Forming A More Perfect Union

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3rd Person POV

All our heroes, trainers, gym leaders and their Poke'mon, all charge for the Giant Rock.

Diantha: Everybody head towards the Water Shuriken! That's where Chespie is! We've got to save Chespie first!

As the group gets closer, the Giant Rock sends vines to try and stop them.

Ash: Pikachu! Iron Tail!

Ash's Pikachu leaps forward and cuts through some of the vines.

Alain: Use Flamethrower!

Alain's Charizard flies foward and blasts a Flamethrower at some more vines. Now the two followed by (Y/n) are now running up the vines towards the Giant Rock. More vines thrust towards the group.

Alain/Malva/Blaziken Mask: Use Flamethrower!

Malva's Mega Houndoom, Alain's Charizard, and Blaziken Mask's Mega Blaziken all use the same move to obliterate the charging vines. As more vines show up, they were suddenly attacked by Olympia's Meowstic's Future Sight Move.

Valerie: Moonblast!

Valerie's Spritzee helps Olympia clear the path for our heroes.

(Y/n): Thanks you two!

Valerie is suddenly attacked and wrapped by a vine, (Y/n) turns back worried.

(Y/n): Valerie?!

Valerie: I'll be okay!

Olympia: I'll help here, just save that Chespin!

(Y/n) rejoins Adh and Alain as they continue their charge towards the Giant Rock. (Y/n)'s Charizard X swoops in and uses Flamethrower to keep clearing the vines, Ash's Pikachu and Greninja, and Alain's Charizard help clear vines as well. Greninja is suddenly knocked down but rolls to recover and get onto it's feet. Greninja is about to be attacked by more vines, when Korrina's Mega Lucario jumps to it's defense with it's Bone Rush move.

Ash: Korrina!

Korrina: You and the others go on ahead! We'll take care of this!

Ash: Thanks a lot!

Ash, Alain and (Y/n) run ahead until Mega Lucario is overtaken by the vines and knocked back into Korrina.

Ash: Korrina!

Korrina: *recovers* You guys need to turn around and run!

Ash does just that and rejoins the other two. As they trio keep running, more vines charge for the trainers-*sigh* I'm gonna be saying that a lot this episode, anyways- suddenly, Ramos, astride his Gogoat, jumps in front.

Ramos: Gogoat use Grass Knot!

Gogoat uses the move to grab and weave the vines into a path for Ash, Alain and (Y/n). As the trio run up the path, Ramos and Gogoat are grabbed by more vines.

(Y/n): Ramos!

Ramos: Keep going!

(Y/n) silently curses to himself before keeping up with Ash and Alain. As the three keep running they, and their Poke'mon, are blindsided by even more vines and struggle to get free.

Viola: Solarbeam!

Viola appears hanging from the feet of her Vivillon as it uses Solarbeam to free our heroes. (Y/n) and the other two keep running until more vines rush towards them, until-

Grant: Use Rock Tomb!

Grant's Tyrunt uses said move to create a huge barrier of rock, it does mean the trio will have to climb, but that doesn't stop them.

Viola: Keep going you three!

Viola's is suddenly hit by a vine and sent falling from her Vivillon. Grant jumps to catch her, but then both are wrapped up by vines.

Ash: Grant! Viola! Are you okay!

Grant: Just get past that wall!

Viola: Do it NOW!

Ash and company start climbing the rock barrier. More vines come behind them as the trio climb with their Poke'mon.

Wulfric: Ice Shard! Go!

Wulfric's Mega Abomasnow uses the move and freezes the vines, he then encourages the trio as the climb past him.

Wulfric: Keep going, young ones!

Wulfric and his Mega Abomasnow are suddenly knocked away by more vines.

(Y/n): *to himself* We won't let you down.

The trio finally reach the top of the Rock Tomb wall and look out towards the Giant Rock.

Ash: There it is.

Malva, Professor Sycamore, Steven, Diantha, Clemont and Blaziken Mask all run past our heroes.

Malva: We need to clear a path!

Sycamore: Take care of Chespie!

Diantha: Don't worry! We'll handle it!

Clemont: No doubt!

Malva: Dark Pulse, GO!

Malva's Mega Houndoom uses the move to clear away some incomong vines, Professor Sycamore lands not far away.

Sycamore: Dragon Rush!

Mega Garchomp envelops itself in a blue aura of dragon energy before tackling another wave of vines and manages to barrel through. As Ash, Alain and (Y/n) run past the two are wrapped by vines.

Alain: Professor!

Sycamore: Keep going you three!

Malva: Just go!

Ash: We won't let any of you down. Count on it.

As the trio keep running, the vines now form a kind of shield to block their path, then they are surrounded by vines. Suddenly, a large white glyph appears above them.

Alain: What is that?!

