Tidal Wave

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3rd Person POV

Port: *voice over* Alright! Battle begin!

(Y/n): Swanna! Aerial Ace!

Swanna: Swan!

Swanna flaps it's wings hard and launches towards Team SSSN with frightening speed. It flies low to the water to stir it up a small wave as it flies in between the four guys.

Sun: Scatter!

(Y/n): Castform, use Cosmic Power.

In the stands...

Ruby: What does Cosmic Power do?

Weiss: If I remember, it raises the users defensive power.

Blake: He wants Castform to stay in the battle as long as possible.

Back on the field....

Sun bounces off a rock to dodge Swanna's next attack and leaps for (Y/n) with his staff raised above his head, before (Y/n) could react though, Swampert got between them and used Wide Guard to block Sun's attack.

Sun: What?

(Y/n) saw Sun grow a determined expression and guessed his next move.

(Y/n): Swampert! Defend yourself with Power-Up Punch!

Swampert responds and stands on it's hind legs and balls up it's fists. Sun breaks his staff into two nunchucks and starts swinging them around, as he hits the defending Swampert, he shoots fire dust rounds at the Mud Fish Poke'mon.

While the fire didn't do much damage, Swampert was hit with a lot of force, but it manages to power through the attack and send Sun flying back. Swampert then jumps up and hits Sun in the chin, the move also raised it's attack power.

Sage and Scarlett fire at Swampert with ice dust, which unfortunately, locked Swampert in a block of ice.

Port: *voice over* Oh, that doesn't look good for our resident beast tamer.

Blake: But look, Swampert's Aura is still in the green.

Ruby: He's not out of the game yet.

Yang: Go (Y/n)! Whoo!

On the field...

Sun: Neptune! Do something man!

Neptune: *scared* No way man. I ain't hopping on water.

(Y/n): Swanna! Use Steel Wing on Neptune!

Swanna: Swan!

Swanna's wings turn to steel and it flies in and attack Neptune, but Neptune manages to pull himself together and fires electricity Dust from his gun. Swanna dodged the first two but gets hit as she got too close, Neptune takes a breath of relief, but Swanna manages to power through the pain and continue it's attack and hits Neptune in the chin.

Port: *voice over* Oh! And into the drink he goes.

Sun was quick to take advantage of Swanna still trying to fight off the pain and tries to attack it. (Y/n) was quick to respond and blocked Sun's staff with his sword, (Y/n) pushes him off and clicks a button on the hilt and the blade heats up and turns red. Sage was about to join the fight as well but Castform intervened with Hydro Pump then block his counterattack with Protect. Swanna recovered and flee back into the air, (Y/n) glanced at the water but didn't see Neptune resurface.

(Y/n): Swanna! Grab Neptune!

Swanna agreed and dove into the water, before (Y/n) turned back to Sun.

Sun: Thanks.

(Y/n) nods before going on the attack swinging his sword from multiple directions, Sun spun his staff to defend and deflect each strike. Scarlet drew his flintlock pistol and shot at (Y/n), but the shot is deflected by (Y/n)'s swinging blade. Swanna erupts out of the water with Neptune coughing as he comes to, Swanna dropped Neptune on one of the rocky islands.

(Y/n): Swanna! Help Castform! Use Aqua Jet!

Swanna engulfs itself in water and flies straight for Sage, but because the paralysis from Neptune's attack was still affecting it, Swanna was slowed and Sage dodged the Aqua Jet. Sage then swung his enormous sword in a downward strike and slammed Swanna into the ground.

Oobleck: *voice over* Oh dear, the battle looks grim for young (Y/n).

Blake: Come on, (Y/n)! We believe in you!

Charizard: *encouraging ROAR*

Spooky: *feigned interest*

(Y/n) blocked Sun's nunchuck attack and looked at his Poke'mon.

(Y/n): Alright team SSSN. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

(Y/n) yells as he pushes Sun off him.

(Y/n): Castform! Rain Dance!

Castform dodges Sage's next attack and flies up and uses the move. Dark clouds appear in the sky and a raindrop falls on Blake's head.

Blake: *looks up* Rain?

Weiss: This must be Rain Dance, a move that causes a rainstorm to cover the battlefield, it increases the power of water type moves and decreases the power of fire type moves.

The rain starts coming down harder and Castform transforms into it's rainy form.


(Y/n): Swampert!

Swampert's eyes open and it uses it's strength to break out of the block of ice.

Swampert: Swampert!

Port: And Swampert is back in the fray!

The crowd erupts in applause as the rain continues to fall, which got louder as Swanna recovers from the paralysis and flies quickly back into the air.

Yang: How did Swanna recover from that paralysis?

Blake: I think it's Swanna's special ability, Hydration. When it rains it heals from all status conditions.

(Y/n): Swanna! Use Gust!

Swanna flaps it's wings and winds forms in the middle of the water and distracts team SSSN.

(Y/n): Let's do this, Swampert, together!

A braclet with a large gem on (Y/n)'s wrist lights up, then a similar, larger gem appears on Swampert's head in a headpiece ornament also lights up.

