Chapter Five

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"Long time no see...... Puppet..."

Spinning around the flame bursted and vanished at my surprise, I felt both sadness and joy as I looked at the animatronic before me.

"Golden......." I managed to mutter out, the golden bear held no joy but rather a look of curiosity.

"Hmph, don't act so surprised, then again, you did leave me to burn back at the pizzarea," He snarled in disgust, this only made my heart sink.

"Golden you don't understand, Springtrap attacked me and....." I began but he held up a hand and I fell silent, it pained me to see the betrayal in his eyes.

"Oh they told me everything, you were trying to get the beams to collapse on me to hide evidence of your plans, Springtrap attacked you and managed to free me when you fled like the coward you are, they fixed me up and now I help them," Golden Freddy grumbled as he stared directly into my horrified eyes, these lies were lodged in his head and I needed to get them free.

"Listen, they lied to you, I tried to free you but Springtrap attacked me! The others made it out in vials after their bodies were destroyed and...." I tried to explain yet again but this time I was thrown backwards and pinned against a wall, fear began to rise in my chest as fire burned in Golden Freddy's eyes.

"That's the thing Puppet, you try to make sure they STAY with you, you don't give them a chance to go free, me, you, Nightmare and Springtrap don't get that privilege but THEY do!" He roared as he threw me aside, picking myself up I let his words play in his head.

"Nightmare was going to destroy them............. I'm sorry........." I whispered as I allowed myself to be thrown yet again, blow after blow I took without even lifting a finger. Eventually Golden Freddy stopped and stood there with anger and curiosity, lifting myself up I stumbled as my body grew sore.

"You fight not, why is this?" He growled, looking at him I felt myself weakening.

"I fight those who want to destroy things I care for, should I be betrayed, I will fight, but there is one thing I won't fight Golden, and that is my friends and those who trust me," I rasped before collapsing, a shadow looming over me caused me to feel small and frail again like the little girl I was oh so many years ago.

"Get out of here Puppet, go back to the others and tell them what you wish, but, if you ever need me, just give me a shout and I will see what I can do, you are after all an old friend, friends stick together no matter the hardships," Golden whispered as he lifted me up again, looking at him I nodded before I located Shadow Freddy's energy via our special bond we had for so many years I teleported to them. Heaving a cough blood splattered the snow, something was definitely badly bruised for that to happen. Standing up in the cold damp snow I looked around, they were somewhere nearby I just knew it.

"Puppet!?" Came a shocked and relieved voice, turning around I felt relief fill my body as I noticed the gang peek out from the small crack in the cliff where they hid. They all kept their distance but I didn't blame them, seeing them all alive and perfectly fine aside from shock was better than them being broken and right next to me.

"Shadow told us everything, he also said you were nearby a few hours ago but a new presence appeared and you were gone again," Freddy explained, I nodded as I limped through the snow towards the cavern.

"Well...... none of you are going to be too happy with the news I bring," I grunted as I sat down again out of the cold, they all gathered nearby to listen.

"The new presence you felt was........ and old friend of ours........ he rescued me after I managed to escape from Nightmare after he forced my......... form into submission..... anyways he rescued me and well kicked my ass to put simply before he let me go after I told him of what actually happened all those years ago......" I rasped, my chest hurt like crazy after almost breaking every metal bone I had in my body.

"Who was it?" Shadow Freddy murmured from somewhere beside me, I chuckled which hurt like a boulder hitting an already broken leg.

"The one who helped me............... I....... I don't know........" I muttered as my memory grew fuzzy, things began to cloud as I tried to remember what had happened the past day. Looking down I narrowed my eyes as I tried to think, something was messing with my mind and I didn't like it.

"Puppet?" A concerned voice almost right in my face made me jump, tilting my head I looked at them confused by their curiosity and their confusion.

"Huh? What's up?" I rasped aware of the pain in my chest, I would need to fix that later.

"You were telling us who found you," Shadow pressed, rubbing the back of my head I tried to think.

"I'm sorry....... somethings off with my memories......... I remember Nightmare attacking me and letting me go but after that I don't remember anything," I muttered, the only thing that stuck in my mind was the word Gold.

"Odd, you never lose your memories," Shadow commented, I nodded as I settled backwards with a pained hiss.

"Maybe I'm just tired, I used a lot of energy today during that..... incident," I mumbled as I rested my head on the cave wall, the others back off as I closed my eyes and fell into a gentle sleep. Red, purple and blue seemed to haunt my dreams, I knew something was bound to happen and I was going to do everything I could to stop it.

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