An old friend?

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~Aphmau's mind P.O.V~
I looked around this mystical place i always came. The tree's leaves danced along with the wind the flowers whistled through there petals. These weren't normal flowers that were in the over world these were special for a reason. Any time the wind blew through there petals they wound play a sweet tune. "Jess?" i heard a male voice behind me. I turned around and saw Tim there. "...Tim?" I said only followed with a hug. " WHERE ARE YOU!!! WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY" he said. He should know why i left. Marriage was going to tie me down. "Tim i ju-" i was interrupted by the bell. " NO wa-" but he faded and then i woke up. I woke up in my bed and the sun was now rising. "I'm Sorry i just cant go back" i said to myself as i got out of bed and headed downstairs. I felt alone but i really couldn't say anything after all i made these decisions. I headed out of my house putting my hair up in a pony tail. " Lord Aphmau?" I heard a voice say behind me making me jump. I looked back and saw it was Garroth. " Oh my Irene... You scared me" i said with a nervous smile. "Sorry M'lady I came over to inform you that there is someone at the Edge of Phoenix drop. We took action since they seemed to be aiming an arrow here. Such as a threat we need you to see if you know how to punish them" Garroth said. I nodded and he led me over to the edge of Phoenix drop. There was someone with there head down hands behind there back and Dale holding them down. "Lady Aphmau" Dale said causing this person to look up. I felt my heart stop as i looked into those gray eyes. "...J-je" she began but Dale put a sword up to her. "...What are you doing here?" i said looking directly into her eyes. " I came because i was running away from My father...let me go i wont tell them your here ...please?" She said with her sweet voice, a voice i haven't heard in such a long time. " You better not i trust you old friend of mine here" I said handing her my sword and a bit of food. "Je-" i cut her off by placing my finger on her mouth. " go...may we one day see each other again friend" i said. She nodded and ran out. " Friend?" I heard Garroth say behind me along with Dale. "....Yes and old friend of the past" I said as i saw her leave the area and i walked back with my guards close by. "Come on i need to talk to you Garroth" I said holding onto his hand and heading to my house...if they are close or anything i need to warn him of any danger. But as i held his hand i felt his fingers intertwine with mine

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