(Y/n) looks around until he spots Weiss sweating from how big she made the glyph. Ruby then whooshes from behind Weiss with her Semblance and flies up and above the glyph. Ruby rematerializes and aims Crescent Rose down at the glyph, (Y/n) smirks knowing what's coming.

(Y/n): Get down!

(Y/n) tackles Ash and Alain to the ground as Ruby shoots three shots from her rifle. When the bullets hit the glyph they are amplified and cause large crystals of ice to appear when they hit the vines. (Y/n) looks up as the glyph disappears and Ruby lands and yells out.

Ruby: Bumblebee!

Blake leaps into the air, draws her sword, transforms it into it Kisurigama form and throws it back towards Yang. Yang grabs the kisurigama and Blake pulls her hard into the air, Blake then spins Yang around in midair for several times before throwing Yang straight at the vines shield. As Yang careens towards the vines, she activates her Semblance and punches with all her might.

Yang: *WARCRY*

Yang easily demolishes the vine shield.

Blake: Keep going, (Y/n)! You can do this!

(Y/n) gets up with Ash and Alain and the trio keep running as Team RWBY and their Poke'mon are surrounded by more vines. Clemont, the Champions and even Team Rocket, who were disguised as the news reporters the whole time helped clear the path for (Y/n), Ash and Alain. The trio follow the final vine up towards the Water Shuriken on the Giant Rock.

Ash: Pikachu, Electro Ball! Greninja, Water Shuriken!

Alain: Charizard, Flamethrower!

(Y/n): Charizard X, Flare Blitz!

All the other trainers give their final push of encouragement, as our heroes Poke'mon unleash their attacks on the Giant Rock!

Everyone: LET'S GO!

The moves smash through the remaining vines and make a large hole in the Giant Rock. The trio of heroes leap into the hole they just created and look around. Alain spots Chespie suspended by crystals.

Alain: Chespie! Hang on!

Alain rushes forward but crystals strut out and block his path.

(Y/n): Alain, you get Chespie. Ash and I will cover as best we can.

Charizard X communicates with Alain's Charizard to take orders from (Y/n) while Alain saves Chespie, Alain's Charizard nods in agreement. Alain runs forward towards Chespie and more crystals emerge and try to block Alain's path again.

Ash: Pikachu, Electro Ball! Greninja, use Cut!

The moves destroy the crystals and Alain keeps running. Back outside, things are not looking good, as the Giant Rock continues it's advance, Serena is desperately trying to protect Bonnie and Mairin from the vines, but one vines rushes at Mairin. Back inside, Alain runs towards more crystals.

(Y/n): Charizards, use Flamethrower!

Both Charizard use the move and manage to make a ledge out of one of the crystals, (Y/n) gets in front of Alain, squats a little and interlocks his hands. Alain understood and leaped onto (Y/n)'s hands, (Y/n) launched up and threw Alain onto the platform. He then leaped from that and stretched out his hand to grab Chespie. When he does, the vines outside just stop moving, and everyone looks at the now dimmed Giant Rock as Greninja leaps out of the hole first with Alain's Charizard carrying Alain and Chespie, while Charizard X carries (Y/n), Ash and Pikachu back towards Mairin. Everyone cheers for them as the trio of heroes fly past.

Yang: I'd call that a victory.

Weiss: Well done, you three!

Ruby: *excited cheer* YAHOOOOOOOOO!

Blake: Good job, (Y/n).

Alain returns Chespie to Mairin, and she hugs him as she breaks down in tears of relief.

Mairin: Chespie, I've got you. *looks up at Alain* Thank you so much!

Alain smiles and nods, soon everyone is reassembled in front of the Giant Rock.

(Y/n): All that's left, is what's right in front of us.

Diantha: Let's all attack together!..... Now!

Everyone's Poke'mon all send out moves at the same time and combine into a giant laser beam of energy, the beam smashes into the Giant Rock knocking it backwards.

Ash: Did it work?

After a few seconds of motionless movement, the Giant Rock suddenly lights up and lifts itself back up screeching loudly. This leaves everyone speechless and in shock.

Blake: No way.

Weiss: That's impossible!

Then (Y/n) notices a figure on top of the Giant Rock and is surprised.

(Y/n): How is that possible?

The figure in question is none other than Lysandre.

Lysandre: Even if you're somehow able to stop me, I will still destroy the world! Count on it.

Ash: Lysandre?! How is he doing this?

Lysandre: The coundown to destruction will not stop!

Lysandre activates the device on his arm and the Giant Rock starts charging up an attack.

(Y/n): Everyone-

Weiss: Behind me!

Weiss steps forward and uses all her Aura and willpower to make the biggest white glyph anyone has ever seen. The Giant Rock fires a large laser and it smashes against Weiss' glyph barrier as she strains to keep it up. (Y/n) tries to think of something, anything. He then feels a nudge on his arm and sees Charizard X.

(Y/n): What is it, bud?

