Chp.16 The Final Star Cure

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And so the bro's were going head to head against the final sage holding onto the last star cure. The bro's did everything they got to knock down the sage in order to break his meditation rhythm. They even try using their special attacks on him. But nothing has work. The sage was still standing still not even a single move of his body.

Sage: I feel nothing yet.

Starlow: Dang it. What now?

Mario: Hmmmm

Luigi: Oh yeah!

Starlow: Luigi?

Luigi: *Italian Language*

Mario: Oh yeah!

Starlow: Oh Right! That special attack you guys got from dimble woods! Maybe that can help knock out the sage!

And so the bro's tried their new special attack, the lunch basket as the basket started throwing lots of snacks out of it in the air as Luigi started catching and eating the snacks with his mouth, after the last snack, Luigi suddenly grew bigger and chubby as he then jumped on Mario as Mario started lifting Luigi up, throws Im him in mid air as Luigi then Nelly slams to the ground towards the sage as the sage then started to lose balance and falls down to the ground. After knocking down the sage to the ground. The sage then says...

Sage: ...hmmm. This pose seem to make me feel displease....after a thousand years of posing, I have yet finally fall to the ground. I am sad the fact I will no longer pose how I was before. But glad to lose it as well at the same time.

Mario/Luigi: . . .

Starlow: Hey hand it over! You said if we made you fall and break the rhythm of your pose then you'll give us the star cure! And we did! So hand it over!

Sage: No, I don't feel like handing it over. I feel sad.

Starlow: ARE YOU CRAZY?!? You are a sage! A sage for glob sake! You promise! And you have to keep that promise!

Sage: of matter of fact...I did promise...wait a moment...

The sage started to skooch away as it suddenly falls down...


Suddenly, an object then appeared as it game towards the bro's, it was the last star cure. The green star cure. They have finally got the last one and got all three star cures. Suddenly the sage appeared as well as it then was standing on its arms upside down with a new pose.

Sage: Well what do you know, this new pose pleases me. I like it. I now should assume with this pose for another a thousand years.

Starlow: Alright! We got the last star cure! Now come on you two, let's rush over to toad town and give the star cures to Dr.Toadley!

Sage: Toad Town? That's a very long walk to get over there, maybe I can help you get to toad town fast and quicker.

Starlow: Really How?

Sage: Well, i Can fly you three over to toad town.

Starlow: You can do that?! Cool! Then make us fly over to toad town then!

Sage: Very Well. To begin heading to toad town, your journey starts by gazing upon outer space. But reminder, you cannot look at me, it is no fun to look at my secret.

Starlow and the bros gaze at outer space...

Sage: And go!

Suddenly, the bro's and Starlow disappeared somehow....

Sage: *sighs* another thousand years with a new pose....perfect.

Meanwhile at Toad Town, Mario and Luigi then appeared in the Toad's house as they realizes they got to Toad Town quicker than expected. But it was no time to waste as they started rushing to Dr.Toadley. They got to Dr.Toadley as they hand him over the three star cures.

Starlow: So, what do we do with the three star cures?

Starlow: Silenec! I must focus...

Suddenly, Dr.Toadley made the star cures float onto his hands as he uses his magic to start fusing the star cures. The star cures fused as it then created one big star with all the colors combined together.

Dr.Toadley: Have I done it? Yes I did! I have bonded the three star cures to create one powerful star cure...I call it...THE MIRACLE TOADLEY CURE!

Starlow: ...Miracle Cure. Good name.

Dr.Toadley: miracle toadley cure...

Starlow: So with this, we can be able to destroy the blockade through peach's castle?

Dr.Toadley: That can wait, first we must ask the miracle cure a favor.

Starlow: Huh? Which is what??

Dr.Toadley: CUUURE THE BLORBS!!!!!

The miracle star cure then started to fly out of the office as it started going blorb after blorb as its magic started to heal the toads with the blorbs. All the toads with the blorbs started to shrink and started be cured. The miracle star cure has cured all the blorbs.

Starlow: What...what just happened??

Dr.Toadley: Go outside and see for yourselves I should say. As I must say, the miracle Toadley cure has trounced the blorbs!

Starlow: It cures all the blorbs?!? Yes!

Dr.Toadley: Yes! And is it time for you there to go? Yes! To the final battle!

The miracle cure then arrive with the bro's as they both achieve the miracle star to destroy the blockade at peach's castle.

Starlow: Thank you for every thing Dr.Toadley! We will use the miracle cure right away!

Dr.Toadley: Will the miracle cure destroy the blockade with its magic? It will! Will it be able to destroy the dark star? That, I do not know. The dark Star's darkness is unfathomable....

Starlow: Well, first we'll get to peach's castle, and then we'll use our power to do...something...

Dr.Toadley: You will! Will you guys make it happen? Of course? Why do I ask? Because you two are the Mario brothers! And you two will stop that Fawful guy and destroy the dark star!

Mario/Luigi: YA-HOO!!!

Dr.Toadley: Now before you head over to peach's castle, do I have something for you two for the battle? Yes I do. Is it useful? Will it work? Yes it will. Does my intern have it in front of the desk? Most certainly she does.

So the bro's and Starlow exit to the office s they heard Dr.Toadley's intern...

Nurse Toad: Mr. Mario! Mr. Luigi! This way please!

They head over to the front desk...

Nurse Toad: Hi you guys. Did the doctor told you already?

Starlow: Yeah. I believe you got something from us by him as a gift?

Nurse Toad: I sure do. In fact, he would like you two take this new special attack.

Starlow: Another special attack? Cool! What is it?

Nurse Toad: It's called the mighty meteor. Use it wisely on important battles. Now take it with you and good luck. Please save the kingdom and the princess as well!

Starlow: We won't fail you all! Come on you two! Onto the princess castle!

And so, Starlow and the bro's finally are going to the princess castle and destroy the blockade with the miracle cure to go and save princess peach. As they got to the blockade, the bro's use the miracle cure for its magic to destroy the whole blockade. The miracle cure then blasted a beam of magic towards the blockade a wall of it got destroyed.

Starlow: Alright you two. No backing up! This is it! Let's go and save our princess!

The story continues on the next chapter....

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