Chp.18 Taking Out The Trash

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The bro's started to go head to head against Midbus's trash can robot, the robot then started swinging his arms like tornado as it goes after Mario and Luigi, the bro's were fast enough to dodged and avoid the trash can as they were able to stomp on the robot, the robot then started blasting balls of junk from his hands as the bro's started dodging and hitting them with their hammers. After that, the bro's then got the chance to use their new special attack, the mighty meteor, Mario goes to the left side of the robot as Luigi stayed on the right side as they tosses the meteor in mid air, hitting the robot like if it was tennis...after that last hit they received a super mushroom deluxe in cases the bro's are close to death...after that, the robot then points his hand towards Luigi as his hand started inhaling Luigi as he got him and places him inside his trash can body. Mario was alone and had to save his brother. Mario started stomping and hammering the robot in order to save his brother. But it's going to take more than that to save him. The robot then again started swinging his arms towards Mario as he started dodging them and stomped on the robot. Mario then uses his fire flower attack to throw fireballs at the robot...after that he then uses his green shell special attack, kicking the shell towards the robot a lot of times as the robot started to take a bit damage as Luigi then waves at Mario asking for help and to save him...Mario then knows how to take down that robot. He also remembers another new special attack, the falling star, he takes it out as a huge star was above the robot, little stars were to shown besides Mario as Starlow then helps Mario to help him with his aim to throw the little ones to the big star. He started throwing the stars towards the big one as fast as possible to cause enough damage to destroy the robot and saving his brother...after the last throw, there was 13 stars in 5 rows with the big star as they all then started falling towards the robot as the last few stars hit the robot, the robot started to act crazy as Luigi then came out from the robot and was saved, the robot then collapsed to the floor as the robot then was now defeated...

The story continues on the next chapter....

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