It's Brawl in the Family

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(Y/n) POV

Ruby: Fenris! Use, Fire Spin!

Yang: Scorchimp! Flame Charge!

(Y/n): Copperajah. Knock them back with Power Whip.

Team RWBY wanted to do some training with their Poke'mon while they still had free time. So here we are, Copperajah, the Copperderm Poke'mon, employs Power Whip and swings it's massive trunk knocking back Fenris and Scorchimp. All three took damage but Copperajah took a bit less than the two small fire types.

Blake: Spooky! Nasty Plot!

Weiss: Snowflake! Use Hail!

Snowflake causes a hailstorm in the greenhouse as Spooky powers up it's special attack stat, while Copperajah heals a little thanks to the leftovers item.

(Y/n): Copperajah, use Iron Head!

Copperajah trumpets as it charges forwards through the hail and swings it's head at the team of small poke'mon.

Ruby/Blake: Dodge!

Spooky and Fenris swiftly dodge out of the path of the charging leviathan.

Yang: Scorchimp! Fire Punch!

Scorchimp readies it's fiery attack and waits...

Weiss: Aurora Veil!

Snowflake casts Aurora Veil which reduces incoming damage for her and her allies. Copperajah continues charging for Scorchimp and...

Yang: Now!

Scorchimp ducks under Copperajah's head and uppercuts it in the chin doing some decent damage and stopping Copperajah's attack.

(Y/n): Not bad. What else you got?

Weiss: Snowflake! Blizzard!

Snowflake's attack hit Copperajah but didn't seem to affect it much, or so I thought.

Copperajah: *confused grunt* ?

(Y/n): Huh?

I look down and see Copperajah's feet frozen to the ground.

Ruby/Yang: Flamethower!

Blake: Shadow Ball!

Weiss: Powder Snow!

All four moves hit Copperajah dead on, and create a big cloud of smoke and dust.

Ruby: Yes!

Yang: Nice work, girls.

Weiss: Yes, wonderfully executed.

Blake: How do you like that, Poke'mon Master?

(Y/n): *confidant* Not bad, not bad at all. But, you're all forgetting something.

The smoke clears and Copperajah is still conscious and standing tall like nothing happened.

Ruby: What?!

Yang: Come on, we poured everything we had into that!

(Y/n): Copperajah. Use Rock Slide.

Copperajah uses the move and the resulting, well, Rock Slide, traps all the poke'mon under big heavy boulders.

Weiss: Snowflake!

(Y/n): Alright. I think we'll call this one.

Copperajah helps move the boulders and free the girl's Poke'mon.

(Y/n): You guys are getting good. The bond between you and your Poke'mon is hugely apparant.

Ruby: Yeah. *saddened sigh*

Weiss: We're just...

Blake: We're a bit low on power.

(Y/n): That's why training like this is important. To improve your power, as well as deepening your trust with one another. Eventually, you'll be able to take on any opponent.

Ruby: You think so?

(Y/n): I know so. You are already accomplished fighters, *indicating little poke'mon* they just need to train to your level at your pace.

Yang: Well, you heard him Scorchimp. Let's hit the training room before my next match.

Scorchimp: *pumped up* Monferno!

Weiss: Looks like it's more walks for us.

Snowflake: *happy* Vul!

Ruby: Oh! Fenris and I will walk with you while we play!

Fenris: *excited barks*

Blake: I... actually need to talk to (Y/n) for a moment.

Yang: Uh-oh~ (Y/n), what scandolus act have you commited?

Blake: It's not like that!

Yang: *sarcastic* Oh sure.

Blake: Just go before I make you.

Yang laughs as she follows the others out of my dorm, Blake then locked the door and took deep breath before turning to me.

Blake: So, I want to talk about us.

(Y/n): Meaning?

Blake: I'm... concerned. Ever since I gave you that kiss at the dance, things were good for our romantic relationship, but now ever since we got back from Mountain Glenn and the Vytal Tournament started, it seems to me you've been distancing yourself from me.

I look down with a saddened expression as she continues talking, I know exactly what she's talking about.

Blake: Have I done something wrong? Are you worried that we might be moving too fast?

(Y/n): It's not either of those....

I look up and see Blake's focus completely on me trying to keep her emotions in check.

(Y/n): I've been thinking about what the future might hold for us.

Blake: *confused* How do you mean?

(Y/n): Like... I'm going to figure out what I need to do and I'll finish it, but then.... when the job is done, I might be forced to return to my home world.

Blake's eyes widen in realization then starts thinking to herself.

(Y/n): I'm not questioning our mutual feelings for each other. I guess I'm just scared of the potential heartbreak of having to leave you here to return home.

Blake doesn't respond for several seconds, that felt endless. I was wishing for her to say anything, even angry shouting would be better than this silent torture.

Blake: Then... I guess I'll just have to follow you back to your homeworld.

(Y/n): What?

