Chapter 98 - What's Your Excuse?

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The other side was silent for a moment that it made the manager somehow more nervous. Did he get the wrong number?

The manager was about to repeat his words again when the other person on the line replied.

"What is it?" he asked. There was a certain hint of irritation on his tone as the manager heard the faint scribbling on the paper from Mr. Phiravich's side.

Gulping nervously, the manager said as he held his phone firmly, "I would like to inquire about three suspicious individuals using a black card under your name."

There was sudden silence on Mr. Phiravich's side as the scribbling stopped.

"Go on," Tin said.

Thinking that he now had his full attention and that it seemed that he did not know the three individuals in question, he started reporting and exaggerating. The manager wanted to see how Mr. Phiravich would handle these three individuals. If they did find out that this group of people was using Mr. Phiravich's black card without the owner's permission, then they would get in serious trouble. If the jewelry store staff and the mall security were able to take these three down and return the black card to Mr. Phiravich, surely the reputation of the mall and the jewelry store would only go up. Perhaps, Mr. Phiravich would also give him a huge reward! Who would not want that?

Still, the manager forgot how these three suspicious individuals even got a hold of a black card from the most powerful individual on Earth. It was a fatal mistake on his part for not thinking.

"These three dare to even hide themselves with fancy clothing to try to blend in with the other guests. As if they could easily get class by doing so! Hmph! I tell you Mr. Phiravich, they even look at our pieces of jewelry with disdain! They even dare to ask the staff to take them to get the most expensive gemstones in our viewing room! They tried hiding their faces with these obnoxious pieces, they look ridiculous! As if we would not find them suspicious! They even wanted to buy 6 red diamonds. I knew they were up to no good." At that point, the manager spilled his frustration and anger towards the three suspicious guests.

Again there was silence for a moment on the other line although this did not bother the manager as he became confident. In fact, he was confident in himself that these three people were not in any kind of relationship with Mr. Phiravich. With that being the case he has decided to send in the security team to take the three immediately with a simple click of a red button underneath his desk.

"What are they doing now?" Tin asked.

With a smile, the manager said, "They're most likely on their knees by now or tackled to the ground. We're handling the situation for y-"


The entire mall suddenly shook as if a great earthquake hit it. The electricity was cut off immediately. All the activities within the mall went to a halt. The people were shocked and afraid of what just occurred.

As the lights went off, the manager who was still on the line did not notice that the person he was talking to was already gone.

"What just happened?" the manager looked around in the dark confused.

Then without any warning, he felt the sudden heavy pressure. It was heavy as if an entire weight of a mountain was put on him. Everyone else in the mall also felt the heavy pressure. Those who were unable to withstand such power fainted.

"What's this?" the manager asked as he started sweating. His fear covered his entire body as he quickly fell to the ground. Still, as someone who has pride in himself, he did not let this stop him from confronting whoever it was that released such tremendous pressure. He was a Tier 3 Rainbow Level Alchemist after all. Everyone respects and fears alchemists especially those in the higher tiers. For someone to do something so disrespectful, that person deserves a beating!

"Who dares make a commotion in the Golden Heaven?" he shouted. He tried to struggle but he had no strength at all!

"Guards! Guards! Someone!" he continued.

Soon, the lights came back and the tremors stopped. The heavy pressure was still in the air, which stopped everyone from moving.

In front of the jewelry store, a man appeared. An immediate gasp could be heard from everyone when they got a glimpse of him. Of course, they knew him. Who would not know about the strongest person on Earth!? It was none other than Tin Phiravich himself! Yet, why was he here? More importantly... his expression... It was really scary. If one's stare could kill, with Tin, it would be slicing a person thousands of times before getting killed.

Everyone could only avoid looking at him as they either pretended to faint or deliberately looked down at the floor.

Everyone in their head: "We don't exist. Please don't kill us."

As for the manager who spouted awful words, he looked like as if he lost his entire blood from his body as he turned white. What did he just do saying those things to Mr. Phiravich?

When the manager was about to explain himself, Tin flicked his index finger up. Slowly, the manager floated in the air.

"M-Mr. Phiravich... What's the meaning of this?" the manager asked nervously.

Ignoring the manager, Tin, with the use of Blood Contract, tried to locate Can. When he found where Can was specifically located, he began to walk to the viewing room.

Even though he was powerless, the manager who dares not want to be humiliated was bold enough to lecture Tin. "This is an abuse of power."

Tin immediately stopped moving but did not turn around to face the manager who was still in the air.

Seeing that Mr. Phiravich stopped from his tracks, the manager continued to lecture him. He thought that even if it was Mr. Phiravich, he would not dare kill him in front of many people. So, with the regained confidence despite his fear, he was going to continue. He wanted the people to hear him and get on his side.

