Closer to her but across the ocean

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~Tim's P.O.V~
It's been two days now on our search sure we haven't looked much of the regions around but then i became skeptical. What if she was dead? no she can't be right? yeah i'm just tired is all. " Hey Tim?" i heard someone say. I looked to my side and saw Hunter there pointing at something. I steered my horse in it's direction. As i looked at it i noticed it was a lilac dress. Made of the finest silk. It had to be hers it couldn't be just some ordinary dress. Not to far from it i saw a old satchel. " you think?" i asked. He got off his horse and looked at the supplies still inside. He found something, he pulled it out and i saw a picture of my whole family and her in the picture. She and i were still young around the time in the picture. Then i saw a note fall out of the bag. ~ It's really crazy, i found a map that showed what seemed like other regions. But not these regions i don't really know where they are but i feel like they are across the ocean....Sorry Tim, but i can't stay here~ the rest of the page was ripped off. I felt rage build up inside me. I didn't know what to do or what to day. But then i felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over with rage but my eyes soften as Hunter stood there with a worried look. " Sorry i'm just so..." i didn't dare to finish my sentence.
"well um anyways the sun is rising want to at least rest?" he asked. I dropped my helmet and sword and even let myself go. I didn't collapse...well i did. " I assume that is a what is the plan?" he asked sitting down taking off his armor. " i guess...we can ask for a small boat from a village and travel across the ocean. That is where Jessica is...i know it" i told him. He put on his black normal shoes. I was to tired right now to even look at anything. I was dizzy. "alright Then lay down sire i will go hunting for food" he said jokingly but went out anyways with sword in hand.
~Jessica where are you?~ then everything went black.

~Aphmau's P.O.V~
~Jessica where are you~
I stumbled as i heard his words ring through my head. He was coming oh god what now? I can't just leaved this place without an explanation. No calm down he probably will search there for a few years or so. I mean that place had many hideouts....wait.....MY SATCHLE. I knew i should have burned that thing when i could have. Ugh why jess why. " Lady Aphmau?" i jumped at the sound of the voice. I looked behind me to see Garroth there. Ok act casual nothing happened. Not yet at least. " Yes?" i asked Trying to make it seem that nothing is going on. " Something the matter? you seem a bit off" gosh darn it am i that obvious might as well move now. " Nothing...nothing is the matter....why you asking?" i said. Great Jess that sounded even more suspicious. " M'lady? are you sure you are alright?" he said in a concern tone. I have to tell i don't. YES YOU DO JESS...NO YOU CANT IT WILL HURT EVERYONE THEY DONT BELIEVE IN US! " I....I just ...can't tell you not now....and not ever" I said letting tears flow down my eyes at the pain i was being put into. " i...i have to go" i said and ran to my house and plopped down on my bed crying. Then the world around me went black.

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