Chapter 24

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Important note : I have deleted teaser 6 cos I was somewhere confused regarding confession part. So either I will plan a new scene or I will pen down the teaser scene with some changes. Everything depends upon my unexpected thoughts weaving machine i.e brain 😜😜. My regular readers know about my struggle with my brain 🤣


Morning time
Khanna mansion
Dark room
7:00 am

Neil entered the dark room and smirked after seeing Mithali shivering terribly, her pale blue coloured lips, her wet hairs, creased skin and shuddering limbs made him smile.

Mithali was lying on a big piece of ice and her limbs were tied with ropes.

Neil moved ahead and stood infront of her.

Neil - Ms. Hotty, finally your hotness is vanished. Right ? Now answer my questions. ( sternly )

Neil's men untied Mithali and made her sit on a chair while Neil sat infront of her with his eyes shooting daggers at her.

Neil - So, why are you here Ms. Mithali ? I mean what objective Raghav is having ?

Mithali was shivering but wasn't opening her mouth.

Neil - It's so hot today. ( while fanning himself ) Why you guys turned off the air conditioner ?

The goons switched on the air conditioner.

Neil - See Ms. Mithali how much I care  about my guests. The guests who stay in my dark room are treated with so much respect. You saw the promo, right ? ( smirks )

Mithali was already feeling cold and on top of that cold air blowing from air conditioner was torturing her.

Neil - You are very loyal to Raghav. ( smirks ) But you know what my men are more loyal to me. So, let's begin the game.

Neil - ( while looking at his men ) Where are they ?

Goons - Sir, they are standing outside. Shall I send them in ?

Neil - Yes.

After few minutes, the door of the dark room opened and a group of 5-6 girls were standing there.

Neil - So finally you guys are here. ( smirks )

The leader of the gang came forward and shook hand with Neil.

Leader - Is it even possible that you call us and we don't come ? ( smirks )

Neil - Here is your target. ( pointing at Mithali )

Leader - Seems like she already got your cold treatment. ( smirks )

Neil - Rest of the treatment is in your hands. I want all the information that is stored in her head.

Leader - Sure sir, within few minutes she will open her mouth.

Neil - I trust you guys. We all will be leaving you alone with her.

The leader nods and Neil left the room along with the goons.

Neil - ( to his men ) You guys stand here and call me when Mithali will spill out the entire information.

The goons nods and Neil left from there.
He went inside Avni's room and saw her sleeping peacefully. He sat beside her and held her hand, trapping it in his warm ones.

Neil - I never knew that someone will come in my life as my saviour. I always thought that I am destined to be in the company of criminals but you were the first person who stole my heart. I loved you unknowingly, I love you with all my heart and I will keep on loving you till eternity. Even if someday situations will drag us apart my love for you won't get faded. ( smiles )

He plants a soft kiss on her forehead and kept on admiring her. After sometime, he received a call and went in balcony for receiving it. After ending the call, he was standing in the balcony, his fingers curled over the railing, he was admiring the nature's different colours after God knows how many days. He was lost into his world when Avni's sleep got disturbed due to sunrays and she sat on her bed,  rubbing her eyes for adjusting the instant light. She saw Neil standing in the balcony or we can say, she was admiring his calm and composed self. The silence prevailing in the room still a strong force acting there raising the attraction between them. His mere presence affects her badly, only she knows how she compose herself everyday.

Avni - ( in mind ) What's pulling me towards him ? Is this love ? No no how can I love a criminal but at the same time, I can't ignore my question as well. There is something which is very new yet peaceful. I never felt like this for anyone. Neil has already marked a special place in my heart. It's like I can't afford to loose him, I can't live without him. What's happening with me ?

Gathering some courage, she got up and  walked  towards Neil who was still  standing in the balcony. She places  her hand on his shoulder, he turns back while she became nervous as soon as their eyes met. She always feel nervous while facing him these days as something or you can say everything is changed between them.

Avni - What's wrong ?

Neil became confused at her question.

Avni - What's wrong with me ? Why am I feeling these weird emotions ? Why an inward pull is pulling me towards you ?

Neil - ( smiles ) Find it yourself Avi.

Neil didn't knew why he spoke those  words, somewhere he knew what's bothering her and he have to stop her from accepting this truth that she is falling for him but his heart is working against his will.

Neil - Don't think about this. Leave it.

Avni -  Leaving it is not an option.

Neil was just looking into her eyes spotting the love and respect she have  for him. He can't help but fall for that innocence and pure love once again. Avni can't understand her feelings at this stage but Neil is well aware of her secret love towards him and when someday this love will take the form of words then God knows what will happen.

Avni held his hands into hers.

Avni - Is it......

Before she can speak further a gun shot was heard and Neil immediately wraps Avni in his arms and took her away from that room.

Neil - I am here for you babydoll, don't worry.

Avni - Neil what's happening ? ( scared )

Neil - I am there with you Avi, don't be scared. Okay ? ( cups her face )

Avni - I trust you. ( teary eyes )

Neil - Don't cry. ( wiping her tears ) I will be back soon. ( kissing her forehead ) You be here, don't come out.

Saying this he left the room and saw that some of the Raghav's men were firing gun shots on Neil's men while Neil's team was dodging the attacks. Neil went towards the terrace and found that a huge fight was going there, he caught hold of a goon and showered number of punches on him. Many men were killed in this fight and Neil was fighting very aggressively as he didn't want anyone to enter inside the house as this may prove to be harmful for Avni.

Avni was sitting in the room, curled up within herself. She was very scared after listening the gun shots but her trust on Neil was giving her strength.

On terrace, a goon fired a bullet from the gun and Neil got injured as the bullet hit his arm, fortunately it was a flesh wound. He screamed in pain but didn't gave up, he and his team kept on fighting until the enemies were killed to death.

Goon - Bhai, everyone is dead.

Neil - No problem, this is not the first attack from their side. It's just a trailer  or one can say a warning from Raghav that he is very much alive.

Goon - Now what will we do ?

Neil - Mithali is the source of information. Let's go.

They all did their dressing and Neil was lying in his room as he was badly injured and needed some rest. He asked his goons to tell Avni that he is fine and is sleeping, he didn't want to bother her. Avni went inside her room after listening about Neil and was again lost in her world of thoughts.


In evening
Neil's room

The goon entered Neil's room.

Goon - Sir, Mithali is not opening her mouth. Monika ( leader of girl's gang ) have one last option for spilling out the truth from Mithali's mouth but we need your permission regarding this.

Neil - Go ahead with whatever she has  planned but make sure that no innocent is harmed. ( sternly )

Goon - Yes sir, Avni mam was asking for you. Shall I allow her to come to your room ?

Neil - Yes.

The goon left and informed Avni about the same.

Avni went inside Neil's room and found him sitting on the bed, his hairs were messed up and there was a bandage on his arm......
( This time I didn't ended at "and" 😜 )


Precap :

Avni - ( crying ) Please hold me close to you.

Neil hugs her tightly and she buries her face in his chest.

Avni - Preserve me in your warmth for eternity cos I can't loose you. ( whispers against his chest ).

Neil caress her hairs and plants a soft kiss on her hairs.


Don't forget to check my new book, "Reunion of soulmates"

Do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks 💞

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