Chapter one

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Music sounded away it's sweet melody playing forever inside my box, it had been almost fifty years since all the Pizzareas were burned down. I had saved the souls of my children which were now held in glass tubes until I could find them new bodies, I sighed unable to remove my face of it's forever smiling fixture. It was my fault they now had no bodies, I tried to save them all but golden Freddy had been stuck when Springtrap attack me. I made sure Springtrap didn't leave the Pizzarea as it burned down but I didn't know if he lived or not, I couldn't have saved Golden Freddy even if I had tried. Footsteps sounded and I turned my music off, no one ever came into the basement of the house. I hid the tubes in a bag I had with me, I quickly made myself look shut down as the lid of my box lifted.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes eh puppet," came the soft familiar voice of an old security guard, he was around seventy at this point as he was the last guard before the place burned to ashes. I didn't move even to see his face as he pulled me out of the box, he sat me upright on some sort of table and placed the bag carefully next to me.
"What are these? Keeping secrets eh oh well I won't tamper with them," he ensured, I glanced up and saw him smiling. "I knew you were still here," he chuckled, I looked at the tubes as he began to fix me up. I began to move my large pin like fingers that were stiff from how long they went without moving, I turned back to the old security guard. His face told many stories but one he kept secret from everyone, only he knew of me being alive and not some programmed robot that did mans bidding. "Lets see if you can speak eh marionette," he half questioned himself, I tried speaking but it came out as almost a whisper of different words.
"Thank you James," I whispered my voice sounded as though someone were whispering through a stereo, he nodded still smiling.
"Anytime puppet old gal, everyone thinks I burned down the Pizzarea all those years ago, we know the truth that no one shall know," he began still working away fixing up patches and repainting my face, I was thankful he finally came to help me. I looked to the tubes again and gave a sigh, James looked at them and began to rub his chin.
"Well you still haven't told me what those are and you know I can keep secrets old girl," he comforted, I knew I could tell him anything at this point.
"They are the souls of the children," I ushered, he nodded and went to another large box that held scorched fabricated robotic bodies. He began to assemble the bodies of the original four, Freddy, Chica, bonnie and foxy. I floated over to them tracing lines of where things used to be, James grabbed some spare fabric he had and some strong needles.
"Well I best get started in fixing them so the souls don't have to wait no longer," James began working on them, I began to play my music to pass the time. Slowly I began to regain my power, I ran on a powerful energy that nightmare wanted for himself. He was always hunting for me and now I was finally back on my needle thin legs he would begin to search once more, I could tell if he were near as we both shared some of each others energy as when we were created our power had been divided in two and that with it all could destroy everything I had lived to create. James seemed happy to work on Freddy and the others, I shook my head in agony remembering golden Freddy who hadn't been recovered from the ashes of my old home. Now that James was helping me nightmare would stop at nothing to kill him so I would be vulnerable, it was my duty to protect all those around me. After a few hours James stood a smile on his face, Freddy and the others looked like their old selves again. I opened each tube and put the souls in the correct bodies, slowly they began to come to life. They looked confused at first but as their memories flowed back to them each of them looked to me, I stood in front of them happy to not be alone anymore.
"What happened?" Freddy asked still looking around, I knelt down and began to explain.
"Fifty years ago Springtrap set fire to the Pizzarea as you should know, I managed to save your souls before nightmare could get you but...... I wasn't quick enough to save Golden Freddy as Springtrap attacked me while I was trying to help him, but I was driven back to my box with you all held safely in glass tubes, when I finally dared leave my box here we all were in this basement where James began to help about cleaning you up and well it all led to now, I am sorry I have failed to save our home, shadow Freddy has vanished and I am unsure where he has gone but nightmare will be out to get us again be sure of that," I explained, the others all looked at each other as I finished my voice still sounded the same and forever would. They began to move around glitching slightly as some wires were shot and irreplaceable, soon they began to speak with James but I preferred that I was alone to think. With nightmare out to get us again, we were never safe. Not as long as Springtrap was helping him, I gave a sigh and looked out the basement window and saw stars. They shon brightly in the dark sky, I turned away from it and looked to see the others finally pulled themselves together.
"We will help fight nightmare if it comes to it, you won't be alone in this marionette, not after you saved us," Freddy explained, I nodded but a fear began to grow. If nightmare hurt them, I wouldn't be able to bare the pain of watching them suffer.

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