Chapter 97 - Don't Worry, I Have Money

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Inside the most renowned jewelry store inside one of the most renowned and exclusive malls in the country, a group of three people was making a commotion among the other customers and the staff. They look rather suspicious with the way they were dressed. Although they seemed to wear expensive clothing with the two women wearing glamorous dresses and the man wearing a black suit, their faces were covered. The three were wearing face masks and sunglasses. For the two ladies, they were wearing absurdly large fedoras. Definitely suspicious!

Although this was the case, knowing that they were able to enter the mall without the security stopping them meant that they were wealthy members who were allowed to come inside.

As for the group of people in question, they have decided earlier to hide their identities from the public to prevent gossip from these people. According to Can's mom, this was quite important since Can was now with Tin. With the entire world paying attention to them, it was important to keep a good image. If they were seen in the jewelry store taste testing and buying a huge amount of pieces of jewelry and precious gemstones, what would the public say? Since eating this kind of stuff was only exclusive to Can's family, how would they explain it to the public? They would just be made fun of! They could not afford to ruin Tin's image!

So, before they entered the jewelry store, they quickly changed to their most expensive attire, at the same time, covered their faces. Although they could have chosen to change their appearance with magic, they would get in trouble as there were security measures against people who were using disguise spells.

Although the intention was to blend in and not to make a scene in public, the opposite happened. The three were not even aware of this fact.

"Do you have aquamarine gemstones?" Can said in a muffled tone.

The staff member, although suspicious, kept his polite and friendly attitude towards Can. "Yes, we do. What kind of jewelry does our dear guest want?"

"Just gemstones. Do you have them?" he continued.

The staff member frowned slightly as he did not understand why Can would only want a piece of stone as the place they entered only sell pieces of jewelry.

Sensing that he was being judged because the staff probably thought he did not have money, Can reassured him as he waved his husband's black card with confidence, "I have money. It's not a problem."

The staff member's mouth twitched. That's not what I meant!

Still, the staff member had become much less vigilant knowing that the guests have money to pay.

"I understand. I would talk to my manager about this. Please give me a moment," the male staff member said as he bowed slightly and left to get the manager.

Ley stood next to Can and whispered, "Our cover seemed to be working. Everyone's minding their own business. I think it would be better to act rich too, so we blend better."

She said this while everyone in the store was side-eyeing them as they tried to figure out these people's identities.

The three nodded at one another.

Now, that they were filthy rich thanks to Tin, they should try to act like him. Well, Can did have the money saved from the auction event, but Tin said to keep it and so he did.

Soon, the staff member returned with the manager who seemed to be rather more judgemental than the others. His actions of scrutiny towards the three were certainly more obvious.

"I'll handle these three. Prepare the viewing room and make sure that the security cameras and the security team itself are prepared in case something happens," the manager said. This bald man with a black mustache in his mid-40s would consider himself as someone who was good at judging his customers' characters. In his view, these three were definitely suspicious! They were up to no good!

"Dear guests, I was told that you would like to check our gemstones collection? Are the pieces of jewelry not to your liking?" the manager asked as he tried to look for their motives.

"They're small and they don't look tasty- I mean they're not my taste. I like big ones. The bigger the better," Can replied with forced arrogance. This pregnant man then looked back at his family and gave them a thumbs up. Did I do it right?

His mother and sister approved as they nodded.

With a forced smile, the manager, although not completely convinced about the motive of these people, had no reason to refuse to serve the three. If they did have the money to buy the expensive gemstones then that would be the end of it. It was just that he could not get rid of the feeling of trouble that he felt about these three and when it came to his intuition, he was always right.

"I see, well my subordinate has prepared the viewing room for you, if you could please follow me?" the manager maintained his pleasant and polite attitude as he directed the three towards the viewing room.

"Why thank you and we shall," Can's mother replied as she imitated the arrogant rich aunt persona she saw from k-drama while walking slowly towards the viewing room with her children. She encouraged the two to do the same thing.

