Round One

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3rd Person POV

Crowds are cheering in Amity Colosseum, visitors from all over the world. In the field of volcanic earth and icy glaciers below, Ruby fires and swings her Crescent Rose at an off-screen target as Blake exchanges blows with Reese Chloris, the blades of her Gambol Shroud colliding with the hoverboard of her opponent until she flips away, readies herself, and charges in again. Behind her, Weiss waves her Myrtenastor as the sound of her mystical power is heard, and finally, Yang dodges the explosive force of Arslan Atlan's fist before returning fire with her Ember Celica.

High above the action, two familiar teachers are in the sportscaster's desk with a microphone between them and the holographic image of the four kingdoms' united as one.

Port: Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor?

Oobleck: *annoyed* Doctor. *brightens up excitedly again* And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen in the four-on-four round of the tournament.

Port: For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from Amity Colosseum! *he waves his arm to gesture at the entire event from his place on the gigantic screen over the crowds*

As the teachers go over the rules of the tournament, the camera pulls out then focuses on (Y/n) in the stands wanting to watch the tournament, but, uhhh....

Scorchimp: *indistinct angry monkey screeches*

(Y/n): Ah! *grabs Scorchimp by the collar* No you don't!

Fenris: *excited barking*

Fenris starts to run but (Y/n) is quick to pick her up under his arm.

(Y/n): No! Get back here!

Snowflake: *scared* Vulpix!

Snaowflake was startled by the sudden cheer from the crowd and started to fall from the backseat of the stadium chair she was sitting on, but (Y/n) caught her by extending his left leg.

(Y/n): Got you.

Now (Y/n) is just trying to keep his balance....

(Y/n): Whew.

Spooky: Purr?

(Y/n) looks down and sees Spooky looking at his right foot then looks back at him with a devious grin.

(Y/n): *grows scared* Spooky. Please? No. Please, don't-

Spooky exposes his claws and latches onto (Y/n) leg..


The camera goes back to the battlefield, where Reese steers her hoverboard through the ice. She twirls herself until the board gets launched at Blake, but she's able to knock it away, only for Reese to direct it back to her opponent. Blake blocks it again, but the board rotates back to it'a wielder just in time to defend Reese as Blake delivers several slashes and kicks. Reese deflects each attack and spins her weapon around until she can flip away and ride it again, rushing towards a smirking Blake. She collides with the frozen shadow clone, and Blake uses this opportunity to slice the board in half, only for the two halves to become two katars, that in turn fold up into bayonet-bladed revolvers. Reese manages to fire pff a few green rounds before her tailbone collides painfully on the cold ground, Blake winces with sympathy.

The battle continues with Team RWBY pulling a clean sweep victory over team ABRN of Haven Academy.

Ruby: WE DID IIIIII- is anyone else starving?

The background has changed from the arena to the festival fairgrounds.

Blake: I may have worked up an appetite. *stomach growls loudly*

Weiss: *sarcastic* Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food here. *view zooms out to show the myriad of tents and small shops wreathed in colorful flags in a latge forest clearing as people mill about to experience it all* Oh, wait.

Yatsuhashi can be seen flexing in front of two girls nearby. A pair Atlesian Knight-200's on patrol walk past the girls as they talk.

Ruby: *taking Weiss' shoulder* It's okay, Weiss, I forget about the fairgrounds too.

Weiss: *knocking Ruby's arm away* I was being facetious?

Ruby: *freaks out* Gah! Well, if you were so hungry, why didn't you say so?!

Yang: Anyone seen (Y/n)?

Weiss: I told him to meet us here directly after the match. I don't like waiting.

Blake: Take it easy Weiss. We did ask him to watch our Poke'mon since we weren't allowed to participate with them in the tournament. You know how the little ones get.

Weiss: *scoffs* Snowflake is a proper lady, she wouldn't cause any sort of trouble!

(Y/n): Snowflake, get down from there!

