Chapter two

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The sun began to rise and filter into the dark basement, I woke and left my box noticing James looking at a strange piece of paper. Floating over I noticed he was looking at the newest newspaper, fear struck my throats as I noticed the same red eyes of nightmare. The title read Monster Attacks Small Town, I took a step back and James sighed.
"Got you scared too eh, luckily it's not near here but you were right he is after you again," James almost sobbed, I put a hand on his shoulder.
"It is my duty to protect you and the children, he knows your helping us so your not safe even if we left you," I whispered to him, he nodded already knowing this. He began to read the article and not even having to read it I knew nightmare left only a few survivors to strike fear into man kind, it was his favourite game. Fear was always a favourite of his, and by killing off towns he would strike enough fear into man to hunt down those he sought after. Even if it meant destroying those who were innocent, I shook my head to clear it and knew we had to keep this a secret from the others. James hid the newspaper and went upstairs to eat, I walked over to Freddy who was looking out the window.
"We can't leave can we puppet?" Freddy half asked himself, I shook my head and sighed.
"Not yet, if nightmare gets close then we will move but he isn't anywhere near here I am sure of it," I ensured him, he gave me a nod but went silent. I knew he was worried about this but I couldn't watch him live in fear his whole life, if it came down to it I would sacrifice myself for their safety. I went upstairs to see what James house looked like, it was a small lodge thankfully in the woods where we could roam in peace if it we could. Nightmare had me on such and edge I refused any of the gang leaving the house, nightmare would locate us in seconds and would burn the house to hid evidence of that anyone knew of this place. I began to look at the books James had on his shelf, most of them involved mechanic repairs and such but one stood out. It's title read The Good And The Bad, I read the back and as I read word for word it turned out the book was about a demon who wanted power and an angel who wanted peace. I put the book back and went back to exploring the house, I finally came to a door that led to a shed. Inside was James care and other mechanical machines, I fancied his motorbike as its colours were black and silver. Eventually I went back to the basement, Freddy and the gang looked bored already and I couldn't help it. What if they went out and the next day nightmare was setting fire to the house and taking them away from me, Foxy began to pace as usually he ran laps around the Pizzarea but in the cramped basement all he could do was walk. This wouldn't last us long and I gave a sigh, Freddy glanced at me knowing I gave in.
"Fine but only for a little bit and don't go far we can't risk nightmare finding us," I gave in, they all gave a smile and almost crushed each other heading for the door. I followed them using some of my power to hide our location as best I could, they began to climb over fallen trees like actual children exploring this world for the first time. James followed us as it was best we were all together, I watched them run through the trees always staying in sight. The smell of the breeze was refreshing, I floated up into a tall tree to see what else was around us. The leaves flowed softly around my thin body, the sky was so clear it looked like it had been painted blue. I noticed the forest stretched on for miles, this was the perfect place for the children to be. They had lots of places to explore and play, even if they were giant robotic animals they still acted like kids. Even though my face was stuck in a smile I felt happy for once, free of everything and everyone up in the tree. Suddenly something dark began to stir inside me, I looked around my eyes sharp before spotting a purplish black colour moving for the others. I quickly went down to them, they could tell something was up and immediately went for the lodge. James locked the door knowing that if this figure wanted to harm us it would give us a few seconds extra to escape, only when the figure got close to the lodge did I realise who it was.

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