Chp.26 Fawful's Fury Battle

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And so finally, (YN) gets the chance to get his hands on Fafwul before looking for dark (YN)...Fafwul started floating onto his suction machine jet pack as it then grabs onto the ceiling...Fawful started swinging around towards (YN) as (YN) was punching Fawful like a punching bag...

(YN)'s Mind: What is up with this freak? He's just letting me punching him and not bothered to block or dodge...

After that Fafwul stopped swinging as the suction machine then floats in the air as it then somehow started bowing dark dust to Fafwul, which made Fafwul heal up his wounds...

(YN): ...I see.

Fafwul: Fafwul has healing!!! With this suction machine it will heal me every time you hurt me!

(YN)'s Mind: Looks like I have to destroy that suction machine first!

After healing, Fawful then takes out his ray gun as he then started shootings beams of dark stars. They were quick though, (YN) started dodging them as a red star goes after him and then was fast enough to punch it. After that, Fafwul floats in the air as it then creates several black holes around (YN) and himself as he started launching dark beams to each hole towards (YN), (YN) started dodging them and punching then quick enough to not get hit but suddenly, Fawful started shooting the dark beams quicker as (YN) couldn't keep up and got hit with a few beams, (YN) started to fall down into one knee as Fafwul then takes out his ray gun and started shooting beams of dark stars again as it hit some to (YN)...

(YN): D-D-Damn it...

Fafwul: HAHAHAHA!! You are weak! Most weak! I, Lord Fafwul knew the dark power is no match for you! And there's no way to stop me! Once I end you pathetic life, I will completely myself with all the dark power and rule the world!!!!

(YN) suddenly realizes the suction machine was floating in mid air as Fafwul doesn't realize rather than laugh...

(YN): Come here!!

Fawful: Huh???

(YN) jumps in mid air as he was able to grab and catch the suction machine as he lands on the ground with it...

(YN): You know, it would be pretty shame of me if I break it into pieces.

Fafwul: F-F-Fafwul won't like that...p-please give it to me...I-it's important to Fafwul....

(YN): Not anymore!

(YN) then started punching the suction machine into pieces as he then started ripping it in half as the machine completely exploded, after that, (YN) turns around and stares at Fafwul as Fafwul somehow nervously started shaking...

Fafwul: F-Fafwul....takes it back??!

(YN): Take it back!?! TAKE IT BACK!?!? Damn it your so annoying! I just wanna...wanna...

Suddenly (YN)'s body stared to fuel with steam as it was red somehow as he increase his rage mode...


(YN) angrily charges to Fafwul....

Fawful: ....oh poop....

(YN) grabs Fafwul's face as he slams him to the ground, picking him up as he throws him towards a wall, charges at him again and started rapid punching him several times as he then grabs Fafwul's leg and started slamming him to the ground several times, tosses him in the air as he jumps with him, axe hands him towards the floor, landing on top of Fafwul as Fafwul spat out blood, (YN) again grabs Fafwul as he jumps with him, places him towards his gut as he falls straight to the ground as he belly slams Fafwul to the ground, causing an huge impact.....after that, (YN) got up to see Fafwul all bruised up and blood coming from his mouth....

(YN): Heh, and here I thought you were actually tough...but you're not...words won't make me feel weak...why?! Cause I'm king fucking (YN)!!

The story continues on the next chapter....

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