Not wanting to look like they did not have class, both Ley and Can imitated their mother.

The three were certainly eye-catching but for the wrong reasons.

Everyone in the jewelry store: "Who walks like that?"

The manager, "...."

When the three arrived at the viewing room, they saw a line of various gemstones inside multiple pedestal cases. They were very eye-catching as their various colors shine from the reflection of the lights in the room.

Both Can and Ley were amazed and tempted. The gemstones seem very tasty that the two drooled a little. The more colors the gemstone reflected, the tastier they look. As for their mom, she wanted to see how the gemstones would look in different pieces of jewelry and see which one would match her clothing.

As they approached one of the displayed gemstones, the manager explained what was inside of the case.

"This, our dear guests, would be one of our store's most valued gemstones. It's a red diamond, the rarest form of diamond in the world. Certainly one of a kind!" the manager said with great enthusiasm.

"I want to hold it," Can said while looking at the glass closely with the two. They looked like a flock of kids when they check the inside of a candy store for its tasty candies.

"This gemstone is around 7 mil-"

Can interrupted him mid-sentence accidentally since he was too focused on how the diamond would taste. He waved the black card that he was holding. "I have the money. It's not a problem."

When the manager saw the elusive black card that only the richest of the rich could afford to have, he silenced himself. Although the attitude of these people did not match that of the rich, he would not deny that they were holding a black card. Or...was it?

Not wanting to be rude, he carefully removed the small red diamond from the case with gloves and showed it to Can.

Can quickly grabbed the gemstone with his right hand and inspected it much closer. This action made the manager's jaw fall as he considered the gemstone, not only a rare precious stone but a baby that he took care of for a long time. For this person to just grab it without care, how dare he!?

To add to the manager's heartache and heart attack, Can, without shame, lowered his mask which exposed a part of his nose, and tried to smell the gemstone.

The manager: "!!!"

Can noticed after closer examination that the red diamond has a certain fragrance that the aquamarine gemstones did not have. It has that sweet smell of some kind of flower. It was very alluring.

Ley then took away the red diamond from her brother and inspected it herself.

The manager: "!!!"

After Ley, then it was their mother. She was still maintaining the rich aunt persona and looked as if she was not interested in the stone itself. She then returned it to Can by throwing it at him.

The manager: "!!!"

"Looks alright to me," she said with nonchalance.

The manager could tell that these people did not have class at all! He was furious at how they handled the gemstone, but he immediately calmed down when he heard that they wanted to buy it.

"I'll take it. Do you have more of them? I want five more," Can said as he handed his husband's black card. After that, he went over to check the other cases of different gemstones.

As the three did that, the manager asked some staff members to assist and monitor the guests while confirming the validity of the black card. This was to figure out the real identities of these people just to make sure that they were legitimate customers. He was not doing anything wrong since this was for the protection of the integrity and image of the store. It was a necessity as the guests were certainly acting suspiciously.

As the manager got into the register and swiped the card for the red diamond, he saw the details of the owner of the card: Tin Phiravich.

All of a sudden, the manager tensed. Those three were using boss Tin's black card! Who really were these people!?

Tin Phiravich was, of course, very well known to the entire world. There was no need to mention who he was.

If this was the case, then who were those three people? How could they use Boss Tin's card?

Although everyone knew who Tin was, Can's identity and his family were still not that known. Part of the reason was that Tin wanted privacy for his family as much as possible so that they could have the freedom to go to places without public attention and scrutiny. This was also the reason he gave Can his black card. In addition, he just wanted Can to just depend on him as much as possible. Whatever he had was also Can's property. Still, since the manager did not know this kind of information, he would consider the three as some sketchy people. He would have to contact the owner and confirm the transaction and the identities of these people in the store.

Not wasting any time, the manager took his phone and contacted the real owner of the black card.

After waiting for a few tries of calling, the other side finally picked up.

The manager shook as he began to speak, "Um..Mr. Phiravich?"

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