Chapter Six

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I waved goodbye to everyone as I left for the orphanage, I had my goals set today and I was going to complete every last one of them. Heading inside the large wooden doors I found Martha ushering kids towards the cafeteria, I smiled as I watched them jump about and enjoy the life they had. Upon seeing me Martha let out a thankful sigh, I giggled as I approached her.

"I'm getting too old for this job, once you learn everything you need I just might need to retire," Martha joked, I gave her a friendly smile as we entered the cafeteria.

"Alright kids this here is Miss Mary, she is going to take over for me one day after she learns how to take care of all you little rascals," Martha chuckled, the kids seemed weary but they all flashed happy smiles. After they ate Martha showed me where each room was and what times of day the kids ate, I took notes of everything as I didn't want to mess up. Eventually however the day came to an end and I left with a friendly wave before heading out, now that all that was over with I went down an alleyway where sure enough the two men had hid themselves.

"Come back for another beating little miss," the taller one whom I now knew as Frank sneered, I placed my notes on a bin nearby as glared at them. As they began to come closer I smirked slightly, when they got close enough I teleported behind them which confused and startled them. This gave me enough time to shift back to my original form, upon seeing my towering and unnatural form they began to back away.

"What the fuck are you!?" The one I knew as Kevin managed to croak before I grabbed them by the throat and held them above the ground, smirking I gave a rather distorted chuckle.

"I aM yOuR wOrSt NiGhTmArE!" I chuckled before I used my power to tear them both apart, satisfied I shifted back and grabbed my notes thankful that none of the blood managed to get itself on my clothes. Teleporting home I headed to my room rather proud of myself, a few of the others gave my curious looks but I waved them off with a cheerful smile. Heading into the kitchen I looked around at what foods we had, finding a pancake mixture I grabbed a pan and began to make pancakes for purely the sake of something to do. After about ten minutes or so I had made a few pancakes although some had burned I didn't mind, lured by the smell I felt many pairs of eyes watching me.

"Pancakes anyone?" I giggled gesturing to the stack of pancakes on the bench, everyone nodded and rushed in to grab a share. After everyone had eaten I began to wash the plates while softly humming a tune to myself, I felt my cheeks heat up when arms wrapped around my torso as a rather amused Springtrap came to see what I was doing.

"You've been awfully cheerful today," he teased, I chuckled and turned to face him and was greeted with a soft kiss when I did so.

"Higher spirits make for better days," I giggled, I noticed a playful flash in his eyes and knew I was in for a tickle attack.

"Springtrap no......... don't you dare.......... SPRINGTRAP!" I screamed as I broke out laughing at that point as he tickled my ribs, I tried to slap his hands away but I couldn't with how hard it was to breathe behind my laughing. Eventually he stopped his attack and I punched his shoulder playfully, this earned a chuckle from him.

"You are such a bully!" I growled playfully, he chuckled as he pulled me in for a cuddle.

"Just a little bit," He snickered, I rolled my eyes as we headed up the stairs towards our room. Opening the door I headed straight to the bathroom to examine my bruise, upon entering my soul ran cold as I stood facing myself with Nightmare right behind me. Looking around I didn't see him but when I looked in the mirror he stood there with his eyes glowing the red that had always haunted my nightmares, I could faintly hear his laughter in the back of my mind.

"Tik tok goes the clock, they will find out soon, and when they do I'm sad to say it will seal your doom," Came his demonic voice, I felt my chest begin to burn as I stepped backwards crashing into a rack of towels which caused Springtrap to race in. I sat there trembling as he lifted me up and softly rubbed my back, I continued to stare at the mirror unable to get his face from my mind.

"Mari what's wrong!?" Springtrap almost shouted, shaking myself from my daze I looked up at him.

"I saw him Springtrap...." I managed to choke out, this had him confused.

"Saw who!?" He growled, I felt tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I held them in.

"I saw Nightmare...." I rasped out, this caused Springtrap to tense up as we headed towards the bed.

"Just get some rest, your mind is playing tricks on you again don't worry, I will always protect you, he is long dead so he can't hurt you anymore, it's alright," Springtrap soothed, I nodded and cuddled closer to him and took a deep breath. We laid there for a while before I finally felt myself falling asleep, Springtrap was right and Nightmare was long dead. The more days that past the more powerful the storm grew, when it broke there would be little anyone could do to stop it.

I don't know where I am going with this but we shall see pretty soon lmao.

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