Doubles Round

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3rd Person POV

(Y/n) walks out onto the field and towards the arena, he was still a little worried for Charizard but him and Weiss' quick medical intervention, he knew Charizard was going to be alright. (Y/n) walks to the middle of the arena where he see his two opponents for this match.

Flynn: Hey, names Flynn.

(Y/n): (Y/n).

He notices Flynn's partner not really paying attention, the guy then grows a devilish smirk.

(Y/n): Something catch your eye in the stands?

Ryan: Yeah, just that smoking hot number you like hanging out with.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as he turns his head and see Blake in the stands.

(Y/n): So what's your point?

Ryan: Come on, man. I know you're not that stupid.

Flynn: Boss, leave this one alone.

Ryan: Back off Flynn. If I win this match, raven-hair beauty and I are going on a very intimate date.

(Y/n): *low growl*

Ryan: So, what do you want if you win?

(Y/n): A real Huntsman should never tolerate that kind of disrespect.

Ryan: Come on, it's just one date.

(Y/n): It's not that, it's about integrity. So get ready to get schooled.

Port: *voice over* Alright, let's see what kind field our fighters will be dueling on today.

The element randomizer screen starts flipping through the elements fast for a few seconds, then they start slowing down until three land on one element, and the other three land on another.

Oobleck: And we are doing battle on mountain and water, and it appears a thunder storm is raging on the mountain today.

(Y/n): *thoughts* Guess it's good I didn't use Charizard for this round. So, water, rock and rain with potential for lightning.... I know who I'm going with.

Ryan: Alright, bring out your monster, so I can take that hottie of yours off your hands.

Ryan draws a weapon that looks like a trident like Neptune's, but this one seems to power up once it touches the water. Flynn activated two wrist blades then powered them up with electricity. Either way, these guys are bruisers.

(Y/n): *grabs Poke'ball* Mewtwo! I choose you!

(Y/n) throws the Poke'Ball into the air, it opens up and reveals a humanoid looking poke'mon with some feline features. Blake is intrigued and pulls out her Poke'Dex.

Poke'Dex: Mewtwo. The Genetic Poke'mon. A psychic type. Created by horrific experiments by splicing genes from the legendary Mew. Mewtwo was designed for battle.

Elsewhere in the stands with her underling's, Cinder is less than pleased.

Cinder: Why is he not using that infernal dragon of his?!

Mercury: What now?

Cinder: Emerald, ensure that he see what we want him to see during the match.

Emerald: Yes, Cinder.

Back on the field, (Y/n) communicates with Mewtwo through it's telepathy.

(Y/n): *telepathy* You ready, old friend?

Mewtwo: *telepathy* Indeed. I vowed to fight by your side for as long as I live.

(Y/n): *telepathy* Just making sure.

Port: *voice over* Let's get ready to rumble!

Oobleck: *voice over* Battle begin!

(Y/n): *telepathy* Let's start with Psychic. Seperate them.

Mewtwo: *telepathy* A wise strategy.

Ryan and Flynn race towards Mewtwo first but he simply stops them with Psychic and throws them to each side of the stadium. Ryan to the top of the mountain and Flynn towards the water. (Y/n) decides to climb up the mountain and fight Ryan himself, he gets to the top of the mountain and leaps up into the air, draws his sword and swings down at Ryan. Ryan manages to dodge out of the way as (Y/n) slams his sword on the ground.

(Y/n): *telepathy* Mewtwo. Please use Light Screen and Reflect to help protect yourself.

Mewtwo: *telepathy* Understood.

Mewtwo avoids Flynn's attack and floats into the air and uses both moves which helps him defend against Special or Physical attacks.

Mewtwo: *telepathy* Done.

(Y/n): *telepathy* Great. Keep him on defense and find a weakness.

Mewtwo: *telepathy* Very well.

Mewtwo goes on the attack with Aura Sphere first, to which Flynn dodge rolled to his left and shot some lightning at Mewtwo, but Mewtwo easily dodged this, until he started feeling something wrong in his mind.

Mewtwo: *to himself* Another mental presence?

Back on top of the mountain, (Y/n) and Ryan circle each other with their weapons ready, waiting for the other to make a move.

Ryan: *smirks*

(Y/n): Something amusing?

Ryan: You just never said what you wanted if you won the bet.