The girls look as (Y/n) is seen trying to juggle Fenris, Scorchimp and Spooky while he reaches for Snowflake who had climbed on top of a tent.

Yang: You were saying, Weiss?

Weiss: Uhm..

(Y/n): *starts losing balance* Oh no! No, no, no! No! NOOOOO!

(Y/n) finally trips and falls over tossing the three Poke'mon in his arms crashing into the tent next to him, which happened to be the one Snowflake was standing on. This causes all four Poke'mon to be bounced into the air, (Y/n) recovers and looks up at the falling Poke'mon.

(Y/n): Oh no.

He's quick to stand and unknowingly runs towards the girls while he catches each one.

(Y/n): *catches Fenris* Got you. *catches Snowflake* Got you. *catches Scorchimp* Got you. *looks at Spooky* Come here.

(Y/n) leaps while extending his right arm like a football player reaching for the ball, he finally grabs Spooky, crashes and rolls across the ground until his back to hit a large rock causing a crack to develop on it from top to bottom.

(Y/n): *raises Poke'mon above head* Who's missing kids?

Yang and Ruby burst into laughter as the four poke'mon hop down and run to their human partners. Scorchimp and Yang fist bump then high five to greet each other. Ruby is tackled by Fenris and laughs as she licks her face. Weiss catches Snowflake and starts gently stroking her fluffy head. Blake first catches Spooky as he curls up in her arms, before she checks on poor (Y/n).

Blake: You okay there, Sweetness?

(Y/n): Yup, dealt with hundreds of growing Poke'mon. This is nothing.

Blake: You sure?

(Y/n): Piece of cake. You should've seen Charizard after he evolved, he straight up attacked me and burned me with Flamethrower all the time.

Blake: Where is he anyway?

(Y/n): I don't-

Charizard: *loud growl*

Charizard comes flying down to the ground and lands next to (Y/n).

(Y/n): Sure now you show up.

Charizard: *playfully yawns*

(Y/n): Uh-huh, sure you did. *sighs* I'm hungry. Anyone else hungry?

Ruby: Oh! *raises hand* I am! Pick me! Me, me, me!

Blake: I think we're all a little hungry.

Yang: I know just the place. Come on.

Emerald: Gonna be a little hard to eat without any money.

All our heroes turn to see someone holding Ruby's wallet, Ruby frantically feels her pockets.

Ruby: No, no, no!

Emerald: *laughs* Good to see you, Ruby.

Ruby: Guess I dropped it. Lady pockets are the worst.

Yang: What's up, Em?

Emerald: Just left the stadium after seeing your amazing fight. You guys ruled out there!

Ruby: Oh stop it.

Blake: I heard your team made it through round 1. How do you think you did?

Emerald: *looks up then back at the team* Really good.

Emerald then spots all the little Poke'mon and grows a small blush on her face.

Emerald: I didn't see these guys during the fight.

Weiss: We were told we couldn't compete with them because then that'd be eight vs four.

Emerald: Yeah, their cuteness alone would've sealed you victory sooner.

Weiss: Right?

She tries to approach but while Fenris happily let Emerald pet her head, Snowflake hid behind Weiss' legs, Spooky climbed on top of Blake's head and Scorchimp feigned a dis-interested expression.

Blake: Strange. They don't normally act like this. Spooky is usually super chill.

(Y/n): Tell that to my leg.

Yang: Sorry, it may just be they're not used to you yet.

Emerald: It's alright. I would be wary of strangers too if I were them.

Emerald then hears a low growl and looks behind (Y/n) and see Charizard with his wings slightly flared.

Emerald: Whoa. *raises hands in defense* Message recieved, dragon.

(Y/n): He's alright. He's not as scary as he looks. Despite appearances he's not actually a dragon type.

Weiss: Wow! Really?

(Y/n): Check it out. *pulls out Poke'Dex*

Poke'Dex: Charizard. The Flame Poke'mon. A fire and flying type. The flame on Charizard's tail grows as it's internal flame becomes more intense during battle. This also occurs when it is angry.

