Chapter 25

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Surprising update 😘😘.

Well, I am getting alot of requests regarding the updates of "Tale of love" and "His fangirl". I want to inform you that I have written half of the update of both the books so you will get its update as soon as my exams get over.

I was missing this book so I thought of writing an update as it was pre-planned in my mind. Hence, it was less time consuming. 😉


In evening
Neil's room

The goon entered Neil's room.

Goon - Sir, Mithali is not opening her mouth. Monika ( leader of girl's gang ) have one last option for spilling out the truth from Mithali's mouth but we need your permission regarding this.

Neil - Go ahead with whatever she has  planned but make sure that no innocent is harmed. ( sternly )

Goon - Yes sir, Avni mam was asking for you. Shall I allow her to come to your room ?

Neil - Yes.

The goon left and informed Avni about the same.

Avni went inside Neil's room and found him sitting on the bed, his hairs were messed up and there was a bandage on his arm, she kept on looking at his wound wondering what happened to him. Her eyes automatically filled with tears which were enough for shattering Neil's heart.

Neil - Avi come here. ( softly )

Avni wipes her tears that were freely flowing down from her eyes and ran towards him. She sat beside him and wrapped her arms around his torso, snuggling into his hard chest, inhaling  his comforting cologne and staining his shirt with her overflowing emotions that were releasing themselves through  her eyes in the form of precious pearls also known as tears.

Neil smiles at her affection, still her muffled sobs pricked his heart. He wanted to comfort her and make her believe that he's always there for her but at the same time, he thought that her breakdown is necessary so he gave her his tiny yet comforting gestures that always remove negativity from her brain and fills it with infinite peace and happiness.

He wrapped his one hand around her waist and caressed her hairs with his other hand. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear and placed soft kisses on her temples for calming her down and it actually worked like always. Avni stopped crying followed by occasional gasps and hiccups. Neil made her drink some water and wiped her tears.

She just looked into his eyes while her chin was pressed against his chest, her arms automatically tightened their grip around his torso while he cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes as the mere contact of his lips and her skin always gives her a sense of security and respect.

Neil - Why are you so scared ? See everything is alright.

He asks her softly while his fingertips were making random patterns on her cheeks.

Avni - I....I... was scared for you.

Her voice was broken while her eyes were depicting the innocence of a child who just saw something scary and needs some comfort. Neil's arms were making her feel the warmth that she was seeking ever since she heard first gun-shot.

Neil - I am absolutely fine.

Neil runs his hand inbetween her thick hairs giving a tender massage to her scalp. She didn't said anything for few minutes and kept on looking at the bandage that was covering his wound.

Avni - Is it painful ? ( innocently )

Neil nods negatively and pulls her closer to him. He joins his forehead with hers and they both close their eyes allowing the communication of their inner thoughts without using a single word. Neil opened his eyes after few minutes and planted a soft kiss on her cheek bringing her back into the reality. He entwined her cold hands within his warm ones making her feel more comfortable.

Neil - It's not for the first time I suffered an injury. Blood, injuries are very common in the world of criminals but their is only one scar  that can break me apart. 

Avni - Which scar ? ( confused )

Neil - A single scar on your body due to my failure or carelessness will tear me apart.

Avni - You can never hurt me but your scars always scares me...... ( broken voice )

Neil just looked at her waiting for her to go ahead and tell him about her insecurities and inner turmoil.

Avni - The feeling of losing you is very scary Neil.

Her eyes were again filled with tears while her lips were quivering.

Avni - When you left me alone in the room many negative thoughts were conquering my brain, I was feeling helpless. When I heard about your injury, I was very scared. I felt as if a huge part of me is suffering from an unknown pain. Why don't you take care of yourself ? Why you make me go through these weird yet torturing emotions ? Why there is an unusual comfort in these sentiments ? Why our closeness makes me feel good ? Why the distance between us tortures me ? I don't know, what am I going through. I just want you near me.

Neil - I am always there for you Avi.

Though he was trying to act normal infront of her as she was emotionally weak at this moment but his own emotional turmoil was squeezing his sanity and peace, his brain and heart was crushing him internally. His heart was analysing Avni's feelings that came out in form of words while his mind was busy in encrypting the further consequences that will become hurdle in their blooming love. He was happy for having her with him but he was sad cos she is his weakness and his weakness is the biggest advantage for his enemies. He have already lost everything, now he don't want to loose her. His inner conflict was torturing him still he couldn't stop himself from comforting her when she needs him the most. He pushed his worries aside and pulled her into his lap, cradling her like a baby while she buries her face within the crook of his neck.