"And? What are you going to do about it?" Tin asked calmly as he turned around. He was rather expressionless when he faced the manager.

Even with that poker face, it certainly contained malicious intent almost towards madness, but the manager did not stop. He was already in this position, he might as well continue. He would not back down that easily.

"D-do you think the United Nations would let you freely do whatever you want?" he continued to ask as he added more fuel to the fire.

"I see." Tin flicked his index finger once again. Soon, the manager flew forward in front of Tin.

"Do you think I'm afraid?" he asked while looking at something insignificant. "Do you think I don't have the capability to destroy the entire world if I wanted to? Whoever it might be, even the United Nations and the entire forces of the world go against me, I would easily crush them," he whispered.

"Abuse of power, you say? So? What if I did abuse my power? If I kill you right now, no one would bat an eye... Look around you," he continued.

The manager could not believe what this man in front of him said. He was certainly mad. Still, he looked at his surroundings and saw that everyone was trying to avoid staring into the store. When the manager realized this, he thought that these people were cowards! Now he really regretted talking that way earlier.

"Everyone should be grateful since I don't kill senselessly anymore, especially those who have offended me," he said that as he looked straight into the eyes of the manager.

The manager said in his head, "'Anymore?' What does that mean!?"

"Don't think you could get away from this. Even if I don't kill you, I'll make sure that you suffer," Tin said as he flicked his index finger once again.

The manager thought that he was about to die when he was released from the air and fell to the ground, yet he was fine.

"You arrested individuals and used the power of the security of this mall without proper authorization and evidence. This is considered abuse of power and I used my magic as an emergency measure to defend those who were unrightfully accused."

Before he continued walking towards the viewing room to get Can and his family, he turned to the manager one last time and said, "You'll be hearing from my lawyer about this."

The manager further paled when he heard his statement. Knowing that he would lose his job and he might even go to jail, he fainted.

Inside the viewing room, Tin saw that the security and the staff of the jewelry store were lying on the ground. They seemed to have fainted.

"Is everyone alright," Tin asked as he went straight towards Can and caressed his hair with concern.

"Tin!? How did you know we're here? What's happening?" Can was shocked as well as his sister and mother.

"Someone tried to harm my family, so I came here to make sure everyone's fine." He immediately hugged Can.

"What? W-we're alright. These people tried to tackle us for some reason, then they fainted all of a sudden. What's happening really?" Can was now truly concerned.

Although the entire mall felt the huge pressure coming from him, Tin made sure that Can and his family would not feel it.

After a quick explanation from Tin on what happened with the exception of his interaction with the manager, Can and his family became embarrassed. They actually made a huge commotion! Their plan of being low-key did not work at all!

"Ahh, I'm sorry for troubling you. I know you're busy with work," Can felt bad for his husband.

"It's not a big deal, besides I need to take a break," Tin smiled.

Can also smiled. "We're done here. We should head home." In all honesty, Can did not want Tin to question him about buying gemstones in the jewelry, so he wanted to leave immediately. He forgot that since he was using Tin's black card, he would know all of his purchases.

"So, what were you trying to get here?" Tin asked with an infatuated smile. The fact that he had this smile made it far more suspicious for Can and the others. It was scarier than having a poker face.

"W-well, we were just trying to find a piece of jewelry that would umm my mom would like. It's almost Mother's day on Sunday, you see. Right, Ley?"

When he turned to Ley, he could see the fear in her eyes. Tin was looking at her with the same smile.

Ley's lips started quivering. She wanted to help his brother with his lie, but she could not withstand the stare from Tin.

Ley looked at Can, then to her mom. She was asking for help.

Can's mom felt the same as Ley. She feared Tin the most. With a quick gulp as she tried to calm down, she put the pressure back on her son. "Can, as an official couple, the two of you should be honest with one another. Am I right, Tin?"

Can's mouth twitched. I'm your son! You should be on my side!

Tin nodded with satisfaction.

"Alright, Ley and Mrs. Rathavit are excused," Tin then handed out two black cards under Ley and her mother's name. "Please go ahead and buy whatever it is you wanted around the mall."

The mother and daughter tandem got the hint and took their priceless gifts of cooperation from Tin. With that, both Ley and Mrs. Rathavit quickly scattered. The two decided to go to other stores in the meantime.

Before they left, they gave Can a thumbs up. "We believe in you, Can!"

Within seconds, they were gone.

"Now, your excuse?" Tin asked Can while hugging him tightly from the waist so he would not escape.

"!!!" Can.

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