(Y/n): I am not handing Blake over to an arrogant scumbag like yourself.

Ryan: If I win, it won't matter.

Fed up with Ryan's boasting, (Y/n) yells before charging in and swings his sword in a overhead motion, Ryan held his trident with the three prongs pointed down and thrust like a spear and caught (Y/n)'s blade and oushed it to the ground, forcing the sword out of (Y/n)'s hands. Ryan kicks the sword away and pursues (Y/n) with a thrust, (Y/n) activated his gauntlets and tried to bob and weave around Ryan's attacks.

Mewtwo was struggling a little too, thinking about what it felt in it's mind, but he could also sense it around (Y/n)'a Aura too. It avoids another attack from Flynn, but when it turns around to see what Flynn does next, he sees Flynn firing massive lightning bolts from his wrist blades. Mewtwo feels that same presence in his mind again before he can try to defend himself and is hit, and sent careening into a rock.

Mewtwo: *telepathy* *groans in pain*

(Y/n) hears this and looks to see Mewtwo in trouble.

(Y/n): *telepathy* What happened?!

Mewtwo: *telepathy* I-I do not know, but I believe some outside force is forcing us to see illusions.

(Y/n) looks back at Ryan and avoids a water torrent sent by his trident, but almost immediately as he rolls to avoid it, Ryan is already next to him pins his neck to the ground in between the prongs of the trident.

(Y/n): *telepathy* Yeah, I think I see what you mean. Can you fight it off?

Mewtwo: *telepathy* Yes. I will erase it now.

(Y/n): *telepathy* Just create mental blocks, we can't attack someone during a match without proof.

Mewtwo: Understood.

Mewtwo does exactly that and both individuals illusions disappear, Mewtwo focuses on Flynn using multiple Shadow Ball to keep Flynn at a distance. Back on the mountain, (Y/n) is still pinned under Ryan's trident and is slowly losing Aura because he's trying to stop Ryan choking him out. Blake grows a very worried expression as she wonders...

Blake: What's he trying to do? Kill him?

(Y/n) keeps trying to push Ryan off, but Ryan's putting all his weight on his trident.

Ryan: Just as I thought, you're nothing without your monsters to fight for you.

(Y/n): *to himself* Maybe... he's right. Maybe I am useless without my Poke'mon.

(Y/n) suddenly heard a faint voice in his mind.

Blake: *telepathy* Come on, (Y/n)! Fight!

(Y/n): *telepathy* B-Blake?

The view returns to the field as Oobleck states over the intercom.

Oobleck: *voice-over* Well folks, it looks like this is the end of the road for young (Y/n).

Mewtwo tried to fly up and help but Flynn was able to use his Semblance of super speed to hit Mewtwo then bounce off a rock and run across the water before leaping and hitting Mewtwo again and again with his electricity infused wrist blades. (Y/n) then felt the rain dripping on his face, he started to feel empowered by both his low Aura level and the rain. (Y/n)'s eyes finally land back on Ryan, the man has a sadistic grin on his face as he says.

Ryan: After I'm done with you, that raven-haired bitch is mine.

This pushed (Y/n) over the edge and he grabbed the prongs of Ryan's trident and started pushing it off him. Ryan is initially baffled and tries to push back down, but to no avail. (Y/n) then yells at the top of his lungs and finally throws Ryan off him, sending the brute to the edge of the mountain top. (Y/n) stands as Ryan looks back at him, the water on the ground starts swirling around (Y/n) getting faster and faster until he releases another roar-like yell and the water envelops (Y/n) in a shining blue Aura as he feels power growing inside him. Ryan tries to shoot a torrent of water at (Y/n), but he merely backhands it away from him. (Y/n) then rushes at Ryan much faster than he's ever been and knees Ryan in the head. The view changes suddenly, to the office box and focuses of Professor Port as he says.

Port: Ho oh! Alright, it looks like (Y/n) isn't out of the match yet!

The view then changes to Blake cheering hard in the stands.

Blake: Yeah! Go (Y/n)!

The camera then switches to Cinder and Emerald.

Cinder: Why is he winning?! Are you sure he's seeing what you want him to see?

Emerald: I-I don't know.

