Chapter Five

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We had been living in the town for about a week now, everyone was getting along thankfully. Most of us had gotten jobs in some little way, I on the other hand was one who didn't exactly have any special traits aside from my kindness. There was an orphanage not too far away that caught my attention but I held off on it for a bit, after hours of debating I grabbed my resume as they called it and headed out the front door. Most were out working already and I couldn't help but feel anxious, if they found out what I actually was I wouldn't be able to hide my fear of what they would do. Taking a deep breath I continued to walk down the street towards the large orphanage, upon arriving at the doors I gently knocked and waited. I had to lie about my age and my name which hurt more than anything but it needed to be done if we wanted to fit in, the sound of movement inside had my heart pounding in my chest. Taking another deep breath I put on a smile as a nice elderly lady opened the door, her eyes were kind and her smile was sweet.

"Oh hello there miss, I am Mary, I came to apply for the job," I explained, the elderly lady seemed joyful at this as she moved aside to allow me inside. Looking around as we walked I noticed how lovely the place was, there were drawings lining every wall and it made me happy to see.

"So what made you consider the job Miss Mary," the elderly woman questioned as we arrived in a large room, I looked at her and smiled.

"I like helping where I can plus I love giving kids as much of a family as I can," I replied cheerfully, she seemed to like my answer as we arrived in an office. The elderly lady pulled some paper from her desk and handed me a pen, sitting down I began to answer the questions as truthfully as possible.

"I'm Martha by the way Miss Mary," she explained as she shuffled through some other desks, I gave her another smile as I handed back the paper.

"All done," I giggled, this earned yet another smile from the ageing woman.

"Got any kids of your own Miss Mary?" She questioned as she looked over the paper, I shook my head and shrugged.

"As of now no, I'm not sure if I would even be able to, either way if worst come to worst I can always adopt," I replied simply, this earned a sympathetic look from Martha as she stood up again.

"Everything looks in order, anyways your first day of work starts tomorrow at ten in the morning, do try to be on time," She croaked, I nodded as I stood and left. So far fitting in wasn't too hard, at least at the moment it wasn't. With my cheerful mood I began to head home, in the corner of my eye I noticed two rather strange men following me. This caused my soul to start pounding in my chest, walking faster now I kept my head lower but they seemed to speed up when I did. Taking a sharp turn I ran into a dead end and my chest went cold, I turned and was about to leave the dead end until I crashed into the two men who had been following me.

"Look what we have here Frank," one of them chuckled, I backed up and they cornered me.

"It looks like we have a newbie to town, how about we give her a lovely welcome huh Kevin?" The other snickered darkly, as they got closer I felt more and more fear build in my body. The moment one of them tried to grab me I shoved him away, this caused the other one to grab onto my arms and pin them above my head,

"LET ME GO!" I cried out as the other began to slowly tug at my clothes, in pure instinct I kicked out with my legs hitting the other square in the chest shoving him away. This caused the other man to drop me before punching me across the face causing me to hit the wall behind me, now my head was spinning I failed to hear angry shouting ahead of me. A hand reaching towards me caused me to flinch and curl up, when no pain came I blinked tears from my eyes and looked up to see a worried Springtrap crouched next to me.

"Are you alright!?" He questioned as he helped me stand, I nodded but found I couldn't say a thing. We headed home in a rather big hurry, upon entering the house I rushed straight to my room where I slammed the door and collapsed on the bed in a sobbing fit. Shouting could be heard downstairs but I knew Springtrap would be able to handle himself for now, wiping the tears from my eyes I went into the bathroom that was attached to my room and examined my new found bruise. Looking from my bruise to my eyes I noticed one was a faded red, lifting my hand to touch my face I noticed how shaky it was. Nightmarione had begun to stir once more which would explain the somewhat red eye but what it didn't explain was the fact that I had a slight twitch to my movement, shrugging it off I took a deep breath and began to make my way down the stairs.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER SPRINGTRAP!?" I heard Shadow Freddy shout as I slowly entered the main room, everyone went silent and I hid my bruise with my hair.

"He didn't do it...... some strange men who followed me did....." I mumbled, Shadow Freddy gave a final glare at Springtrap before he let out a sigh.

"It's been a long day, everyone get some rest," he finally muttered as we all headed for our rooms, Springtrap guided me to ours as we curled up on the bed. The silence was rather needed as I slowly began to drift off to sleep, tomorrow after my shift I would find those men and make them pay for doing such a thing to me when I was vulnerable and they would feel pain like they had never before felt as I ripped their limbs from their pathetic bodies.

DUN DUN DUUUUHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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