Chp.25 The Rise Of Dark (YN)

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After the defeat of the dark star, the dark star then split into four again, but this time into dark clouds as they then leave the airway area...meanwhile with (YN), he was taking a nap next to peach to make sure she wakes up any moment until he realizes something going on with his body, causing him to wake up...

(YN): H-Huh?? What's going on??! Some funny tastes is coming out from my mouth...

Suddenly, several mini dark clouds started to come out from (YN)'s mouth...

(YN): The hell is happening?!?

As all the mini dark clouds appeared, it then started to emerge to one huge dark cloud as it then started to turn into a clone of (YN) himself just like inside his it calls himself...dark (YN)...

(YN): Wh-What the fuck!?!? WHAT IS THAT?!?!

Dark (YN) then turns around and stares at (YN)...

Dark (YN): Your body, I have copied...Your power, I have copied as well...

(YN): NRRGH!! So you think you can just go inside, collect my DNA and be like me so you can cause more trouble and for me to take the blame for which I didn't do! NOT IN MY WATCH PAL!!!

Dark (YN): Not enough...Not power has been drained...I am not...complete...

(YN): What?!? What you mean not enough!?

Dark (YN) then realizes someone behind (YN), peach,, laying there, still unconscious...

Dark (YN): Her...

(YN): Oh No! You keep your fucking hands away from here!

Dark (YN): Move...

(YN): I won't let you!

(YN) then swing a punch to Dark (YN) as dark (YN) somehow manages to strike a punch to (YN)'s face quickly than (YN), sending him crashing to a wall...dark (YN) then approaches to peach as he then started inhaling her as he inhaled her inside his body...

(YN): N-NO!!!

Dark (YN): No...not's not her...

Suddenly, Fafwul's voice was heard...

Fawful: I HAVE POWER! Where is the dark star?!? Fawful has more suction for the rest of its power!

Dark (YN): That voice...yes! I recognize that's the being who has drained half of my power! I must find the being!

Dark (YN) then appeared in front of a blockade that it is blocking as he then destroys it and leaves to look for Fawful...

(YN): H-HEY!!! Come back you motherfuker!!!

(YN) got up as he was hurt pretty bad after that punch fro Dark (YN) and the fight with Midbus...he then realizes having drumsticks with him, so he ate one as his wounds were completely healed up and 100% healed.

(YN): Better.

Starlow then reaches out for (YN)...

Starlow: Wh-What's going on out there?!? Is peach in trouble?!?

(YN): Damn it! Chippy! Since that dark bastard was inside my body, explain to me how he was able to be exactly like me?! He's like a clone of me?!?

Starlow: Oh no...your genetic molecules! Your molecules somehow made the dark star to turn into you! Rather than I call it...Dark (YN)!

(YN): ..Thats a stupid name, pretty cool but dumb but that's not important! That Bastard has peach inhaled in his body!

Starlow: WH-WH-WHAT!?!?!

(YN): The Bastard has peach and Im going to find that fucker!

Starlow: O-O-Okay! Just go and save peach please! Do whatever it takes to save her!!

(YN) then sets off to look for dark (YN) as he leaves the room...he started running as quick as possible to look for dark (YN), after minutes of running and searching for dark (YN), he arrive to the entrance of the castle as he goes to peach's thrown and realizes Fawful was there, looking for something, he then enters to a room as (YN) follows him...he The arrives to a room where he remembers when he first came here where peach had a netting for the case of the blorbs...and then, there was Fawful...looking diferente with dark clothes, and the device on his head before to use to suck half of the dark stars magic...

Fawful: Where are you dark star?! Fawful needs your full power?!! I can just taste its magic power! So delicious!

(YN): YOU!!!!

Fawful: Fawful hates your timing!


Fawful: I am not ugly...I am Lord Fawful! Soon to be ruling the world! You see...I have see, you are underestimating Fawful, who has the suction machine to drain the dark power! But Fawful only got half of its power, but I am thinking enough to KO you, the king of stupid! You have gotten to Fafwul's way at each of the turn...just like the tow brothers, the red and green mustaches..I hate your faces so much!

(YN): NRRGH! Don't lump me with Mario and Green Stache!

Fawful: But...Now...Fawful says your farewells to all your fink-rat faces forever! (YN)! Meet...FURY OF FAFWUL!!!!

Fafwul's suction machine turn into a jet pack as Fafwul started to float in mid air, laughing...


(YN): Oh I'm going to enjoy beating you up pal! COME AT ME!!!!

The story continues on the next chapter...

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