Chapter 26

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Neil went inside the dark-room where Mithali was sitting inside a huge cage, her arms and legs were tied with heavy chains while her body was covered with bruises. She was sleeping in a not so comfortable position.

Neil threw a bucket full of water on her and her eyes shot open immediately. Neil glared at her while she looked down in order to avoid his piercing gaze.

Neil - You were blessed with several chances still you didn't open up your freaking mouth and now you will be responsible for my severe action. ( sternly )

Neil - Look at the screen.

He pointed at the laptop kept in front of her.

She was shocked when she saw her family sitting in a room, their hands were tied with ropes and mouths were sealed with duct-tape. Mithali froze at her position, her mouth flung open while her eyes were filled with tears. 

Neil- Four bombs are planted in the room, their lives depend upon your answers.

Mithali- How is this possible? ( shocked ) Akhil told me that he will protect my family if I will help him. 

Neil chuckles.

Neil- And you believed him. How can you be so stupid Mithali? Do you really think, Akhil will keep his promise? For fu*k sake open your eyes. Akhil is using you and he doesn't have any feelings for you.  

Mithali - No, it's not possible. He loves me. ( crying )

Neil - Yet my men were able to kidnap your family so easily. Let me guess, he told you that he would protect your family while you were plotting against me. Right?

Mithali nods.

Neil - Believe me, when we kidnapped  your family there was no single person guarding your house. Akhil is using you for destroying me. Now you have to decide what you want, family or Akhil?

Mithali - Please leave my family. ( crying )

Neil - Answer my questions.

Mithali nods.

Neil - Monika, dry her off and give her some clean clothes. I want her in investigation room within 5 minutes.

Monika came inside and took Mitali with her.

Neil went inside the investigation room and sat on one of the chairs. Within few minutes, Monika brought Mithali and made her sit on a chair across Neil. She connected lie detector machine with Mithali's arms and herself sat on one of the corners of room.

Neil - One wrong answer, you will loose your family.

Mithali nods.

Neil - Since when you are working for Akhil?

Mithali - This is the first time.

Neil - When you guys started your so called dating?

Mithali - Since two months.

Neil - Did he told you about him being a mafia while dating?

Mithali - No, he told me about this when he asked me to seduce you.

Neil - Why he wanted you to seduce me?

Mithali - He wanted to degrade your reputation. Not everyone knows that you are a mafia king so he wanted to reveal your identity in-front of the world. If you would have slept with me then he would have leaked that footage as I have installed the cameras in that room but you caught it and spoiled his plan. He wanted me to play a victim card and blame you for forcing me into bed by threatening my family's safety.

Neil - So he wanted to lay foundation stones towards the revelation of my identity by using you.

Mithali - Yes but now everything is spoiled so I really don't know what's his next plan.

Neil - Do you have any idea where he lives?

Mithali - Ever since you attacked them, he lived with me in my farmhouse.

Neil - Have you met with his gang members?

Mithali - I only met with Juhi.

Neil - When?

Mithali - When we planned against you. Akhil and Juhi were the incharge  of this plan.

Neil - Is there anything else that I should know?

Mithali - He is planning some attack. I don't know much about this but he's targeting your company.

Neil - Monika, take her into one of the cells and keep a check on her. Provide her meals but make sure she doesn't try to act smart.

Monika - Yes sir.

Mithali - My family? ( a lone tear skips her eyes)

Neil - Varun leave her family and drop them to their house. Their safety is your responsibility.

Varun - Yes sir.

Mithali - Thank you.

Neil nods and everyone lefts the room.

Neil went into his office and called some of his goons.

Neil - Raghav is trying to target our company. Many innocent lives are at stake.

Michael - Shall we consult security?

Neil - That's not enough, I want some of you to disguise into office workers and keep a check on everything happening there. I will ask my  manager to help you out.

The goons nods.