Blake: You heard me I'm following you no matter where you go.

(Y/n): No. I can't let you do that.

Blake: Why not?

(Y/n): Because you can't!

I rush out of my dorm before she has a chance to respond and make it outside and try to hold back any emotions from surfacing.

(Y/n): I can't tear her away from her home, her friends, her life.

Before I can go out much further, I hear an explosion. I look and follow the sounds of cheering, until I reach the crowd limits and start gently pushing through the crowd. Eventually, I reach the edge of the splash zone of a fight between two adults one is a woman in a white and blue military looking uniform, she almost looks like a older version of Weiss. The other is a man with black hair, red eyes, and wearing a red cape.

Weiss: (Y/n)!

I look to my left and see Weiss and Ruby with Fenris and Snowflake and approach them.

(Y/n): What's going on?

Weiss: Ruby's uncle just came out of nowhere and started attacking my sister.

Ruby: Kick her butt, Uncle Qrow!

Weiss: *scoffs* Teach him respect, Winter!

I watch as the two childish adults fight all over the courtyard and see debris fly everywhere, nearly hitting some of the onlookers.

(Y/n): Someone's going to get hurt.

Qrow lands at one end of the courtyard and Winter lands several meters away from him. Qrow readies to transforms his sword into a scythe and Winter charges for him. I didn't even think, I just jumped in between the two. I close my eyes before Winter's attack connects, but I don't feel the hit but do hear Charizard's familiar roar but he seems in pain. My eyes shoot open and see Winter's ice summons have hit Charizard in the back while he has his arms around me and his wings fully flared. The attack ended and Charizard's Aura flashed across his body indicating it's broken, Charizard collapsing to the ground is enough to finally knock me back to reality.

(Y/n): Charizard!

Ironwood: Schnee!

Goodwitch: Qrow!

I kneel down to Charizard and look him over, Weiss and Ruby join me while Snowflake stands guard and growls at Winter, Fenris does the same except towards Qrow.

Ruby: Is Charizard going to be okay?!

Weiss: Well.... *checks wings as Charizard groans* Yup. He's got a sprained wing, nothing more.

Weiss then grabbed some medicine from her belt pouch and sprays it onto Charizard's wing. Naturally, Charizard whined in pain, I gently rub his head.

(Y/n): I know, bud.

Weiss: One thing's for sure, Charizard will not be participating in the Vytal Tournament.

(Y/n): *pulls out Poke'Ball* Come on, bud. You can rest easier in here.

I tap the Poke'Ball on Charizard's head and he returns to it.

3rd Person POV

Blake was distraught over (Y/n)'s outburst about her not going back to his world with him. Why would he leave her to go back to his world, even though she has professed to loving him more than life itself multiple times.

Meanwhile, having witnessed the fight between Qrow and Winter, Mercury returned to his group dorm and reported what he saw to Cinder.

Cinder: Are yiu sure it was him?

Mercury: Red eyes, big sword, and he reeked of alcohol.

Emerald: If he's here, does that mean Ozpin knows?

Cinder: No. This changes nothing, lets get to the arena for the next round of battles.

In the Team RWBY dorm Ruby and Yang are hanging out with Qrow while showing off their Poke'mon, and Qrow was genuinely intrigued.

Qrow: So, he just gave them to you?

Ruby: Yeah! I mean we had to raise them from their egg stage till they hatched into what you see now.

Qrow: Impressive. And they have powers of some sort?

Ruby: Oh yeah! Fenris is really fast and her attacjs hit hard. Fenris Flamethrower out the window!

Fenris: *excited* Hound! *use flamethrower*

Yang: And Scorchimp is on his way to becoming a great warrior.

Scorchimp shows off by throwing various punches at the air then finishes off with a kick while doing a backflip.

Qrow: Pretty cool kids. How's that dragon that took the hit from the Ice Queen?

Yang: (Y/n)'s Charizard? Well, we've yet to see Charizard lose a fight, it'll take a lot more than some ice Grimm to put out his flames.

Ruby: But I think it's safe to say he won't be battling in the doubles round.

Yang: Speaking of which, his riund is about to start. Wanna watch with us?

Qrow: Sure. I've got some free time.

Ruby: Yes! This is going to be awesome!

Timeskip 30 Minutes Later

The stadium is once again packed to the brim to see another great battle. Even though Blake was still upset with (Y/n), she was still in attendance with the rest of her teammates and friends, with Spooky on her shoulders.

Port: Alright, the day of the Doubles Round of the Vytal Tournament will kick off with our resident Beast Tamer vs Team FRRI of Atlas Academy.

Oobleck: Fighters take to the field.

*Crowd Cheers*

(A/N): And Cut! Great job everyone. Lunch is outside at the picnic tables.

Hey! All you really wild readers out there! Ready for the doubles round? Will You and Blake work out your issues? Well then, stay tuned as the journey continues.

Have a great rest of your day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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