Yang: Well, who would've thunk.

Emerald: That's pretty cool.

(Y/n): Thanks. Would your team care to join us for a victory lunch?

Emerald: Oh. I'd love to but my teammates are a bit.... socially awkward.

(Y/n): Got it.

Ruby: Too bad. Well, wish you luck in the rest of the tournament.

Emerald: Oh, did you guys decide which team members you're going to send to the doubles round?

Ruby: Well, as team leader I thought long and hard about this decision.

Weiss: We put it to a vote.

Ruby: I decided to put it to a vote and we elected Yang and Weiss to go to the doubles round.

Emerald: Really?

Weiss: I would be honored to represent Team RWBY. *curtsying*

Yang: Yeah, we're going to kick some butt! *slams her fists together*

Scorchimp imitates Yang but some fire spark from his fists, and Snowflake bows a little to imitate Weiss.

Emerald: Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line, we won't let you win without a fight.

(Y/n): Don't forget, you still have me to potentially contend with as well. My round is next.

Blake: Oh, I'm actually excited about your match.

(Y/n): But first, let's eat!

Emerald: Alright, see you guys later.

Emerald walks away and our heroes follow Yang through the grounds. A pink haired girl with a beanie walks by a hut with several posters, inside one man holds a cup. At another one of the unassuming huts set up on the fairgrounds stringed with paper lanterns with a sign overhead saying A Simple Wok, Team RWBY sit at the stools outside, ready to order while (Y/n) gets Charizard his lunch.

Yang: *speaking to someone off-screen* I'll have a bowl of the regular, please. *a large bowl of noodles slides in front of her*

Ruby: *staring at Yang's bowl* Oohhh... I'll take the same. *same size bowl slides to her, she clasps he hands in excitement*

Weiss: *looking concerned* Do you have anything with low-salt... ? *large bowl of regular noodles instantly slides in front of her* Um.... okay...

Instead of saying anything, Blake simply smirks and nods to the Shopkeep, he returns the gesture before returning with a latge bowl of noodles with topped with fish. Both she and Blake have stars in their eyes and Blake starts to drool a little.

(Y/n): *chuckles* I'll just have the regular, thanks.

As (Y/n)'s bowl slides to him, Weiss pulls out a card and hands it to the Shopkeep. He takes it and dashes away as Yang asks.

Yang: Aw, Weiss, what's the occassion?

Weiss: Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles rounds. *smile disappears as card returns to her like a ninja star*

The camera dashes to the Shopkeep who shows the cash register show a sign the says "Card Declined". This shocks Weiss.

Weiss: What?! How can it be denied? I was barely into my monthly allowance.

Blake starts to slowly try take away her bowl but the Shopkeep dashes and takes her bowl away.

Blake: *whines* Nooooo.

(Y/n): I've got this.

Ruby: You have Lien?

(Y/n): You don't think I've just been sitting on my can since I've been on this rock?

(Y/n) hands over the appropriate amount of Lien to the Shopkeep and everyine got their noodle bowls back.

(Y/n): Keep the change. *to girls* Dig in, everyone.

Everyone starts munching away and while Weiss and Snowflake are eating politely like royalty tend to do, Yang and Ruby are a little more casual. Blake was enjoying the fish and noodles and even let out a few purrs of satisfaction as well.

Yang: *as she finishes swallowing* So,(Y/n)? How will the battle work for you in the tournament? I mean you're not on a team.

(Y/n): Ozpin met with the other Academy Headmasters from across the four kingdoms and allowed me to use my Poke'mon for the first two rounds, then the one v one round I have to take the round by myself.

Weiss: Do you know which Poke'mon you'll be battling with already?

(Y/n): I think I have a pretty good idea.

Ruby: Well, tell us already!

(Y/n): You'll have to watch the fight to find out.

Blake: That's (Y/n), he always a move or two ahead.

Blake affectionately leans against (Y/n)'s shoulder as she giggles.