Avni - ( crying ) Please hold me close to you.

Neil - Always remember one thing, I am always standing beside you like your shadow. Whenever you will face any problem, you will find me beside you. No matter how far we both are, I am ways there for you. How can I leave my babydoll when she is the only one whom I want to cherish throughout my life.

Now his eyes were also filled with tears and his inner emotions were flowing down from his eyes. Avni wiped his tears and again buried her face within his chest listening his heartbeats that always gives her immense peace.

Avni - Preserve me in your warmth for eternity cos I can't loose you. ( whispers against his chest ).

Neil caress her hairs and plants a soft kiss on her hairs. Soon her eyelids became heavy and she drifted into sleep. Neil kept on looking at her and let sleep overtook his fatigue body. They both slept in the same position. Neil sitting on the bed with his back pressed against the headrest of the bed and Avni sitting on his lap with her cheeks pressed against his chest. Their arms were wrapped around each other's bodies and a peaceful sleep blessed them with the much required tranquillity after a hellish day.


9:00 am
Khanna house

Neil walked into his office where some of his gang members were already present. He sat on his chair while his gang members were standing infront of him.

Neil - Any progress ?

Michael ( one of the team member of Neil ) - Sir, Mithali is madly in love with Akhil and she is doing all this for the sake of his love or you can say her obsession towards Akhil is greater than anything. In short, Raghav's gang have brainwashed her. That's all we concluded from her illogical dialogues regarding love and sacrifices that she's chanting since yesterday.

Neil sighed and closed his eyes in frustration.

Neil - I still wonder how these type of insane creatures exist in today's world. Firstly Juhi and now Mithali, both are bloody leeches.

John - Even we wonder the same sir but now we have only one option with us.

Neil - I know. ( sighs ) I gave more than enough chances to Mithali but now she's getting on my nerves so I don't have any other option. Get everything ready.

Gang members - Yes sir.

They all left while Neil got busy in working on some files. After sometime, he completed his work and left his office moving towards his bedroom as he knew very well that Avni would be sleeping till now. As soon as he entered inside his room, he saw her sleeping with a cute pout. He smiles at her antics and sat beside her caressing her forehead.

Neil - Wake up baby. ( patting her head )

Avni frowns but didn't opened her eyes, she held his hand and snuggles into it, again drifting into sleep. Neil chuckles at her actions.

Neil - Avi wake up.

Avni - Let me sleep. ( dry voice )

Neil - I am having some important work so I want you to join me for breakfast. Please.

Avni's eyes shot open and she pouts while looking at him. Neil smiles at her while she got up from the bed and moved out of his room without speaking anything as she was very cranky at that moment. Neil giggles at her cute face wondering how he got the biggest blessing in his life in form of Avni.

After breakfast Avni decided to talk to him about her studies.

Avni - Neil, I want to continue my college as my exams are approaching.

Neil - It's risky Avni but don't worry I will figure out something and we will talk about this in the evening. Till then, be in your room and study.

Avni - Are you upset over something ?

Neil - No. ( frowns ). Have you done something that can disappoint me ? ( knitting his eyebrows )

Avni - No.

Neil - Then ?

Avni - You called me Avni that's why. ( innocently )

Neil chuckles at her antics.

Neil - Go to your room and study for your exams Avi.

Avni nods and Neil kissed her forehead lovingly.

Neil - Go now.

Avni left while Neil admires her retreating figure.


Neil went inside the dark room where Mithali was sitting inside a huge cage, her arms and legs were tied with heavy chains while her body was covered with bruises. She was sleeping in not so comfortable position.

Neil threw a bucket full of water on her and her eyes shot open immediately. Neil glared at her while she looked down in order to avoid his piercing gaze.

Neil - You were blessed with several chances still you didn't open up your freaking mouth and now you will be responsible for my severe action. ( sternly )

Neil - Look at the screen.

He pointed at the laptop kept infront of her.

She was shocked when she saw....🤫🤫


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Much love
Thanks 💖

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