Chp.15 The Search For The Final Star Cure

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After getting out from (YN)'s body for a while, Starlow and the bro's arrive to Toad Town through the orange pipe they're came from before as they head over to Dr.Toadley.

Dr.Toadley: The third and last star a ocean...sandy beach...cliff...that's where the last star cure with the sage is located at.

Starlow: Sandy beach? And Ocean? And a cliff? That's Plack Beach.

Dr.Toadley: Yes indeed. It's near a beach but in a very high area.

Starlow: Im sure we can deal with the last sage. Let's get a move on guys.

Dr.Toadely: Ah but wait. Am I asking you to wait for a sec? Yes I did. Now, before y'all go looking for the last sage, the sage is dwell on a high air thin. If you three remember I am the doctor after all.

Starlow: Dwells on high thin air? Hmm that seems something we can't deal with.

Dr.Toadley: Now, as a doctor. I can't recommenced you three travel in thin air. Now I can permit thin-air travel providing you pass a brief examination. Now, follow me.

Starlow and the bros then follow Dr.Toadley through behind some curtains as they were arrived to a giant machine somehow...

Dr.Toadley: Now, does this machine measure inhalation and exhalation levels? There can be no doubt it does. Now then Mario, would you kindly please step over here?

Mario then blows in the exhale machine. The bars has rose which means good...

Dr.Toadley: Good. Do you have incredible lung control? Yes you do. You should have no trouble staying high alert at high altitudes. Now Luigi, your turn.

Luigi then was his turn to blow in the machine...

Dr.Toadley: Okay then inhale...and exhale.

Luigi blows in the machine that even tried his best to exhale good...

Dr.Toadley: Hmmm...not good...try one more time please?

So Luigi then tried blowing in the machine one more time as he then exhale the ma chu INE as the bars increased high and the machine one started to act crazy and suddenly all the air vents started going haywire...

Nurse Toad: Doctor Code Red! The air vents are going haywire!

Luigi: ?

Dr.Toadley: I see! My breathe inspector's exhaust pipe funnels into the ventilation systems! This machine's malfunction blew up the whole air grid! Anyway, will Luigi have high-altitude problem? No. Should you two head over to Plack beach? Yes! Now go on you two, find the last star cure!

The bro's then head over to find the last star cure at Plack beach. Before they leave. The nurse toad was a having a problem...

Nurse Toad: Birdley! Please calm yourself! Come down from down there! It's just air! You don't need to be so worked up about it!

Birdley: FYI! FYI! Birdley on strike! Birdley overworked!

Nurse Toad: Oh Mario! Luigi! Can you two help me catch Birdley?! He locked the exit of the door and took the key!

Mario and Luigi looked for a way to save Birdley, suddenly Mario had an idea. He looked at a air vent as he put his whole mouth on it and turned himself into a balloon as Luigi was carrying him and float to get Birdley. They got Birdley and jumped back to the nurse toad.

Nurse Toad: Oh thank you Mario and Luigi! Your ballon conditioning was fascinating! No doubt about it. If anything you two are trying to travel on high destinations, I recommend you to try using the ballon conditions. And if I remember, you two are heading to Plack beach, right? If that's the case, then you must go south on Plack beach. As of matter of fact, Birdley Can help you guide you two to the destination you are heading to, right Birdley?

Birdley: Birdley will guide! Birdley will help!

Nurse Toad: Okay you two, take care of Birdley real good and good luck finding the last star cure!

And so, the bro's head over to Plack beach to find the very last star cure. They went in the orange pipe to head back to (YN)'s body and go to a green pipe that will lead them to dimble woods and close enough to get over to Plack beach. As they got to the green pipe, they arrive at dimble woods to head over Plack beach. As they were at dimble woods. They started finding special puzzle blocks for their next new special attack. They started collecting them all. After collecting all of them and running into some trouble dealing with some monsters and a giant wiggler, they have collected all the puzzle pieces as their new special attack was "Snack Basket". As they got their new special attack. They now head over to Plack peach to find the third star cure. As they got to Plack beach. Birdley then said...

Birdley: FYI! FYI! FYI! Cliff is to the west!

The bro's then see a cliff leading to somewhere. So they went to the cliff and realize a humongous cliff that leads a path all the way up there.

Starlow: I guess this is what Dr.Toadley meant on our dwelling in thin air. We gotta be careful on our feet. Let's go you two, the last star cure is ahead.

The bro's then started going up the hill to head to the last star cure. Jumpin and walking to the top of the cliff as they go, taking time to reach on top. After a while, they finally reach to to a path where it leads them to the last star they walk to the path, they walked up to a stance fellow doing a weird pose...

Sage: What's this? The lists of consciousness part, and two figures emerge? Why? Here in this place, Chakron mediates on one nature of all. It is Chakron's special place. And outsiders who disturb the mental peace are not welcome.

Starlow: Sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you for...whatever reason you're doing. But we're for a reason. And that reason is you because we heard you have a star cure. And we really need it.

Sage: You are a very strange being. Popping out of nowhere. Odd.

Starlow: Listen, we got two of the star cures and you have the last one. If you don't give it to us and use all three of them, then the mushroom kid on will fall apart!

Sage: I would have gladly help you, but I am busy at this time. I'm afraid you three have to leave.

Mario: *Italian Language*

Sage: Busy at what? Don't you see? Look up.

The three look at the sky to see some stars somehow...weird...

Mario/Luigi/Starlow: ?

Sage: As you can see, I am busy posing to absorb he waves from the deep parts of outer space. The waves crash upon my mind's shore. I am the mental beach. With the power of outer space upon me, I can do anything. And if you ask, how long I've been posing like this? I have been posing like this for a thousand of years. Thousand years.

Starlow: Woah! A thousand years posing like that?! How come you don't take a break? Everyone needs a break.

Sage: I'm afraid I cannot. After thousand of years posing like this, I cannot move my body no longer. Breaking out of my state of balance will be difficult. A thousand years of posing like this, My body has  been nothing but rhythm of stone. If you three somehow find something or a way to break such impenetrable rhythm, then the star cure will be yours.

Luigi then started tickling and poking the sage...

Sage: No, do not be so childish. Tickling and poking do nothing as you can see. I am not laughing, giggling nor smirking. This balance can only be upset by some sort of POW. Some sort of drastic event.

Mario started slamming his hammer to the ground to shake the ground for the sage to move...

Sage: Nothing. I feel nothing.

Starlow: Wow! So he is ruthless of stone. Mario! Luigi! This sage need a POW! You two do your best and give everything you got!

Story continues on the next chapter....

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