Back on the field, Mewtwo manages to get a read on Flynn's movements thanks to it's psychic abilities and uses Psychic to stop Flynn in his tracks and then flops him around like a ragdoll before tossing him to the edge of the ocean part of the stage. It then uses Recover on itself to heal a large bit of it's Aura before Flynn could get back up.

Back on the mountain top, Ryan manages to dodge (Y/n) next leaping downward punch, then turns around and throws his trident and pins (Y/n) to the only rock on the mountain top. He then grabs (Y/n)'s sword and rushes at him ready to chop at (Y/n)'s head. (Y/n) manages to squeeze his head under the trident just before Ryan connects and gets the sword stuck in the rock. (Y/n) then gut punches Ryan sending him tumbling backwards across the mountain top. (Y/n) goes to check on Mewtwo and shouts telepathically.

(Y/n): *telepathy* Ready a Psystrike!

Mewtwo: *telepathy* Time to stop playing around.

Ryan recovers just in time to see (Y/n) hop down the mountain and chases after him after picking up his trident. (Y/n) tackles Flynn from the side, then grabs him by his feet and tosses him into Ryan. Mewtwo had floated into the air and finished Recover which actually managed to allow to recover a bit of his Aura too, he then closed his eyes and focused his mental energy.

The view switched to (Y/n) deflecting a punch from Flynn then dodges to the left and delivers a uppercut to his chin then punches with a right cross sending Flynn flying backwards. (Y/n) then dodes Ryan trident lunge and roundhouses him in his exposed side. Both men recovered and attacked at the same time, to which (Y/n) uses his gauntlets to ignite his fists and first block both their attacks then deflects them upwards before reeling his fists back and punching both his opponents in the face.

Mewtwo opens his eyes and brings his open hands together and creating a bright ball of energy between them.

(Y/n) is seen still deflecting and keeping the attention of both opponents until Mewtwo shouts telepathically.

Mewtwo: *telepathy* (Y/n) Now!

(Y/n) dives into the ocean as their two opponents clash at his previous location, Mewtwo suddenly grew the ball of energy bigger and launched it at the two men. After the smoke started clearing, (Y/n) resurfaced then was picked with Mewtwo's Psychic move and back onto dry land. As the smoke continues to clear both Ryan and Flynn are seen on the ground knocked out, their Aura's are both completely blasted away.

Port: Unbelievable! Young (Y/n) has managed to snatch victory from the jaws for defeat!

Oobleck: (Y/n) (L/n) and his team are this rounds victors!

The crowd cheers loudly as (Y/n) and Mewtwo stand tall on the battlefield.

Timeskip 30 minutes Later

(Y/n) POV

I am sitting in my dorm room after rewarding Mewtwo with a hearty lunch and seeing to Charizard's injury, when I hear a knock at my door. I stand and walk over to the door, I open it and see team RWBY with their Poke'mon in tow. Regardless of me and Blake's argument left us in a wierd position, I let them in and lean against the doorway to the greenhouse and the girls sit in the armchairs and on the bed, while their Poke'mon play on the floor.

Weiss: So, about Mewtwo?

(Y/n): He was the product of illegal genetic experimentation. At first he hated humanity, until me and another kid showed him what humanity could be capable of. We crossed paths many times after that, so, I earned his trust and he start battling with me until I was allowed to catch him if I won a battle against him.

Ruby: Holy schnikes! That battle was awesome!

Yang: I'll admit I was worried for a minute.

Weiss: I just have one question, you seemed to get some sort of power up at the turning point of the fight. What happened?

(Y/n): Honestly, I'm not sure what happened, I was near the end of my Aura when I suddenly felt a surge of strength and power in my muscles, kinda like what happens when Charizard's Blaze ability activates.

Yang: But then you were suddenly faster while in the rain.

Ruby: Like Mega Swampert's Swift Swim ability?

Weiss: Yeah.

Blake: It may be, that you've discovered your Semblance.

Weiss: I was thinking that too. You can mimic the abilities of your Poke'mon.

Ruby: That's so cool!

(Y/n): *looks at Blake* Yeah, it is cool.

Blake looks at me with a somber yet disappointed expression, but I fear there is more pressing concerns than my dating life.

(A/N): Cut! Great work everyone. Take lunch and we'll get back to it.

Hey! All you really wild readers out there! What did you think? Too soon for the legendary Mewtwo?..... Who cares. Have a great reat of your day /night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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