Chapter seven

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It had been almost three weeks since I had seen the gang, I had given up trying to control my nightmare form. I had attacked everything that came within range of my burning chains, I had killed off ten of the endoskeletons for nightmares entertainment. I almost gave him a scar if it wasn't for Springtrap with his ready blade,  I earned myself a couple extra scars thanks to that deadly blade. My eyes had gone a pale red since last time, it took a while for a nightmare form to become a permanent form. Once my eyes were blood red like nightmares I would never change back, I fought when I had strength to but it was never enough with nightmare using me as an energy source. He had been unable to find the others since they captured me, they checked the lodge repeatedly and had guards there incase they ever went back. I knew they were alive and well thanks to shadow Freddy, I had a small energy connection with him after he had used that needle to calm me all those days ago. I used my nightmare form as a beacon for help, they knew where I was but all I knew was they were ok. Nightmare walked to the edge of my chained area so he was just out of reach teasing me, from the smirk on his face I knew he knew something.
"Guess what marionette they are trying to get in, lets clear them a path shall we," he laughed, I knew he was going to ambush them and I gave a screech as a warning but was silenced by Springtraps blade which drove me to near insanity. When I was free I would be ridding the world of the horrid blade, springtrap eased into the shadows and nightmare sat on his throne. I was going wild I could hardly control the anger within me, hatred directed at everything around me. From the noise I was making they probably thought I was being tormented, if they thought that they were dead wrong. They soon rushed into the room weapons in their hands, James had lived through what I put him through thankfully. Nightmare stood a smirk on his face, he began to walk towards me and from the looks they had on their faces they knew they had little time before I was gone from their grasp.
"Welcome now since your guests why not enjoy the entertainment," Nightmare mused, Springtrap grabbed me once more his blade ready to drive me into complete rage.
"No!" Shadow Freddy shouted, Nightmare turned a smirk on his face.
"Oh so you don't want any entertainment well you have a minute to convince me otherwise," Nightmare laughed, I tried to get away from the blade now fully fighting my nightmare form.
"Nightmare you don't have to do this, power isn't everything, once you have all the power you can dream of you have nothing left," Shadow Freddy explained, Nightmare merely laughed at this.
"You amuse me shadow Freddy, golden Freddy make sure their strapped tight for this," Nightmare shrugged, with great horror I noticed Golden Freddy full nightmare form. From the looks there was no way to bring him back, Springtrap kept me on my knees so I couldn't pull any tricks. I watched in shock as Golden Freddy used some sort of energy to trap them all against the wall, I struggled to get away but Nightmare grabbed me and the blade. He held the blade to my side which held so many scars already, I kept struggling but because of my condition I was weak from fighting.
"Noooo!" They all began yelling trying to convince Nightmare not to but because of this he found it entertaining, he stabbed the whole blade into my side making me screech. He dropped me and left the room everyone left except my friends, I lay writhing on the ground unable to control my nightmare form. I went still for a moment my energy gone and my power full force, I launched up sorrow and rage in my eyes. I tried to hold back but now my form was out of control launching at even Nightmares guard that made sure they stayed in, once they were done with I turned to the others and managed to choke out a few words.
"I-I'm s-sorry," I managed to say before loosing complete control, I teleported behind them and launched them all across the room. I noticed James trying to hide, I made my way slowly towards him wishing this wasn't happening. I launched at him but he dodge out of the way and I hit a wall full force, giving a screech of pain I stumbled back holding my face. It began to shed off the old mask making way for my new more terrifying mask, my whole form began to shed as my nightmare was now released and in full power.
"Marionette control yourself we are your friends remember that!" Shadow Freddy was almost sobbing seeing my new more horrifying form, I heard Nightmare laughing as he watched from his safe place.
"Imma name you Nightmarione, marionette sounds too nice for such a horrifying beast!" Nightmare boasted, I tried to search for him but could find a trace of him. They began to try and corner me, I remembered what the did last time and leapt over their heads. I now towered over them my power driving me crazy, I screeched as Shadow Freddy leapt onto my back and began to find a weak spot. The others began to to this too and it drove me insane, I screeched and flung most of them off except both Freddy's. I grabbed shadow Freddy and looked him dead in the eye, I knew nothing except rage and the thirst for power. I raised my other hand and grabbed his head ready to pull, I screeched as Freddy hit one of my scars making me drop shadow Freddy. Golden Freddy burst through the doors as I flung Freddy off, we circled each other eyes glinting blood red. The others back off and I noticed something different about Golden Freddy, his eyes were slowly fading back to normal and I noticed the others trying to get my weak spots while I was facing Golden Freddy. After realising this I began to float screeching, shadow Freddy launched himself at my pin like feet and began to climb my giant form towards my scars. Golden Freddy took this as a cue to launch at me, I shoved him off forgetting shadow Freddy. Golden Freddy was my target for the moment and he was to die, I teleported behind him stabbing my knife sharp fingers into his back. He began to scream in pain as he slowly transformed back to normal the cuts deeper then they should be, I threw him away and as shadow Freddy stabbed me with some sort of energy I threw him off. My eyes still blood red, and my thirst for power still fully in tact.

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