Neil - You can join from tomorrow. Today we need check Mithali's farmhouse as Akhil was living there so maybe we get some important clues.

Michael - How many men you want to take with you?

Neil - I along with 5 men will go inside the house, other 6 men will surround the farmhouse. Rest all men will stay here and protect Avni. We will leave within 30 minutes.

Michael - I will arrange everything sir.

Neil nods and the goons left.

Neil was going through some files when a frown appears on his face, he called his manager for confirming his doubts.

Neil - Rahil, Mithali Arora is an employee in NR company. Right?

Rahil - Yes sir.

Neil - According to your reports NR company was trying to crack a deal with us since 1 month. Then why Mithali appeared in this mess few days back.

Rahil - Sir, NR company isn't good enough and their deal was baseless so I rejected them several times sir but they are very stubborn. Their owner is bothering me again and again. He wants to speak to you. Then, Mithali came to me few days back and asked for one last chance. I was already having doubts on them so I finally sent her to you. Was she plotting against us?

Neil - Yes, our company is under threat. NR company has something to do with this. Who is the owner of this company. Is it Raghav?

Rahil - No sir, it's Vikram Goyal.

Neil - How many times they have visited our office?

Rahil - Many times sir, even I was having doubts on them so I recorded our entire meeting. Tonight, I will send you all the footage, then you can decide what to do.

Neil - Send each and everything Rahil, I want footage of entire office when people from NR company visited our office.

Rahil - Sure sir.

Neil - And yes, from tomorrow some of my men will work there as employees for keeping a check on security. Make sure everything is fine.

Rahil - Okay sir.

Call ends.

Neil - NR company, ( thinking ) What do they want?

A knock on his office's door broke his thoughts.

Neil - Come in.

Avni sticks her head in and a wide smile appears on Neil's face.

Avni - Am I disturbing you?

Neil - No Avi, come inside. ( softly )

Avni came inside and sat across him.

Avni - What happened?

Neil - Nothing babygirl.

Avni - You are looking quite stressed. (Frowns)

Neil chuckles at her cuteness.

Neil - Tiring day. ( sighs )

Avni - I want to tell you something important.

Neil - Go ahead.

Avni - My exams are starting next week.

Neil closes his eyes and sighs. Avni felt bad for bothering him as she knew very well that he's already stressed and she's doing no good by demanding something that's very difficult for him to manage.

Avni - It's okay, I can drop this year.

Neil's eyes flung open and he looked at her surprised.

Neil - And why will you drop? ( raising his eyebrows)

Avni - It will be difficult for you to manage.

Neil got up from his seat and sat beside her. He held her face into his hands and spoke softly.

Neil - You never bother me with anything Avi. You be prepared for your exam and I will definitely manage something.

Avni nods and hugs him. Why? Even she don't know, all she wanted to be close to him. She snuggles closer to him and he wraps his arms protectively around her. They both remain in that position for sometime.

Avni - Can we go somewhere out?

Neil - I'm going out for some work, if I will arrive back soon then we will surely go somewhere. ( kisses her head)

Avni - Just take care of yourself. ( whispers )

Neil - I will Avi. Don't worry. ( patting her head )

Avni - I'm worried cos I hate to see your wounds. ( pouts )

Neil laughs.

Neil - Why? My wounds snatch my hotness. ( teasingly )

Avni - No, but I feel very bad when you are in pain.

Neil - I will take care of myself. Okay?

Avni - You better do.

Neil broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

Neil - Now, I have to go. Tomorrow I will do something regarding your exams. Take care of yourself, okay?

Avni - As long as you are fine, no one cam harm me. ( smiles )

Neil smiles and joins his forehead with hers.

Neil - My babydoll. ( whispers )

Avni smiles.

They both got up and Neil kissed her cheek while she blushes as his touch effects her alot.

Neil - Bye Avi.

Avni - Bye Neil.

Neil left from there while Avni move back to her room.


Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love

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