Chapter eight

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I began to search for the others ready to attack anything that moved, I had lost sight of golden Freddy and shadow Freddy after throwing them somewhere but I didn't care. Freddy stood facing me his eyes filled with sorrow and fear, from somewhere Nightmares voice sounded.
"Fear only makes her angry," he laughed and went silent, I was about to launch at Freddy when I collapsed. I was in a full twitching spasm, I heard shrieks and shocks screams from somewhere. Freddy and bonnie held me down as I continued to twitch, I noticed golden Freddy limping towards us carrying shadow Freddy who had a massive hole in his torso. I began to black out as they neared, my twitches grew weaker. I saw nightmare burst in an army of endoskeletons behind him, I went unconscious as Springtrap ran at us with his blade in hand.
I awoke in full chains back in the lodge basement, James was sitting just out of reach incase. I sat up one of my eyes still red saying my nightmare wasn't gone, I felt drained of every last bit of power. Nightmare was in chains near me, I almost went crazy seeing him and noticed a smirk on his face. It was then I noticed the blade behind his back, Springtrap was torn apart in the corner, I guessed that he refused to listen and was torn to pieces. James stood seeing me awake, I couldn't speak to warn him of Nightmares blade. He called the others in, I noticed shadow Freddy and golden Freddy weren't with them.
"I didn't think it would work but it has," Freddy muttered, he kept glancing at the entrance and nightmare. I tried to speak again but found I still couldn't, Freddy knelt down just out of reach if I made a lung.
"You will find you can speak because we kind had to half strangle you to calm you down," Freddy explained rubbing the back of his head as if expecting me to try and kill him, I shook my head and he calmed down.
"Guys shadows up," chica yelled from wherever she was, everyone flooded out and I began to sob. It was my fault all this happened and now I couldn't warn them of nightmare and the blade, they came back with shadow Freddy and Golden Freddy limping with the others to help them.
"Marionette?" Shadow whispered, I nodded and his face filled with relief. Immediately I noticed nightmare slowly moving, he moved slow enough to look like he wasn't moving to them but I could see it that he had unchained himself and was readying himself to lung at me. I turned to face him making him stop dead as they looked at him, they seemed very confused as to why I was staring at him. Finally some of the rage returned to give me a voice, everyone backed up as my white eye went purple.
"HE........HAS...........IT!" I managed to screech trying to get free, immediately Nightmare jumped to my side blade in hand.
"You fools are so stupid as to leave the most powerful creature in existence in a room next to the one who fuels my power!" Nightmare laughed, I couldn't bare to go through it again and I noticed something wrong with nightmare. Since I was so weak he was weakened too, I gave a slight nod that seemed to evade Nightmares vision. Everyone pretended to back off scared, he was confused at this so swiftly I teleported my hand out of the chains and grabbed the blade off of him. I then teleported in front of everyone holding the blade my red eye glowing bright, I walked towards him my eyes filled with the want of revenge.
"Not again nightmare you won't put anyone through this anymore!" I shouted at him, using my knife sharp fingers I scratched him across the face. The others chained him up and my eyes glinted with the joy for revenge, I looked at them and they left.
"Wh-what how!?" He stuttered as I knelt before him, his blood red eyes filled with fear as mine filled with hate.
"Not so tough without Springtrap are ya!?" I laughed at him, he began to work his way out of the chains. Using my rage filled powers I threw him across the room, he landed with a thud and I lifted him up curling my hand into a ball as the was in mid air trying to free himself of the untouchable energy. Just at it looked like he gave up he kicked something hard at me, I was launched backwards dropping the knife. He grabbed it quickly and pinned me, I had to use both power and physical strength so that the blade didn't touch me.
"Your a fool marionette! You could join me and we will be unstoppable!" Nightmare laughed, through the amount of effort I was using I could just say the words.
"," I whispered, he lifted the knife and drove it straight through my chest. He then leapt off and vanished, I tried to stand but the amount of pain it was causing me made me collapse. I couldn't screech for help so I threw things at the door, they quickly ran in seeing the knife having stabbed the whole way through me I felt everything getting harm to do. I could barely move as they ripped the knife from my chest, Golden Freddy and shadow Freddy were first by my side using what energy they had to try and heal what damage the blade had done. I felt as though my chest had just been caved in, I felt as though I couldn't control my rage but was in too much pain to care. I began to black out my vision fading fast, last thing I saw was fear spreading across all their faces before everything went black.
Will the marionette die? Or will she live to see another day? Find out when if I will be bothered to write more >:3

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