Charizard X grabs (Y/n)'s arm and indicates his Dynamax wristband.

(Y/n): Charizard, we've never tried that. We don't know what it could do to you.

Charizard X did not let this sway him, he nudges the Dynamax band again and growls confidantly at (Y/n). (Y/n) sees the determination in his eyes and finally agrees.

(Y/n): Okay.... Let's try it. We have only one shot at this so let's make it count.

Charizard X: *Roars confindantly*

The Giant Rock's laser finally stops and Weiss starts to slump to the ground in exhaustion, but is caught by Ruby and Blake. The Giant Rock starts moving again.

Ash: It's moving.

Alain: How do we make it stop?

Clemont: Everyone listen to me! The power that's moving it has something to do with the device on Lysandre's arm!

Alain: Then it must be destroyed, NOW!

Ash: That will stop it?

Clemont: We have try anything.

Diantha: We have to give it everything we have left!

(Y/n): That's all I need.

(Y/n) then steps forward.

(Y/n): We've got an idea. Stand back everyone!

Blake sees (Y/n)'s expression and reluctantly agrees and helps herd everyone backwards.

(Y/n): *brandishes Dynamax band* Let's do this Charizard X! Time to Gigantamax!

Charizard X: *ROARS*

(Y/n): Let's show them our full power!

A dark purk cloud appears in the sky with Lightning occassionally streaking across it. (Y/n) activates his Dynamax band and recalls Charizard X to it's Poke'ball, the ball then increases in size. (Y/n) then throws it behind him and Charizard X appears from it and increases to the same size as the Giant Rock.

Gigantamax Charizard X: *ROARS*

Everyone else, including Team RWBY are shocked by what they are witnessing.

Serena: What is that?

Ruby: It's called Dynamaxing, but I thought a Mega Evolved Pok'mon couldn't do this.

Yang: Guess (Y/n) and Charizard are more special than we thought.

Lysandre is both amazed and angry that (Y/n) continues to defy him.

Lysandre: Truly, you are special, but to hide this power? You must've seen the world the same way I did! The unlimited greed of humanity has sent the world spinning into chaos! Why do you continue to fight for humanity? You have no right!

(Y/n): I continue to fight because I still have hope! You have set this world on the way to destruction, and now you shall pay the ultimate price!

Lysandre: I will incinerate you!

The Giant Rock once again fires a laser beam at G-max Charizard X.

(Y/n): G-max Wildfire!

Gigantamax Charizard X: *ROARS!*

The two moves clash and create a hug explosion between them, Blake watches in awe after the light from said explosion dims, she then notices (Y/n) doing looking at her. Lysandre then sends a lot of vines towards G-max Charizard X.

(Y/n): Max Quake!

G-max Charizard X uses the move to rock the Giant Rock around and make it unstable as it reels from the move.

Lysandre: Impudent fool!

Lysandre raised the device on his right arm and got ready for another attack, but then-

Blake: Spooky! Use Dark Pulse, now!

Spooky leaps up into the air and launches his attack, this causes Lysandre to brace himself with his arms, Dark Pulse hits the device and destroys it on the spot.

Lysandre: No! It must be a mistake... All of my meticulous planning was perfect!

(Y/n): I will protect the Poke'mon world! Charizard, Max Wyrmwind! AT FULL POWER!

G-max Charizard X muster all his remaining power and unleashes a massive tornado of draconic energy, the energy starts tearing apart the Giant Rock. Suddenly, a huge green light appears and everyone sees the two Zygarde cores call upon all the cells from across the planet to turn into Zygarde's ultimate form.

Bonnie: Squishy! Go for it!

Zygarde flies high into the air and charges up it's signature move, Core Enforcer, and obliterates Lysandre and the Giant Rock.

After both the G-max Wyrmwind and Core Enforcer moves finish, G-Max Charizard X shrinks back to normal and both he and (Y/n) fall to their knees, but Blake was able to catch (Y/n), while Scorchimp and Yang caught Charizard X. (Y/n) looks up at Blake and see's she beaming with pride.

Blake: At this point, what can't you do? *giggles*

(Y/n) laughes along, and after Squishy says goodbye to Bonnie and cleanses the reddened sky, the sun starts to rise on a brand new day. Everyone congratulates each other and gives a special thanks to (Y/n) and Team RWBY for their help. Our heroes have finally managed to save the world, now they, and everyone else on the planet, can continue pursuing their dreams for a brighter future that we shall face together.

(A/N): And CUT! Great work everybody! We're down to the final stretch and I just want to say thank you all for your hard work and passion for this project. I've left a gift for each of you as a thanks in your trailers.

Hey! All you really wild readers out there! Thank you so much for putting up with my prolonged writing of this, but this felt like too good an opportunity to pass up. Thanks for all your encouragement and support and I hope to bring more stories for you to read soon. Have a great rest of your day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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