Chapter Six

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The sound of birds chirping and the growing feeling of agony in my chest caused me to awaken, sitting up I looked around in the pale dawn to see the others resting peacefully. Words stung my mind and had repeated themselves over and over while I slept, standing up I headed outside into the cool morning air. The soft breeze eased my pain slightly but what happened to cause it escaped me, using my powers I began to float over the snow in a random direction. Something was drawing me closer and closer to whichever place I was going, coming to a stop in a large open clearing my body tensed up and pain flooded my body.


The sound of pained screams filled the air as I sat tied up in those strange chains I had wanted so badly to destroy, he knelt inches away from me with an evil smirk plastered on his face. Fear was all that I could feel as he stood and turned and reached for something that sat dangerously on the metal table nearby, a ripple of pain through my shoulder told me someone had hurt her. He caught onto this and turned, as he began to walk closer I tensed up and closed my eyes preparing for pain but when it never came I opened my eyes and noticed him sitting beside me.

"It is simply sad that you brought me to do this my dear, if only you hadn't done what you did and he wouldn't have allowed me to take over his mind, now it's my turn to break everyone around you, say goodbye to your precious family," he chuckled as he stood again an axe held tightly in his hands, I looked up at him with fear in my eyes as he lifted it high above his head. Suddenly he threw it to the side as he slammed his head agains the wall and fell to his knees beside me, cautiously I managed to reach my hand and touch his face gently. He tensed up a turned to look at me and froze, he seemed to be fighting many battles inside his mind.

"Don't let him control you," I pleaded softly, suddenly his expression changed from one of confusion to one of pure amusement.

"He's long gone Puppet, face it, now where was I? Oh right," he chuckled as he grabbed the axe yet again and stood tall, I could see he was too far gone and I sat there knowing this was my fate. He lifted the axe high and without another thought swung downwards, the last thing I heard were the screams of agony before pain rippled through my body and everything went black.


Looking around I felt my heart begin to race, taking a deep breath I hurried onwards in the direction I had headed in my vision. I marked the clearing in my mind for later as I headed deeper into the forest, the further I went from the others the more my mind felt clearer. I had agreed to Nightmare in the vision for a reason I needed to figure out, after a few minutes of walking I arrived at a large cliff leading down into a valley. Standing there I let myself relax, one day the restless souls of the children would have to go free. The sound of a branch snapping behind me made me spin around, the glimpse of purple eyes made me shiver as I kept myself backed against the ledge.

"I'm going to assume you seen it too," a dark a disused voice sounded from the trees, I nodded slightly as the rotted golden figure of Springtrap emerged from the trees.

"Y-Yes I did," I managed to say, the purple eyes that once held so much evil held nothing.

"You must have triggered something, anyways consider this our only friendly chat Marionette, next time I'm not going to be so nice," he grumbled as he turned and left, standing there shocked I teleported back to the others who were just waking up. A suspicious look from Shadow Freddy was pushed aside as I went deeper into the cave, there must something down here that had caused that vision to start. The deeper I got the heavier the air, eventually I arrived in a dark cavern with the only light being from my small white eyes. With a deep breath I used my power to illuminate the cavern, looking around I noticed broken mine carts littered everywhere but the one thing that drew my attention was an animatronic arm sticking out from under a pile of collapsed boulders. Walking closer I dragged the figure out from under the rubble and leapt back in shock, a large wolf-like animatronic lay lifelessly broken and melted in some way. Picking it up I teleported it back into the main cavern and dropped it, looks of surprise and shock was what I was greeted with.

"What is that!?" Bonnie yelped as he backed away, I shrugged as I crossed my arms as I studied it.

"Not a clue, I was exploring down the cave further and found an abandoned mineshaft where I found this, maybe we could fix it up and keep it as a spare incase something happens to one of your bodies," I suggested, Shadow nodded as both he and James examined it. Heading back outside I looked around the slowly thawing winter forest, spring would be here soon enough which meant plenty of troubled days behind stuck inside the cave while it rained. With a sigh I closed my eyes and leant against the entrance to the cave, the warm morning air was enough to calm my senses. My side didn't hurt so much anymore which I was thankful for and my Nightmare form seemed to marvel at my recovery speed as it sat dormant awaiting Nightmare's call. Due to my thinking I failed to notice a pair of eyes watching me from the forest, the prickly feeling of being watched caused me to stand and look around. Spotting two sky blue eyes made my head begin to pound, blinking a few times I tried to stop the dizzy feeling that overcame me. Using a tree as my support I shook my head gently to try and clear it, something was trying to get into my mind. Inhaling sharply I squeezed my eyes shut, opening them my eyes widened before something hard hit me across the face and everything was sharply turned to black.

A bit shorter than most chapter but meh you guys can live.

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