Yang: *exhale* Love is in the air.

Ruby: *lools up* Where? I only see clouds.

After lunch, Blake sits in the stands with Spooky in her lap, next to her sits Chatizard.

Ruby: Charizard? You aren't battling this round?

Charizard: *disgruntled growl and crosses arms*

Weiss: (Y/n) might have a plan for you later in the tournament when there's more at stake.

Yang: Alright, Scorchimp, let's watch closely so we can come up with some combo move ideas.

Scorchimp: *pumped up* Monferno!

Weiss: Let's watch closely too, Snowflake.

Snowflake: *agreement* Vul!

Ruby: Go (Y/n)!

Then Professor Port comes over the intercom.

Port: Now for those just joining us, this next battle is going to work a little bit differently.

Oobleck: Yes and I, for one, am particularly excited for this bout. It's Beacon's very own Beast Tamer, (Y/n) (L/n) vs Team SSSN from Haven Academy.

Team SSSN take to the field first as the boys, namely Sun and Neptune wave to show off to the crowd.

Yang: Oh boy.

Weiss: Good luck, Neptune!

Blake: You'll be great, (Y/n)!

(Y/n) then takes to the field and stands near the center of the arena and greets the team.

(Y/n): Sun.

Sun: (Y/n).

(Y/n): Listen, after this, no hard feelings?

Sun: *nods* No hard feelings. I was butt hurt about Blake choosing you over me, but I can see the appeal, plus you're a better man than me.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Scarlet: *to Sun and Neptune* This is the guy you two are worried about? Doesn't look like much.

(Y/n): Usually, people's final mistake.

Port: *voice over* And now for the field selection, please, so we can start this match.

Several screens outside the ring start randomizing different images of the elements, until all of them land on a single one.

Oobleck: And it is a purely water battlefield.

Neptune: W-w-water?

Sun: Oh dear.

The arena changes to a ocean like battlefield with small specks of rock jutting out as platforms.

Ruby: Why is water a problem?

Weiss: Neptune is afraid of water.

Port: If (Y/n) will select his partners, please.

(Y/n) looks at the battlefield then thinks about his Poke'mon selection.

(Y/n): Got it. *grabs three Poke'balls* Come on out, everyone!

(Y/n) tosses the three selected Poke'Balls into the air and they open up to reveal the Poke'mon inside.

Castform: Castform!

Swanna: *wings flare* Swan!

Swampert: *lands making a small tidal wave* Swampert!

Ruby: Whoa! I don't think I've seen that Poke'mon before. *indicating Swanna*

Yang: Let's check it out. *pulls out Poke'Dex*

Poke'Dex: Swanna. The White Bird Poke'mon. A Water and Flying type. Despite it's elegant appearance, they can flap their wings strongly and can fly for thousands of miles.

Ruby: Wow, it's really pretty though.

Weiss: What about the powerhouse? *pulls out Poke'Dex*

Poke'Dex: Swampert. The Mud Fish Poke'mon. A Water and Ground type. Swampert is a powerful Poke'mon that can drag even a large ship, as well as inflict critical damage to any enemy with a single blow from it's fists.

Weiss: *amazed* Incredible.

Blake: Hmm, what about you, little guy? *pulls out Poke'Dex*

Poke'Dex: Castform. The Weather Poke'mon. A Normal type. Castform has learned to use the power of nature to protect it's tiny body.

Blake: Doesn't sound very powerful, but (Y/n) wouldn't choose it without a good reason.

Oobleck: *voice over* Yes, the Poke'mon are on the field.

Port: *voice over* Fighters ready?

Both teams ready themselves for the battle to come, (Y/n) activates his armoured gauntlets and draws a double edged longsword from the scabbard on his back.

Port: *voice over* Alright! Battle begin!

(A/N): Here we go, how will Team SSSN fair against your water team? Find out as the journey continues...

Hey, great to be back everyone, hope y'all are ready for a smackdown of a season. I know I am. Have a great rest of your day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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