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After dealing with the moles, (YN) then started to shrink as he went back to his normal height and was in mid air as he falls down and this time lands on his feet perfectly...

(YN): That'll teach those bastards a lesson.

Starlow then reaches out for (YN)...

Starlow: Feeling better?

(YN): Kinda...those fuckers really know how to get someone angry...

Starlow: Tell me about it. But anyways, you should head over back to your chamber and look for that star cure no?

(YN): Oh right! The star cure! Better go see what the three chumps are up to.

As (YN) started heading towards his chamber. He arrived as Private Goomp, Sergeant Guy and Corporal Paraplonk we're still at the chamber as they got out the sage they were talking about...

Private Goomp: King (YN)! Your okay!

(YN): I'm always okay!

Corporal Paraplonk: Sir, we manage to get the sage out for you so you can put the sage combination to unlock the safe and get the star cure!

(YN): combination...

Sergeant Guy: The sage is right there sir! Ready when you are!

(YN): Right.

(YN) then goes up to the safe as he started starring at it for a while....I say almost a minute...

Private Goomp: Uh...King (YN)?

Sergeant Guy: Is everything okay?

(YN): ...I forgot it.

Corporal Paraplonk: Sir?

(YN): ...the safe combination. I FORGOT IT!!! *Starts hitting his head* NRRRRRRRRRGH!!! Come on you stupid brain! Work! Stop being dumb and remember the damn safe combination! ....Nrgh...damn use...what to do what to do?? AHA! CHIPPY! Come in Chippy!

Starlow: Yellow! Wassup? Looks like you can't remember your safe combination haha.

(YN): HaHa very funny. Listen, I need you to look for the safe combination. I need it now! Go! Find it!

Starlow: ...What? No. I don't like it.

(YN): Don't like what??!

Starlow: Your tone...i don't like it. That haughty commanding tone of yours, I don't like it. Now why don't you find yourself.

(YN): What the-Chippy! This is no time for jokes! Find it!

Starlow: ........

(YN): Nrgh...Chippy, Can you go find it...

Starlow: ........

(YN): *Breathes Im and out* ...Chippy, can you go find the safe combination....pretty please?

Starlow: Okay. That's more like it. Of course I will find it for you. Now, the inside of your head will be very fragile to go, so just be patient and stay totally still.

(YN): ...Fine just go hurry and find it! ....please?

Starlow: Okay Okay. I'm off.

Starlow then tells the bro's...

Starlow: Okay you two...Nobody's get that star cure without the safe combination. So we have no choice but to help (YN) get it. Let's head over to (YN)'s head.

Mario: Let's-A Go!

Luigi: Okey Dokey!

As (YN) waits, Starlow and the bro's head over to (YN)'s head to search the safe combo. As they arrive to his head, the area was filled with book shelf's somehow as the bro's arrived to this one area with a lot of huge shelf's of (YN)'s memories and then standing in front of a huge computer

(YN): Wow, never knew (YN)'s menor banks can be this nice and tidy...

Suddenly a blue molecule look alike then appeared out from the computer as it then scanned Starlow and the bro's. After that it stood quiet for a moment...somehow it was like a guardian of (YN)'s memory banks...

Guardian: ...

Starlow: Uhm...Hi there. We would like the sage combination for (YN) Please?

Suddenly, the guardian started to act crazy as it started to yell....


The guardian then suddenly then repel itself as it suddenly transform to a copy of Mario and Luigi somehow....

Starlow: Wha the?!?

Memory Mario: Database has been breached by a virus!

Memory Luigi: Data backup complete!

Memory Mario: Launch repulse program!

Memory Luigi: Repel Virus!

Memory Mario: Repel Virus!

Memory Luigi: REPEL!

Memory Mario: VIRUS!

Starlow: Guys! We have to stop them! You two know what to do!!

The story continues on the next chapter ...

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