Chp.10 Train-Wrecked

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The train then turns around as they quickly avoid (YN) as (YN) stared chasing them...

Mole #1: BRO! We gotta get out of here! What to do?!

Mole #2: BRO LOOK! At the end! A rickety bridge! If we can just make it there in time, the bridge won't be Abel to hold onto (YN) and colapse and causing (YN) to call all the way to the ground!

Mole #1: HEA COMING! Faster! FASTER!!!

The moles then speed up the train as (YN) can barely catch up to the train, he was able to punch the train as it took some damage. The train luckily went through a tunnel for (YN) not to destroy the train...

Mole #2: HA! He can't get in-

The tunnel started to shake as the tunnel collapse and got destroyed as (YN) rages the hell out....

Mole #1: No good bro! Go Go Go!!!!

(YN) then was able to grab the train from the ends and punch it several times as it caused a lot of damage to the train...

Mole #1: WHAT NOW!?!

Mole #2: Release the Choombas!

A door opens as a couple of Choombas, goombas and train look alike, started charging towards (YN) as they explode and hit (YN)...

Mole #1: He let go! Go Now before he gets us again!

The train continues to get away from (YN) as (YN) was able to recover and continue chasing the train. The train then arrive in a green hill as they went in as the hill somehow became alive and grow a pair of arms and legs and eyes with holes...

Mole #2: Let's see how he can handle with this!

The hill charges towards (YN) as (YN) charges to the hill as well, they both collide with each other as (YN) grabs the hill as head butts it, he then swings a powerful punch to the hill and then a drop kick to its face, the hill started to lose a lot of its body parts as (YN) charges for a final blow, he jumps and then Superman punches the hill as the hill was completely destroyed as the moles were to seen...

(YN): YOU THINK A STUPID HILL CAN TAKE ME OUT?! Think again bastards!

Mole #1: MOVE MOVE!!!

The train continues to avoid (YN) as they arrive to a destination where they also arrive to the damage bridge they were talking about...

Mole #1: Alright! Now let's cross it so he can-

Mole #2: BRO LOOK OUT!!!

(YN) then again grabs the train as he started throwing punches at it again...


The Choombas then got out of the train as they head straight to (YN)...

(YN): Not This Time!

(YN) then lifter his leg up and stomped on the Choombas as he continues damaging the train....

Mole #2: BRO! We out of Choombas!

Mole #1: Bro! Tell the others bro's to get their jet packs and bombs ready!

Mole #2: Got it!

As (YN) continues damaging the Train, four moles appeared out of the train as they were holding onto bombs, the four of them throw the bombs to (YN) as one of them hit them in the eye as he let goes of the train...

Mole #1: HURRY UP BROS!!! GET IN!!

The moles then got in the train as they crossed the bridge, as they got to the end of it, the bridge then started to break as it collapse as the bridge was destroyed and no way for (YN) to get to the train...

Mole #1: Alright! It's destroyed!

Mole #2: HAHA! Now (YN) can't get us no more!

(YN) clean his eye until he realizes the train was the other side and the bridge destroyed as the moles got out of the train and started making fun of (YN)...

Mole #2: WHAT NOW BRO! You can't get us anymore!

Mole #1: Yeah! What you gonna do now, Biatch!

(YN): Hehehe..

Mole #2: What's so funny?!

Suddenly, (YN) with a grim face started to back up feets away from the train....

Mole #1: Bro, what's he doing??

Suddenly, the moles realize (YN) running towards them as he then boosts himself with a high jump as he then was able to jump over the dead end valley and make to the moles and the train, the moles realize (YN) falling towards them and the train as well...

Mole #1: BROS!!! RUN!! RUN!!!

All the moles that were in the train got out of it as they all panic and ran away from (YN) as he then lands on the train with a elbow drop, destroying the train as he started stomping on it with anger and punching it, he then picks it up, and then launches it up in mid air as he then charges up his fire and breathes his fire to the train, as the train was melting and burned and the train got destroyed, a face of Fawful then fall in form of (YN) as it gave him a goofy smile to him as he then growls and stomps on it...

(YN): Just you wait Fawful! Once I save peach, I'm going to end you!

The story continues on the next chapter.....

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