37. Take Care of One Another

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"Oh my gosh, is that THE Marshmallow?!"

Marsh startled at the sound of the incredulous whisper, and the rushing footsteps, but she wasn't sure why. It happened on most of the Walmart trips they'd ever gone on at least once, occasionally twice or three times. Why should that one be an exception?

Long story short, Marsh suddenly found the nutrition facts on their trail mix very interesting as he came up.

"Hey, excuse me, you are Apple and Marshmallow from Inanimate Insanity, right?"

"We sure are," Apple replied.

"Oh my gosh! I'm a huge fan!" He rummaged around in the backpack on his back, and pulled out a hat with the II logo on it. "See? I even bought this at the reunion!" He stuck it on one of the prongs atop him and grinned.

"Wow, that's super cool! What's your name?"

"I'm Wrench. I-I just can't believe I'm meeting you!" There was a tremor in his voice, which sounded kind. "And that you two shop here!"

"Yep! Not every day, but sometimes. Walmart does have everything, after all!"

Marsh could feel Wrench's eyes rest on her. She read the box more assertively as he remarked, "That's amazing!"

'Not sure how, but... okay.'

"Anyway, I've been watching Inanimate Insanity ever since season one. Marshmallow, you're my favorite contestant."

Marsh finally looked up from the box, and chuckled uneasily. "R-really?"

"Yeah. You're always so cool and hilarious on the repeats. I love how cute you are!"

Marsh had no clue how to respond ('it's so weird hearing it all from a complete stranger'), but luckily she didn't have to, because Apple interjected, "It sounds like the two of us have a lot in common. Like... a lot a lot, because I also think Marshmallow is really amazing! But we have to get the shopping done quick, or we're gonna get caught in the rain. An apple a day, sure, but we don't want to get sick..."

"I'd hate to trouble you like that. Can I please take a pic with you guys real quick, so I know this isn't just a dream?"

Apple looked expectantly at her. Marsh smiled and replied, "Certainly."

"Great. I think I'm too tall to get to the floor, so..." He handed Marsh his phone and picked them up. It was incredibly uncomfy the way that being touched (and picked up by) strangers always was.

And, with a MePhone 8 to take care of, it was even more uncomfy, because those things were way more expensive than the old MePhone 3 she was used to.

'I'm lucky I'm so light that being dropped is hardly a concern.'

"C'mon, Marshmallow! Take the picture! You got this!"

Marsh held the phone out in front of her and angled it upwards until everyone was in the shot. Apple was giving two thumbs up despite the fact that his arm was visibly straining to lift her, comfortable like a true celebrity.

'What pose would Bow do?' she asked herself, then made a peace sign and winked, and took the picture.

Wrench set them down gently and stared in wonder at the picture. "Amazing. Thank you guys so much!" His eyes were bright. "It's such an honor. I'll tag Bow on Instachat so you can have it too. Have a wonderful day, a-and tell my second favorite character Tissues that I said 'hi'!"

He stepped backwards, then walked off, not taking his eyes of them until he changed aisles.

Apple grabbed her hand, still grinning in his direction. As soon as he was out of earshot, she spoke quietly: "Nice dude. ...You okay, Marsh? That was, like, the fifth one."

Marsh sighed.

'If you count the duos who've accosted us so far, isn't it seven?'

"It's to be expected. So many II fans are still in town from the reunion, and they witnessed our relationship being teased out of us. They're obviously going to be curious enough to meet us."

"Yeah. What's witnessed-"

"Watched. As in, they watched it happen."

"Ah." A pause. "But are you okay, though?"

Marsh thought about it for a second before saying, "You know I suck at being a celebrity, but I can't complain. You are doing most the work."

Apple frowned. "We can take a break."

"We should get it over with."

"Are you sure?"


"...Yeah, not convinced." Apple glanced around. Then she snapped her fingers. "Ah-hah!"

In one quick movement, Apple picked up Marsh and pulled her into one of the gaps on the shelf behind them, into the pillowy, blankety recesses within. Apple closed the gap in the display behind her, leaving them in darkness only broken by a few harsh slats of light in there.

Apple hugged her close with both arms. "You don't have to put up a front in here, Marsh. Do ya want to talk about it?"

"Are you serious? On a shelf at Walmart."

"Where else? Nobody will judge you in here. You don't need to be celebrity Marshmallow when the only ones witnessing you are some pillows and me."

Marsh squirmed in Apple's embrace. "I hope you realize this is ridiculous."

"I'm not smart, but it's my job to take care of you." Apple moved a bit closer. "Please make the job a tiny bit easier by telling me how I can make you feel better. A kiss? A hug? A song? Improvisational poetry? Just kidding about that last one. I don't even know what that is..."

Marsh opened her mouth to say something sarcastic, then stopped herself.

'As ridiculous as this whole thing is... I can't discourage her from that goal. She deserves more respect than that...'

Biting down her sarcastic streak, she turned towards her cupped her cheek. "You're doing well. You could tell I was stressed, and removed me from the situation. The pillowy recesses of this Walmart hallway is such a weird place that only your brilliantly, er, creative mind would come up with it."

Marsh could feel Apple's face warm up. "W-what's removed? Or recesses? Or brilliantly?"

"To remove means to take away from, recesses means a deep, hidden place, and brilliantly means very. Or cleverly."

"I love it when you get educational on me, though I dunno about brilliantly," Apple whispered. "...Wait a sec, what's edu-"

"It describes anything that relates to learning," Marsh interrupted.

"Oh, got it. You're so smart!"

On a shelf at Walmart. She was being complimented on a shelf at Walmart. She felt some of the tension in her muscles subsiding at Walmart.

She was being charmed by being complimented by Apple on a shelf at Walmart.

Marsh would have laughed if Apple's feelings weren't so dear to her. Instead it made her blush a little, because go figure, she really was charmed by it.

'Ridiculous or not, she's adorable.'

Apple cleared her throat. "Marsh, if you want, I can do the shopping and you can take a nap or somethin'. I can read our shopping list."

"I'd feel ridiculous sitting here while you shop."

Apple grabbed her hand. "Come on! Don't you trust me? I can take care of this for you, I promise."

"I don't want to get caught here."

"Getting caught is okay. We got caught at the reunion and it all went fine. Come on, Marshmallow, please let me do this for you!"

There was a little desperation in her voice, almost a whine. Marsh stared into her half-lit eyes thoughtfully for a moment before sighing. "...Okay, fine." Apple gasped happily. "Just come back if you need any help."

"You got it!" Apple exclaimed, then wiggled away. There was pep in her movements as she rolled off the shelf, put the pillows back on it to conceal Marsh from view, and rolled the cart quick. It felt even sillier without Apple.

'She seemed so happy. I guess she wasn't lying when she said that taking care of me was something she really liked to do.' She relaxed against the pillow and grinned.

It was a good thing that it was a reciprocal feeling. Marsh giggled softly.

'Maybe the best way to take care of someone might be to just let them take care of you once in a while.'

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