(Y/n): Swampert! Mega-Evolve!

Swampert: Swampert! *mega-evolves as light envelops it's body*

Swampert's body grows larger, it's arms thicker, it's fins grow longer and go along it's back. The light explodes off Swampert and it roars for the whole school to hear.

The crowd again explodes in appause as (Y/n) and Swampert stand side by side.

Ruby: Whoa! That's so cool!

Fenris: *excited howl*

Weiss: Impressive indeed.

Yang: Go (Y/n)!

Blake: Whoo!

Sun is the first to try and attack, but...

(Y/n): Swampert. Hammer Arm!

Swampert roars and actually propels forward faster than it was moving before, Sun suddenly see Swampert's imposing figure standing over him and bringing it's arm down. Sun barely manages to dodge and Swampert slams it's arm into the ground, shattering the rock island. When Sun turns around after he recovers, but doesn't see Swampert.

Sun: Where'd he go?

(Y/n): Swanna! Aerial Ace! Castform! Hydro Pump! Corral them!

Sun: Try to keep out of the water! He's trying to finish this!

Neptune: I've got an idea!

Neptune transforms his gun into it's trident form and sticks it into the water and channels electricity into the water.

Neptune: Now Swampert is trapped.

Blake merely slaps her palm to her forehead at the tactic.

Weiss: Neptune! Swampert's a-

She doesn't get a chance to finish as Swampert erupts out of the water with no damage whatsoever.

Neptune: Huh?

(Y/n): Guess I should be nice enough to fill you in. Swampert is a water and ground type, meaning electricity won't hurt it one bit.

Neptune: Aww-

(Y/n): Swampert! Earthquake!

Swampert dived to the ground and slammed it's massive fists in one of the rocky islands. The entire stadium shakes rather violently and manages to destroy the other rocky islands sending team SSSN into the water. Neptune resurfaces and starts freaking out as he splashes around.

Sage: Any bright ideas, team leader?

Sun: Yeah, we need to-

(Y/n): Swanna! Hurricane!

Swanna: *determined* Swan!

Swanna flaps it's wings and the winds start to swirl around, it picks up water the winds speed up, eventually, a huge wind column has formed and trapped team SSSN.

Blake: Here comes the final blow!

(Y/n): Swampert! Jump!

Swampert jumps hard, Castform uses it's Protect for Swampert to use it as a spring board and Swampert jumps even higher and above the column of wind. Team SSSN look up and see Swampert.

(Y/n): Hydro Cannon!

Swampert starts creating a ball of water between it's hands, the ball gets bigger and bigger. Swanna is seen keeping up the Hurricane while Castform keeps the rain coming.

(Y/n): GO!

Swampert: *ROAR of exertion* Swampert!

Swampert fires the massive jet of water right at team SSSN like a water Kamehameha and creates an explosion of water that drenches everyone in the stadium. The camera focuses on Swampert landing next to (Y/n), and Swanna and Castform float down to him. The mist disappears and sees Team SSSN, all of their Auras flash across their bodies. The scene then changes to the office box above the stadium with Port and Oobleck soaked to the bone, as Port says.

Port: *annoyed* Well, that was quite the splash.

Oobleck: *annoyed* Yes. All of Team SSSN's members have had their Auras eliminated. So (Y/n) and his beasts have won this fight.

Regardless of the fact that everyone else in the stadium was bathed in water, every single onlooker erupted in applause. (Y/n) and his Poke'mon take a celebratory victory pose as the crowd cheers. Blake, Yang and Ruby stand with their Poke'mon and cheer loudly right along with them, Weiss... not so much.

After the battle, (Y/n) makes his way back to his dorm's greenhouse with Charizard and Team RWBY, he lets out his Poke'mon on his belt and got them some extra berries for their hard work.

(Y/n): You lot did really well today. Thank you.

Swampert/Swanna/Castform: *appreciated calls*

Ruby: (Y/n)! That was awesome!

Yang: Not bad, buddy.

Blake: That was amazing.

Weiss: I didn't care for the shower at the end though.

(Y/n): Thanks guys. You'll want to be careful if you face me and Charizard in the next round.

Charizard grows much more excited and releases a flamethrower into the sky as sign that he's pumped up.

In the guest dorm, Emerald and her group, Mercury and Cinder are staying in.

Mercury: No way, that "beast tamer's" a total chump! He was making it all up as he went along.

Emerald: Except he was still able to-

Cinder: Enough. Can you two beat him?

Emerald: (Y/n) has nearly 500 Poke'mon at his command, it'll be almost impossible to determine which he will use in the doubles round.

Mercury: Now what?

Cinder: .... We'll use him as a example regardless in the doubles. Put him up against team FRRI, we'll see what happens when the people realize that strangers and monsters cannot be trusted.

(A/N): And Cut! Great take everyone. Lunch is catered today so go eat and we'll get back to it.

Hey! All you really wild readers out there! Enjoying so far? Good. Wanna see what's next? Find out as the journey continues....

Update: I am working on all of my unfinished books from here on out so it might be random which one gets updated next. So, stay tuned. As always, have a wonderful day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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