Chp.17 Peach's Castle

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And so, the bro's has final entered peach's castle. But realize it was all corrupted and statues were nothing but Fawful statues. So they look for the princess until suddenly, the bro's have spotted the three blue Koopas with shades going somewhere somehow, so they follow them as they realizes a special  block on top of a castle loft. They got to the castle loft as Mario then hits a blue shell that was able for him to hide in the shell and for Luigi to hit the shell towards the block. they hit the special block as the bro's didn't expect not one, but 7 puzzle pieces for their final special attack.

Starlow: Huh, I wonder where the three last puzzle pieces...

???: Hey!

???: Hey!

???: Hey Hey!

Suddenly the blue shell Koopas arrive with the bro's...

Koopa #1: You lot look chipper...Hows the blue shell going? Good right?

Mario: Mhm.

Koopa #1: I would have given you a pass for that, but I then again o realize something mate, that block you just hit, it were right pricey...all those 7 of them puzzle pieces...they were ours...

Koopa #2: Give en back!

Koopa #3: Give em back!

Koopa #1: Shut it you two! ...Nah, we don't want them back, we want something else from you two.

Mario/Luigi: ??

Koopa #1: You see, me n the boys are in very poor lot need to help, hey? How bout you lend us a good old solid and let us bootie some coins aye? For medical purposes, you see my boys over here having stomach aches since we met you two, and you two seem good people, so why not you help me and the boys aye?

Mario: *Italian Language*

Koopa #1: How much? Well then mate I should say...30 coins no less.

Luigi: *Italian Language*

Koopa #1: Say what now mate? 30 coins ain't enough? Wait a tick there. You saying we can get more than 30 coins?

Mario: Mhm.

Luigi: Oh yea.

Koopa #1: Well slap me in the wrist, well then...what do you say, how bout giving us...300 coins? How bout it mate?

Mario our of nowhere then throws a bag of 300 coins....

Koopa #1: Well I'll be! You two are really good people! I appreciate you two helping me n my boys. A lot of thanks. Now to repay you, since you two mate wanting those last 3 puzzles pieces for you new special attack, I know where they can be. There in each locations in this kingdom. One on the bottom left at the gardens, the other at the very middle of the castle entrance, and the last one on the very top left of the castle besides it. Got it?

Mario/Luigi: Oh yeah!

Koopa #1: Alrighty then mates. Boys, get the cash!

The other two Koopas grab the bag of 300 coins...

Koopa #1: Thanks for the coins mate and good luck finding the last 3 pieces. Later mates!

The Koopas then left as Mario and Luigi goes on finding the last 3 puzzle pieces for their final special attack...they head over to the gardens to look for the 1st one. The 1st one was to be seen on top of the bushes as the bro's work together to get it. And so they did as they need two more left. The went to the entrance of the castle for the second one. But it was on top of the castle loft somehow, so the bro's had to climb on top of the castle and get the puzzle piece. And so they did, getting the second puzzle piece as they need one more left. So they head to the left side of the castle to notice the last puzzle piece on top of a castle loft. So they look for a way to get on top of the castle loft by spinning them selfs as whirlwinds to get there. And so, they manage to get the final puzzle piece as they got and a huge their final special attack. The falling star. After achieving their final special attack, they'd realize a path leading to the junk yard. Which can possibly be to search a way to enter the castle to save princess peach.  So they went to the junk yard behind the castle. But sadly, there was no Luther way, everything was just junk and trash.

Starlow: Dang it. No other way, just trash and trash....

???: Muh Muh Muh!!!

Suddenly, they heard a laugh as Midbus, one of Fafwul's chief minion....

Midbus arrive with a hovering pod...

Midbus: You are famous. Red and Green. But as you two know, Thai castle belongs to lord Fawful. You go no further than how far you are. Now listen, dark star, will awake, you two, will sleep! Now you all sleep!

Starlow: What the? Dude, what are you even saying?! Your not making any sense at all!

Midbus: Your face is no sense!

Starlow: WHAT?!! My face doesn't make se-okay you know what?! You're getting on my nerves now! We're here to stop you, And Fawful from awakening the dark star! And to save princess peach as well!

Midbus: Muh Muh Muh! You?! Ha! Not even (YN) can do that! But you, you're much smaller! I can squash you like nothing!

Starlow: Well then bring it on. Show me what you can do.

Midbus: Very well. Try to taste my wrath!

Midbus then takes out a remote as he suddenly started to press buttons as Then a big trash can appeared with robotic legs and arms turned itself into a giant trash can robot...

Midbus: He is out of trash. And you are as well. Most certainly are. I call you trash. You will all be traha with this robot! Now Go! Super Ultra Great Mega Trashy Monster Junker Bot!

Midbus then breaks the remote as the trash can robot started to act crazy and ready to fight...

Midbus: Trash these trash men!

Midbus then leaves...

Starlow: Man! Now we gotta deal with this trash! Come on you two, deal with this trash bot!

The story continues on the next chapter...

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