went near Neil. She leaned over him and whispered in his ears.

Girl - ( whispers ) I will give you what you want, full on pleasure.

Neil got up from his seat and faced her. He spoke while looking in her eyes.

Neil - What if, your pleasure won't please me ?

Girl - A chance, that's what I want. ( seductively )

Neil - What is your name ?

Girl - Mithali Arora. ( smirks )

Neil - Give me the entire pleasure of this world and the deal will be finalised.

Mithali - Can I get one room ? You know I want to arrange everything for making you feel good.

Neil - Are you planning something Ms. Mithali ? I hope you know that I crush betrayer mercilessly. ( smirks )

Mithali was fiddling with her dress in nervousness.

Mithali - I am not planning anything evil, I just want to make the moment special.

Neil - ( to one of his goon ) Take her inside the guest room.

The guards took her inside while Neil was standing in his cabin all confused about this new girl's entry. He was lost in his own thoughts and failed to notice a pair of teary eyes who witnessed each and every everything that took place few minutes back.

Goon - Avni mam please leave from here, we don't want to land up in trouble.

Avni was numb for sometime, she wasn't listening to anything.

Goon - Mam please, sir had strictly ordered to keep you away from his cabin. Please mam try and understand.

Avni didn't said anything and left from there. She went inside her room and sat in the corner with tear filled eyes. She was weeping badly as she thought that Neil is a womaniser and he played with her emotions.

Flashback starts

Avni - I need to join college again or else my studies .... Shit !! Why I trusted that jerk ? ( frustrated ). I don't think Neil will allow me to rejoin my college but I need to talk to him once. My exams are also approaching so I have to do it.

She went out of her room and spotted the guards standing there.

Avni - Where is Neil ?

Guard - He is in his cabin.

Avni - I want to meet him.

Guard - His cabin is located on third floor mam.

Avni - Thank you. ( smiles )

She went towards his cabin and found a group of five goons standing outside.

Goon - Avni mam, what are you doing here ?

Avni - I want to meet Neil.

Goon - Mam  sir have strictly prohibited your entry in this area. So kindly go back to your room. Whenever, sir will get free we will tell him to talk to you.

Avni - Okay.

She was about to leave but heard Neil's voice and stopped in her tracks.

Neil - How will you change my decision miss ? ( smirks )

Avni looked at the cabin's glass door and found Neil sitting along with a girl in his cabin. She spotted a window beside that door and stood there in order to listen their  conversation. She was feeling highly uncomfortable as she can't bare Neil talking with that girl so freely.

Goon - Mam, please leave from here. ( whispers )

The goons told her to leave from there  but she stood there and didn't paid any heed to them.

The girl got up and went near Neil. She leaned over him and whispered in his ears.

Avni felt a clench in her stomach as she watched their closeness. She can't bare his closeness with any other girl. She felt as if her throat is aching as words weren't coming out from her mouth and her head was spinning badly, her legs were shivering and she was remembering how he confessed his feelings for her and now he is enjoying the company of some other girl.

Girl - ( whispers ) I will give you what you want, full on pleasure.

Avni's heart sank with her statement. She felt a sharp pain in her heart and was struggling to stop her tears. She bit her cheeks from inside so that she can prevent her tears from flowing out. She saw Neil with hopeful eyes, hoping that he would shove her away and will claim his love for Avni like he  always does.

Neil - What if, your pleasure won't please me ?

Girl - A chance, that's what I want. ( seductively )

Avni felt numb, she felt betrayed, she wanted to cry loudly as she was feeling the pain of betrayal. She just stood numb there and wasn't having more guts to listen further. The guards were pleading her continuously to leave from there as they didn't wanted Neil to know about her presence. Finally she took heavy steps and left the place.

All the goons looked at her retreating figure and then saw each other as if they all understood her inner turmoil.

Flashback ends

Avni was sitting in an emotional mess, she wasn't speaking anything, all she was remembering was Neil's closeness with that girl and their conversation was repeating in her head continuously.


Neil came out of his cabin.

Neil - ( to goons ) Where is Mithali ?

Goon - In guestroom sir.

Neil - Is everything ready ?

Goon - Yes sir.

Neil left from there.

Goon 1 - Shall we inform Neil sir about Avni mam.

Goon 2 - Do you love your life ?

Goon 1 - Hein !! ( shocked )

Goon 2 - Then, keep your mouth shut.


Neil was going towards guestroom but stopped in his tracks.

Neil - I guess, I should check Avi first.
Is she fine or not ?

He moved towards Avni's room. He knocked at the door but Avni didn't responded, he opened the door and found her sitting on the floor looking all worn out due to excess crying, her eyes were red and puffy and she was lost in her own world. Her this situation was enough for panicking Neil. He rushed towards her and knelt down in front of her.

He took her hands and rubbed the back of her hands with his thumb, Avni looked at him and found him staring at her with concern filled eyes.

Neil - Avi, what happened ?

Avni - Where were you ?

Neil - I was in my cabin.

Avni - What were you doing there ?

Neil got confused.

Neil - Office work.

Avni - Office girl with that girl ( sternly )

She pulled her hand from his grip and saw him with hurt and pain evident in her eyes. Neil was shocked at her statement.

Neil - ( in mind ) Have she watched me when I was talking to Mithali ?

Avni - What are you thinking huh ? I have seen everything Neil. You say that you love me but no you don't. ( glassy eyes )

Neil - Its nothing like that Avi.

Avni - It is and why are you here now ? Go and enjoy with your Mithali. ( anger )

Neil - Avi ....

Avni - ( crying ) I hate you... you... you don't love me.

Neil - Avi listen.

Avni - I won't.

Her nostrils were flaring with anger, her face was all red due to anger and continuous crying. Neil couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.

Neil - Are you jealous Avi ? ( naughty smirk )

Avni glared at him.

Neil - Believe me, I won't betray you babydoll. ( smiles )

Avni was lost in his eyes which displayed honesty. Neil leaned forward and kissed her forehead, Avni closed her eyes in order to feel his touch.

Neil - You can trust me.

He said while getting up and left the room, Avni kept on thinking about the scene she saw earlier but Neil's eyes can never lie to her. She was very much confused and didn't knew whom to believe.

》 》》》》》

Neil went inside guestroom and found Mithali sitting there dressed up into a short dress, her makeup was bold  and she was looking at him seductively.

Neil smirked looking at her.

He came and sat on the couch.

Neil - So, how will you convince me Ms. Mithali ?

Mithali - By making you feel as if you are doing it for the first time. ( smirks )

She got up and forward a glass of wine to Neil. Neil took it and Mithali started dancing infront of him. She was shaking her curves seductively and was swaying on beats. Neil was watching her with least interest.

He threw the glass of wine on the floor and Mithali was about to keep her foot on those broken glass pieces but stopped and looked at Neil.

Neil - What ? You want to convince me, right ? Then dance on these broken  pieces for pleasing me. ( smirks )

Mithali - What ? ( shocked )

Neil - I am very sadistic person Mithali, I love these type of scenarios. ( smirks ) Pleasure is always associated with pain. Your pain, your wincing will please me.

Mithali was looking at him in pure disbelief but then reality strikes her, Neil had thrown the same glass of wine on the floor that she had offered him. She huffed in anger.

Mithali - Why the hell you threw that drink on the floor ? ( yells )

Neil - Woho !! What's there to scream Ms. Mithali. You can prepare me another drink. Right ? ( smirks )

Neil got up from his seat and pulled out gun from his pocket. He pointed the gun at Mithali while she was shivering in fear.

Neil - Game over Ms. Mithali. ( sternly )


Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks ❤

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